[Ord. No. 514, 8/8/2023]
The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes the "Department of Public Works," hereafter referred to as the "Department."
[Ord. No. 514, 8/8/2023]
The Department of Public Works shall be responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of those physical structures, facilities, land, parks, and equipment that are owned and maintained by the municipality and to provide sanitary sewer, stormwater, transportation and similar operations and services.
[Ord. No. 514, 8/8/2023]
Department Head.
The Department of Public Works shall be headed by the Director of Public Works.
The Director of Public Works (hereafter referred to as the "Director") shall be responsible for administration of the Department. The Director shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors and shall hold no elective office in the Township. The Director shall meet the qualifications established by the Township and shall be able to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Township, a working knowledge of municipal public works administration.
Powers and Duties:
The duties and responsibilities of the Director shall be to:
Serve as the administrator of the Department;
Coordinate all public works maintenance and construction functions and assist in preparation of proposals for contract work;
Coordinate all projects related to site improvements and construction within public rights-of-way with the Township Engineer, Director of Community Development, and/or private contractors and utilities;
Supervise the work of crew foremen, crewmen, and equipment operators and temporary help and inspect work in progress to assure conformance with instructions and plans;
Maintain time, materials, risk management and maintenance records, and prepare monthly work status reports;
Direct, control, and account for the expenditure of Department funds in accordance with budget appropriations and supervise the keeping of complete financial records for Department expenditures;
Ensure that all applicable laws, ordinances, and/or regulations pertaining to the Department and Department activities are adhered to; and
Perform such other duties as the Township Manager and/or Assistant Township Manager may, from time to time, direct.
When the position of Director of Public Works is vacant, the powers and duties of the Director under this Code and any other Township ordinances shall be held and exercised by the Township Manager.
[Ord. No. 514, 8/8/2023]
The duties and responsibilities of the Department shall be to:
Provide, construct, and maintain the parks, streets, bridges, curbs, and gutters of the Township, including the provision of street cleaning, snow removal and ice control services;
Provide, construct, and maintain storm sewer structures, facilities, and appurtenances;
Provide, construct, and maintain sanitary sewer structures, facilities, and appurtenances;
Provide, construct, and maintain installation and maintenance of traffic control devices and directional signs and signals and street name signs;
As appropriate, clear or plant and maintain trees and other vegetation along municipal rights-of-way and all other property of the municipality;
Repair and maintain all municipal vehicles;
Answer public inquiries and give information to the public relative to public works projects and activities;
Plan, develop, design, and administer, in cooperation with other appropriate departments and agencies of other government, expansion and modification of facilities for which the Department is responsible; and
Perform such other duties for the Township as the Board of Supervisors, the Township Manager, Assistant Township Manager, and/or the Director of Public Works may, from time to time, direct.