Pursuant to Section 22507 of the Vehicle Code, the Director of Public Works may establish no parking zones on certain streets, or portions thereof, during all or certain hours of the day.
It shall be unlawful to park, stop, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in any no parking zone so established. Any such vehicle may be removed from the street at the direction of the Chief of Police pursuant to Section 22651 of the Vehicle Code.
Whenever such no parking zone is established on a portion of a street subject to parking restrictions established pursuant to this article, the parking prohibition established by the creation of the no parking zone shall prevail.
Whenever any such no parking zone is established, such area shall be identified by signs or markings giving notice thereof.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
Pursuant to Section 22507 of the Vehicle Code, the Director of Public Works may establish parking restrictions on certain streets, or portions thereof, during all or certain hours of the day.
Whenever two or more parking time limitations are established over the same portion of a street, the more restrictive time limitation shall prevail.
It shall be unlawful to park, stop, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, on any street so designated for a period of time longer than that permitted by such parking restrictions.
Whenever any such parking restrictions are established, the areas affected shall be identified by signs or markings giving notice thereof.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
Pursuant to Section 22503 of the Vehicle Code, the Council may designate by resolution the location of the streets, or portions thereof, where angle parking shall be permitted.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
Pursuant to Section 22508 of the Vehicle Code, the Director of Public Works shall place and maintain parking space markings in those areas where parking restrictions have been established in accordance with the provisions of this article. When such parking space markings are placed, subject to other and more restrictive limitations, no vehicle shall be stopped, left standing, or parked other than within a single space.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
Pursuant to Sections 22511.7 and 22511.8 of the Vehicle Code, parking spaces may be reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles which display distinguishing license plates or a placard issued pursuant to Section 22511.5 or 22511.9 of the Vehicle Code.
The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to locate and establish such reserved spaces in public parking lots and in curb side parking areas as may be reasonably necessary to meet the needs of the disabled.
It shall be unlawful to park, stop, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in a parking space reserved for vehicles displaying the distinguishing license plate or placard issued pursuant to Section 22511.5 or 22511.9 of the Vehicle Code.
Whenever any parking spaces are so designated, such spaces shall be identified by signs or markings giving notice thereof in a manner consistent with Section 22511.8 of the Vehicle Code.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
Pursuant to Section 22507 of the Vehicle Code, the Director of Public Works may establish loading zones on certain streets, or portions thereof.
Whenever such a zone is established on any street subject to any parking prohibition or restriction established pursuant to this article, such parking prohibitions or restrictions shall not apply.
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park or stop such vehicle for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials; provided, however, no stop shall be longer than three minutes for the loading or unloading of passengers nor longer than 20 minutes for the loading or unloading of materials in any loading zone.
In no event shall more than one-half of the total curb length in any block be reserved for loading zone purposes.
Permission granted pursuant to this section to stop or stand a vehicle for the purposes of loading or unloading materials shall apply only to commercial vehicles, but shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than 20 minutes.
The loading and unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial deliveries and the delivery or pick up of express and parcel post packages and United States mail.
Permission granted pursuant to this section to stop or park for the purposes of loading or unloading passengers shall include the loading or unloading of personal baggage, but shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than three minutes.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
The Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to establish and determine the location of bus zones opposite curb space for the loading and unloading of buses or common carriers of passengers when such zones are found by him to be necessary and will not cause a safety hazard.
Whenever such a zone is established on any street subject to any parking prohibition established pursuant to this article, such parking prohibition shall not apply to buses.
It shall be unlawful for any operator of any vehicle to park, stop, or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, except a bus, in a bus zone.
Whenever such a zone is established, the area affected shall be identified by signs or markings giving notice thereof.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
Pursuant to Section 22519 of the Vehicle Code, any of the parking regulations set forth in this article may be applied to off-street public parking facilities.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
Pursuant to Section 22507.5 of the Vehicle Code, no commercial vehicle with a gross weight of more than 10,000 pounds shall park on any residential street, except for loading and unloading purposes in connection with local deliveries.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
It shall be unlawful to park, stop, or leave standing any vehicle upon any City street right-of-way for a period of more than 72 hours. Any such vehicle may be removed from the street at the direction of the Chief of Police pursuant to Section 22651 of the Vehicle Code.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
No person shall park or leave standing on any street, alley or public property a non-motorized vehicle that is detached from a motor vehicle.
A non-motorized vehicle is detached from a motor vehicle if the hitch, coupling device, connections, brakes, light connections, safety chains or other devices required by law for the sale and legal operation of the non-motorized vehicle on a public highway are not connected to a motor vehicle.
This section shall not apply to:
A non-motorized vehicle with a commercial license registration while the non-motorized vehicle is being loaded with or unloaded of any goods, wares or merchandise from property adjacent to the non-motorized vehicle;
A non-motorized vehicle required for any lawfully authorized construction, maintenance or repair to property adjacent to the non-motorized vehicle for no more than time reasonably required for the use of the non-motorized vehicle in carrying out the construction, maintenance or repair; and
A non-motorized vehicle used solely for recreational purposes while the non-motorized vehicle is being loaded or unloaded or otherwise prepared for its intended recreational use. In no event shall such a non-motorized vehicle be parked on a street, alley or public property for a period in excess of 24 hours.
(Ord. 807, § 1, eff. October 8, 2009)
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to park, stop, or leave standing, whether attended or unattended, upon any City street right-of-way, or a portion thereof, when such street right-of way is necessary for the repair or construction thereof or for the installation of underground utilities, and signs giving notice that the vehicle may be removed have been erected or placed at least 24 hours prior to any removal. Any such vehicle may be removed from the street at the direction of the Chief of Police pursuant to Section 22651 of the Vehicle Code.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 2, Ord. 807, eff. October 8, 2009)
Pursuant to Section 22509 of the Vehicle Code, no vehicle shall be parked or left unattended on a highway when upon any grade exceeding 3% within any business or residential district without blocking the wheels of such vehicle by turning them against the curb or by other means.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 2, Ord. 807, eff. October 8, 2009)
No person shall park a vehicle on private property without the permission, express or implied, of the owner or person in lawful possession of such property or in a manner different or for a period of time longer than the permission which was given.
Any vehicle parked in violation of this section may be removed from the property to the nearest public garage by the owner or person in lawful possession thereof if the property is improved with a single-family dwelling. If the property is vacant or improved with any other type of building or used for other than single-family residence purposes, the vehicle parked in violation of this section may be removed if there is displayed on the property, in plain view, a sign not less than 24 inches by 24 inches in size which states that public parking is prohibited, indicating that parked vehicles will be removed at the expense of the owner of the vehicle, and further containing the telephone number of the Police Department which may be called by the person parking the vehicle, which number shall be the same number to which the owner of the property or person in lawful possession thereof notifies the Police Department of the intent to remove the vehicle.
Such sign may be erected on the property by the owner or person in lawful possession of such property who shall notify the Police Department in writing of the erection of such sign. This section shall not preclude the City from erecting any such sign on private property with the written consent of the owner thereof provided it is in the interests of the City to erect such sign at public expense.
The person causing the removal of a vehicle, if the person knows or is able to ascertain from the registration records of the Department of Motor Vehicles of the State the name and address of the registered legal owner thereof, shall immediately give, or cause to be given, notice in writing to the registered legal owner of the fact of the removal and the grounds for the removal and indicate the place to which the vehicle has been removed. A copy of the notice shall be given to the proprietor of the public garage. The notice provided for in this section shall include the amount of mileage on the vehicle at the time of removal. If the person does not know and is not able to ascertain the name of the owner or for any other reason is unable to give the notice to the owner as provided in this section, the person causing the removal of the vehicle shall comply with the requirements of subsection (c) of Section 22853 of the Vehicle Code in the same manner as applicable to an officer removing a vehicle from private property.
Any owner or person in lawful possession of any private property causing the removal of a vehicle parked on such property shall state the grounds for the removal of the vehicle if requested by the legal or registered owner of such vehicle.
The Police Department shall advise owners so requesting of the telephone number where notice shall be given of the intent to remove a vehicle, which number shall also be placed on the sign.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 2, Ord. 807, eff. October 8, 2009)
It shall be unlawful for any person to park, stop, or leave standing any vehicle upon any City street right-of-way for the principal purpose of washing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an emergency.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 2, Ord. 807, eff. October 8, 2009)
Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person shall stand or park any vehicle, wagon, or pushcart from which goods, wares, merchandise, fruits, vegetables, or foodstuffs are sold, displayed, solicited, or offered for sale or bartered or exchanged, or any lunch wagon, eating car, or vehicle, on any portion of any street within the City, except that such vehicles, wagons, or pushcarts may stand or park only at the request of a bona fide purchaser for a period of time not to exceed 10 minutes at any one place. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to persons delivering such articles upon an order of, or by agreement with, a customer from a store or other fixed place of business or distribution.
No person shall park or stand on any street any lunch wagon, eating car, or vehicle or pushcart from which tamales, peanuts, popcorn, candy, or other articles of food are sold or offered for sale without first obtaining a written permit to do so from the Council which shall designate the specific location in which such cart shall stand.
No person shall park or stand any vehicle or wagon used or intended to be used in the transportation of persons or property for hire on any street while awaiting patronage for such vehicle or wagon without first obtaining a written permit to do so from the Council which shall designate the specific location where such vehicle may stand.
Whenever any permit is granted pursuant to the provisions of this section, and a particular location to park or stand is specified therein, no person shall park or stand any vehicle, wagon, or pushcart on any location other than as designated in such permit. In the event the holder of any such permit is convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction for violating any of the provisions of this section, such permit shall be forthwith revoked by the Council upon the filing of the record of such conviction with the Council. No permit shall thereafter be issued to such person until six months have elapsed after the date of such revocation.
Commercial vending vehicles near schools: prohibited during certain hours. No person operating or controlling a vehicle designated for, or intended to be a vehicle for, the selling of any merchandise consisting of food or other commodity may stop or park within 500 feet of the property line of any private or public school between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the days the school is in session; provided, however, the principal of any school may permit a person so prohibited from engaging in such business by specifically waiving the provision of this section with express permission of the Chief of Police, who shall first find that such waiver will not cause a hazard to persons or property and not interfere with normal traffic patterns.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 1, Ord. 717, eff. December 12, 1996, § 2, Ord. 807, eff. October 8, 2009)
Whenever the Chief of Police shall determine that an emergency traffic congestion is likely to result from the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings, or functions or for other reasons, he shall have the power and authority to order temporary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the operation, parking, or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and alleys as he shall direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall remain in place only during the existence of such emergency, and the Chief of Police shall cause such signs to be removed promptly thereafter.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 2, Ord. 807, eff. October 8, 2009)
When deemed warranted by special events or circumstances, the Chief of Police may temporarily suspend parking restrictions or prohibitions established pursuant to this article.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 2, Ord. 807, eff. October 8, 2009)
The Chief of Police of the City may, pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22507(a) and any future amendments thereto, restrict the parking of vehicles on certain streets or portions thereof, during all or certain hours of the day.
The Chief of Police may also grant by permit obtained at the office of the Ojai Police Department exemptions from such parking restrictions for residents and/or merchants and their guests whose residences or businesses are adjacent to those certain streets upon which parking restrictions have been imposed.
Any preferential permit granted pursuant to this Section shall at all times be prominently displayed on the permittee's vehicle in a manner determined by the Chief of Police.
With the exception of alley's, this section shall have no effect until signs giving adequate notice of such parking restrictions have been placed.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 2, Ord. 807, eff. October 8, 2009)