District lines shall be extended at the request of a property owner upon payment by the property owner of the full cost thereof. The Board shall determine the cost thereof, and each property owner fronting or using the extension shall pay the District his or her proportionate share before the extension is started. If one or more property owners refuses to pay his or her proportionate share and another property owner pays that share, the District may enter into a reimbursement contract, upon such terms as may be established by the Board, to reimburse the property owner who advanced the funds.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
The District shall not finance the construction of any lines, except those set forth in the District’s Master Plan. Such construction is subject to the availability of District funds and other needs of the District as determined by the Board.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
Lines and facilities installed by a developer within a subdivision will be accepted by the District as part of its system provided that plans for the system are prepared by a licensed engineer and approved in advance by the District. Before a letter or report will be given to the Division of Real Estate, the developer must agree in writing to install such facilities and such agreement must be secured by an approved surety bond. A developer must grant to the District any easements that the District requires for the location of proposed water facilities.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
The District has a master set of specifications for the construction of lines, services and valves. All facilities that are to become the property of the District must be installed in accordance with the District’s specifications. A copy of the specifications may be purchased from the District at a cost in an amount determined by the District.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
The District may charge the following fees and deposits in amounts determined by the District and set forth in Appendix B (Engineering Fees):
A plan checking fee plus labor costs.
A deposit for inspection of a project of 500 feet or less of main line pipe shall be made.
A per-foot deposit for pipe to be installed for jobs greater than 500 feet will be made. The charge for providing a hydraulic analysis shall be at a cost to the developer plus 15%, with a minimum of $500.00.
An additional deposit is required for each connection to the existing system.
A plan checking fee shall be charged for parcel maps or miscellaneous work.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
Prior to the District submitting a water availability letter to the Department of Health, the proposed tentative parcel map for the subdivision or lot split must be submitted to the District for review, along with the appropriate fee as established by the District.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
The General Manager of the District is authorized to accept on behalf of the District any deed or grant conveying any interest in or easement upon real property to the District for public purposes, and he or she is authorized to consent to the recordation of any such deed or grant. (Government Code Section 27281.)
The General Manager is also authorized to accept on behalf of the District a final subdivision map. (Government Code Section 66440.) When so accepted the following certificate will be included on the final map:
“San Dieguito Water District, an irrigation district of the State of California, pursuant to a duly adopted resolution of its Board of Directors, hereby accepts the interest in real property shown and designated on this map as being offered for dedication to San Dieguito Water District for the public purposes set forth in the offer to dedicate, and the grantee consents to the recordation thereof.
By __________
[Name of Board Secretary]
Secretary of Board of Directors”
After acceptance of an easement the General Manager shall submit a copy of the easement to the Board for acknowledgment and inclusion in the minutes of the District. If the General Manager, in his or her sole discretion, determines that it is not in the interest of the District to accept a deed or grant or to execute a certificate on a final map, he or she shall not accept the deed or grant or execute the certificate unless instructed to do so by the Board.
Section 26.7.1. 
Plan Checking, Inspection & Hydraulic Analysis Fees. Plan checking, inspection and hydraulic analysis fees for encroachments, quitclaims and easements shall be charged in amounts determined by the District and set forth in Appendix B (Engineering Fees).
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
When notified by county or city of vacation of a street or highway, the staff shall reply that an easement is required if a pipeline exists or has been planned to be installed in the street to be vacated.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
Section 26.9.1. 
Policy. The District will consider undefined easements for relinquishment, on a case-by-case basis with no value assessed. The District will also relinquish defined easements on a case-by-case basis when in conformance with this policy and in the best interest of the District. A resolution of the Board of Directors is required to release an easement.
Section 26.9.2. 
Definitions. An undefined easement is generally considered a blanket easement, which covers the entire parcel. A defined easement is a right-of-way with a given length and width across a defined portion of a parcel.
Section 26.9.3. 
A processing fee, in an amount established by the District, must be paid to the District to cover staff time and administrative processing of the request. The person applying for the quitclaim must submit proof of property ownership and existence of the District easement, the legal description of the property, plus the recording date (date, book and page number of the easement to be released). The following must then be determined:
Future need of easement by the District.
Land value of easement appraised by a qualified appraiser.
Whether the District or its predecessors purchased the easement and, if so, at what was the cost.
No value will be assessed to an easement to be quitclaimed if it meets the following criteria:
The subject easement was acquired at no cost; and
There is not a current or projected need for the easement for potable or recycled water; or
There is not a requirement to purchase an alternative easement for a new facility or line; or
There is no other property that is dependent on the easement proposed for quitclaim for water service now or in the future.
If it is a defined easement and it was purchased by the District or its predecessors the value of the easement would normally be determined by one or more of the following methods:
Equivalent land sales in the area multiplied by a factor of encumbrance. Generally, an encumbrance factor of 50% is used due to the limiting factors of land use placed in the easement document. The wording of the easement would determine the encumbrance factor.
If the District or its predecessors purchase the easement, the actual cost is escalated to present day cost.
An appraisal made by a qualified appraiser. The person requesting the quitclaim will pay the appraisal cost; however, the District will determine a list of three qualified appraisers from which the owner may select one.
Where a water line is known to exist in the easement being released, the following note in the Quitclaim deed stating that a pipeline is being abandoned, in place, and show the size if known or “unknown size” if not known.
The above described real property being quitclaimed includes “AC pipe and one fire hydrant lateral” [description of facilities] buried below the surface of the ground, which are being left in place in an “as-is” condition. Owner of Record acknowledges that the San Dieguito Water District is conveying all rights, title and interest to the easement, right-of-way, and abandoned pipeline to the Owner of Record in an “as-is” condition. Owner of Record further acknowledges that the District does not warranty the condition of the abandoned pipeline nor guarantee its fitness for any purpose. Owner of Record agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the San Dieguito Water District, each member of its Board of Directors, agents, officers and employees from and against any and all claims asserted or liability established for damages or injuries to any person or property including bodily injury to Owner of Record’s employees arising out of or in any manner directly or indirectly connected with Owner of Record’s use of the quitclaimed easement, right-of-way, and abandoned pipeline, however caused, except for the sole negligence, willful misconduct or active negligence of the San Dieguito Water District.
The owner of record shall acknowledge conditions by formal acceptance and signature.
When the District leaves a facility in place, in an “as-is” condition within an easement, the property owner is notified that they may request the easement be released.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
When an encroachment on a District easement is discovered or requested, the District will evaluate the potential impact including, but not limited to, the following factors:
Size and depth of the District’s water and/or sewer pipeline within the easement.
Water pipeline pressure.
Number of customers served by the pipeline or facility.
Cost of immediate removal of an encroachment versus the District’s need for access.
Potential for interference with existing or future facilities and District’s access for maintenance, operation, or replacement.
Any existing encroachment that inhibits the District’s use of its easement, as determined upon evaluation by the District, shall be removed at the expense of the property owner.
If an encroachment upon the District’s easement is to be permitted, the property owner shall enter into a District standard “Consent and Agreement Regarding Use of Easement” document with the District, which contains such safeguards as deemed necessary and appropriate to protect the District’s access to its facilities within the easement. The agreement shall be recorded against the owner’s property.
A processing fee, in an amount established by the District, must be paid to the District to cover staff and administrative processing of the encroachment request. The owner must submit proof of property ownership and existence of the District easement, the legal description of the property, plus the recording date (date, book and page number) of easement at issue.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)
Section 26.11.1. 
Communication Site License Agreements. The District shall, from time to time, at its sole discretion, consider requests from communication providers to enter into communication site license agreement. All requests shall be accompanied by a deposit to be determined at the sole discretion of the General Manager. If a communications site license is to be entered into, it shall be a District standard “Communications Site License Agreement” document with the District which provides all safeguards as deemed necessary and appropriate to protect the District’s ability to use its property.
Section 26.11.2. 
Other Licenses and Permits. The District may, at its sole discretion, consider other licenses, leases, or permit requests. All requests shall be accompanied by a deposit to be determined by the General Manager.
(Res. No. 2020-02, adopted 5/20/20)