The Home Depot Landscape Plan illustrated on Exhibit IV-3, includes four landscape zones. The El Camino Real Streetscape Zone extends southerly along El Camino Real from the north end of the Home Depot parking lot to the southwest corner of the Specific Plan area. The Commercial Area Landscape Transition Zone includes the Home Depot parking lot and the area around the Home Depot building and Garden Center. This zone interfaces with chaparral slopes to the south and the wetlands area of Encinitas Creek to the north. The wetlands area includes two zones. The Wetland Zone consists of the existing freshwater/brackish water marsh area and the willow riparian woodlands along the Encinitas Creek drainage. The Wetland Zone is bordered to the northeast and the southwest by the Wetland Restoration Zone. The Wetland Restoration Zone consists primarily of disturbed wetlands which will be revegetated and enhanced as a result of the implementation of the Home Depot Landscape Plan. The Nuisance Water Treatment Wetlands are also located in this zone. The four landscape zones are delineated on Exhibit III-3 in Chapter
El Camino Real Streetscape
Within the right-of-way adjacent to the Home Depot site, the
5-foot wide sidewalk shall be located adjacent to the curb. The 5-foot
wide landscaped parkway shall be improved with street trees, groundcovers
and a permanent irrigation system in order to present an attractive
streetscape edge.
The landscaped set-back located between the right-of-way and
the parking lot ranges in width from 15 feet to 24 feet. The landscaped
setback adjacent to the public right-of-way will consist of berms
a maximum of 3 ft. high with slopes having a maximum gradient of 4:1
and planted with low shrubs, ornamental grasses and trees to screen
views of the parking area.
Trees are to be a combination of deciduous and broad-leaf evergreen
species, and the mix is to be weighted with a slightly higher proportion
of deciduous trees closer to the creek. Trees are to be planted in
informal groupings. The minimum number of trees will be equal to the
required number of trees if planted at an average of 40 ft. spacings
along the street frontage.
Groundcovers within the parkway and landscaped set-back area
are to consist of a combination of native groundcovers and grasses.
Portions of the sidewalk south of the Home Depot site will be adjacent
to a cut slope resulting from the widening of El Camino Real. These
3:1 graded slopes will be planted with drought-tolerant plant material
identified in the Zone Six planting palette.
The streetscape treatment adjacent to the Home Depot
is shown on Exhibit IV-4.
A landscaped parkway is desirable along El Camino Real. However,
south of the Home Depot site, the steep slope conditions preclude
the addition of a parkway. Instead, a five foot wide sidewalk lies
adjacent to the curb, and on the east side of the sidewalk, the slopes
shall be planted with native chaparral species where grading occurs.
Areas that will be graded and planted adjacent to the natural open
space zone shall have temporary irrigation systems installed to assist
plant establishment. The streetscape treatment for the area south
of the Home Depot is illustrated by Exhibit IV-5.
Parking Lot
Ornamental flowering trees are to be aligned along the main
circulation areas to provide a defined entry theme. Throughout the
parking lot, trees are to be planted in planting areas with a minimum
interior width of four feet, and surrounded with a six inch concrete
curb. Groundcovers (identified in the plant palette for Zone Three)
are to be planted beneath all trees. All planting areas are to be
The Home Depot parking lot is to be planted with canopy trees,
with a minimum of one 24-inch box tree for every six parking spaces,
distributed throughout the parking area, as required to meet the City
of Encinitas Zoning Ordinance. In addition to the parking lot trees
landscaped parking lot islands and landscaped borders around the parking
areas provide a total parking lot landscaped area of approximately
31,400 square feet or about 17.5 percent of the 4.1 acre parking lot.
Crosswalks will be located in front of the main customer entrance
and the two customer exit doors. The driveway area in front of the
entrance and customer exit doors shall be paved with portland cement
concrete. The east and west three feet of each pavement section shall
be stamped concrete to encourage users of shopping carts to stay within
the confines of the cement area. The edges of the cement area may
be enhanced by white or yellow paint on the stamped concrete area
in order to alert motor vehicle operators of the pedestrian crossings.
The paving treatment areas and crosswalks are illustrated on
the Home Depot Site Plan, Exhibit IV-1. The Home Depot main entry
at Woodley Road is shown on Exhibit IV-6.
Since the roof of the Home Depot building is visually prominent
for some existing and potential future residences, the Landscape Plan
has addressed locations where shrubs and trees are to be located for
screening purposes. Torrey Pine trees will be planted on the upper
ridgeline of Planning Area 2 between the Home Depot building and the
existing homes along the north side of Scott Place. The tree locations
are illustrated on Exhibit III-2. In a similar manner, trees selected
from the Landscape Zone 4 plant palette will be planted at the southeast
corner and along the easterly property line of Planning Area 1 to
help screen the Home Improvement Center from residents to the east.
The plantings are shown on Exhibit IV-3.
Plant material massings of primarily native and indigenous
species in natural looking, informal groups will occur as perimeter
planting. Massing of the vegetation will allow views to the wetland
The existing freshwater/brackish water marsh areas and willow riparian woodland areas shall be enhanced through a program of selective removal of exotic species and revegetation under the supervision of a qualified biologist/horticulturist (Zone One). Newly created wetland areas (Zone Two) will be revegetated utilizing the plant palette prescribed in Chapter
III. The nuisance water treatment wetlands area adjacent to the Home Depot parking lot will contain marsh type vegetation which has, in conjunction with a sand filtration system, the capacity to treat water contaminants typically found in storm runoff. For additional information regarding landscape treatment of the wetlands area refer to Chapter
III, Section D, Wetlands Program.