All development within the Home Depot Specific Plan area shall be in accordance with this Specific Plan, which consists of a text and diagrams. The diagrams address land uses, circulation, open space and a wide range of other site-related topics. The text further describes the allowable uses, development regulations, design guidelines and implementation of the project. This Specific Plan was adopted by the City Council of the City of Encinitas by Ordinance No. 93-17, adopted September 22, 1993. The Specific Plan was amended on July 8, 1994 to comply with the project's U.S. Army Corps 404 permit and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Section 7 Consultation. This Specific Plan establishes all development regulations and standards for the Home Depot Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan will only focus on development regulatory procedures which vary from existing procedures. Existing city policies and ordinances apply to development within the Home Depot Specific Plan area unless specifically discussed in this text and graphics. Should there be a conflict between this plan and existing city ordinances, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall prevail. The Specific Plan Overlay designation for this property on the Land Use Policy Map of the City of Encinitas General Plan calls for the preparation of this Specific Plan. The Home Depot Specific Plan shall constitute the zoning standards for all land covered by this Specific Plan. All conditions of this plan are imposed as a condition of approval of the Specific Plan. Procedures required to amend this document are described in Chapter V.
The authority for adoption of the Home Depot Specific Plan originates from the State Government Code Sections 65450-65457, the Land Use Element of the Encinitas General Plan and Section 30.34.010 of the City of Encinitas Municipal Code.
The Home Depot Specific Plan area encompasses a total of approximately 55.4 acres in the north central part of the City of Encinitas. Exhibit I-1 is a vicinity map which illustrates the regional context of the site and locates it within the city. The site is bounded to the north by Olivenhain Road and the City of Carlsbad. Olivenhain Road intersects with El Camino Real to the west, forming the northwest corner of the Specific Plan area. El Camino Real passes along the westerly boundary of the site. El Camino Real and the property on the west side of El Camino Real lie within the unincorporated area of San Diego County and are included in the Encinitas Sphere of Influence.
The southwesterly portion of the site (Planning Area 2) can be reached from El Camino Real via Garden View Road to Starflower Road and Scott Place. The southerly boundary of the site is adjacent to the Garden View Plaza, an office-professional business park to the south and the Highlands at Encinitas, a residential subdivision to the east.
In terms of the Encinitas General Plan, the Home Depot Specific Plan is located within the New Encinitas Community. Current Encinitas, Carlsbad and San Diego County General Plan land use designations in the vicinity of the Specific Plan area are shown on Exhibit I-2. Conformance of the Home Depot Specific Plan with the City of Encinitas General Plan are described in Chapter VI.
The Home Depot Specific Plan area is located on the east side of Green Valley and includes Encinitas Creek, which flows into Batiquitos Lagoon approximately 1.4 miles to the northwest. Encinitas Creek enters the site along the easterly boundary approximately 200 feet south of Olivenhain Road and exits the site at the northwest corner under the El Camino Real bridge just south of the intersection with Olivenhain Road. The drainage area beneath the bridge, which currently operates well below its design capacity due to siltation, will be cleaned of silt and debris as part of initial project development. In recent years the 100-year floodplain within the Specific Plan area has been reduced as a result of the construction of two upstream detention basins. A third upstream detention basin, which may be completed in conjunction with the Olivenhain Road Widening Project, will further reduce the on-site area of the floodplain. The current boundaries of the 100-year floodplain are illustrated by Exhibit I-3. The wetlands area along Encinitas Creek exhibits several vegetation categories including Willow Riparian Woodland, Salt Marsh, Freshwater/Brackish Marsh and disturbed Diegan Sage Scrub.
The southern half of the site consists of westand north-facing hillsides which overlook El Camino Real and Encinitas Creek. The southern hillsides are deeply eroded, moderately steep sandstone slopes covered by chaparral. An existing 150-foot wide SDG&E utility easement enters the site at the southeast corner and exits at about midpoint of the northerly site boundary. Two sets of 230-kilovolt (KV) and one set of 135-KV overhead power lines and a 30-inch underground petroleum transmission line are currently located within this easement. Portions of the lowlands west of the power lines were previously used for a native plants nursery and some areas in the northern portion of the property appear as disturbed fields. Elevations on-site range from approximately 78 feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL) in the floodplain in the northwest corner to about 245 feet above MSL on the hillsides in the southern portion of the property. Exhibit I-4 is a map depicting the topography of the site.
The land to the north of the Specific Plan area, on the north side of Olivenhain Road, is currently vacant and generally in a natural state, but has been approved for development as part of the Arroyo La Costa project in Carlsbad. The land to the immediate east of the Specific Plan area at Olivenhain Road is a 2-acre unimproved City of Encinitas park site. Natural open space easements and a residential subdivision are also located to the east. Recently completed homes on hillsides to the southeast are visible from the lower areas of the site. Further to the west along the southerly boundary, pads have been graded for the Garden View Plaza office-professional development. The land to the west of El Camino Real is largely vacant and is used intermittently for agriculture. There is a roadside flower stand at the corner of Woodley Road. In addition, a single-family residence on a large parcel of land exists on the west side of El Camino Real.
Within the Boundaries of the Specific Plan 14.2 acres or 25 percent of the site consists of slopes exceeding 25 percent grade. The steep slope areas are distributed among the four Specific Plan subareas as follows:
• Planning Area 1 - Home Improvement Center
0.7 acres
• Planning Area 2 - Upland Open Space
11.6 acres
• Planning Area 3 - Wetlands Open Space
0.0 acres
• Planning Area 4 - Commercial-Light Industrial
1.9 acres
Total 14.2 acres
Exhibit I-5 provides a summary analysis of the opportunities and constraints presented by the Specific Plan area. Topics addressed by the exhibit include steep slopes, wetlands, biological habitats, natural drainages, viewsheds and disturbed areas.
The following goals have been established to guide the development of this Specific Plan. All development within the Home Depot Specific Plan area and any future amendments to the Specific Plan shall comply with these eight goals:
An in-depth analysis of soil conditions, slopes, biology, hydrology, noise and viewsheds has been conducted prior to initial design development. All planning efforts should be responsive to the opportunities and constraints presented by the Specific Plan area.
Preserve where feasible, the environmental resources and topographic character of the Specific Plan area.
Provide an open space system which will act as a community amenity, allow for wildlife corridors and incorporate a wetlands restoration and enhancement program along Encinitas Creek.
Implement a comprehensive design program which will guide the aesthetic values of the Home Depot Specific Plan area in terms of landform alteration, wetlands enhancement, landscape architecture and architectural style.
Provide community development standards which will regulate the nature and appearance of all development within the Specific Plan area to meet architectural and aesthetic standards that supplement existing city-wide zoning and development regulations.
Prepare a comprehensive landscape program which incorporates drought tolerant plant species, provides visual continuity throughout each planning area and reduces any adverse effects of grading.
Ensure that all public facilities and services are available to serve the planned development of the Home Depot Specific Plan and meet or exceed applicable city standards and requirements prior to or concurrent with development.
Implement a maintenance program which will ensure the proper care of all common landscape, open space and drainage course areas.
The Home Depot Specific Plan includes approximately 55.4 acres all located within the City of Encinitas. The Specific Plan has been subdivided into four planning areas.
Planning Area 1 is comprised of the 9.7-acre Home Depot home improvement center and garden shop. The one-story Home Depot building has an area of about 102,200 square feet. The floor area of the Garden Center is approximately 27,300 square feet. The parking lot will include a minimum of 531 parking spaces. The drainage system for the Home Depot site incorporates a series of oil/water separators which are designed to capture oils and other deposits from the pavement and other hard surfaces which might otherwise be transported by site runoff into Encinitas Creek. The treated effluent is then routed to a nuisance water treatment wetland area where it is further treated by marsh-type vegetation.
Planning Area 2 consists of 23.9 acres of dedicated open space. The upland habitat area will function as a California gnatcatcher preserve as prescribed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit for Home Depot which was granted after consultation with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Planning Area 3 is the 11.3 acre Encinitas Creek open space area located between the Home Depot site and Olivenhain Road. Planning Area 3 will include high-quality existing wetlands, enhancement of existing degraded wetlands and newly created wetlands as approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit and State Fish & Game 1603 agreement. The Home Depot Grading Plan allows for a borrow site on the southerly portion of the planning area. New wetlands habitat will be created in the borrow site area.
Planning Area 4 includes 10.5 acres in the northeast portion of the Specific Plan area. Potential Planning Area 4 development areas are located between Encinitas Creek and the north-facing slopes to the south and adjacent to Olivenhain Road to the north. Specific development plans are not proposed for this planning area by the Specific Plan. The Specific Plan does provide land use regulations and design guidelines which will be followed when actual development is proposed. Design Review will be required for any future development in Planning Area 4.
The Circulation Plan and Open Space Plan for the Specific Plan area are described in Chapter II.