Editor's note—Chapter 2 consisting of Article 1 entitled "Definitions," consisting of Sections 3-2.101 through 3-2.113, Article 2 entitled "Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Regulations," consisting of Sections 3-2.201 through 3-2.207, Article 3 entitled "Traffic Control Devices," consisting of Sections 3-2.301 through 3-2.307, Article 4 entitled "Turning Movements," consisting of Sections 3-2.401 through 3-2.403, Article 5 entitled "One-Way Streets and Alleys," consisting of Section 3-2.501, Article 6 entitled "Special Stops Required," consisting of Sections 3-2.601 through 3-2.603, Article 7 entitled "Miscellaneous Driving Rules," consisting of Sections 3-2.701 through 3-2.704, Article 8 entitled "Pedestrians," consisting of Sections 3-2.801 through 3-2.803, Article 9 entitled "Stopping, Standing, and Parking," consisting of Sections 3-2.901 through 3-2.913, Article 10 entitled "Stopping for Loading or Unloading Only," consisting of Sections 3-2.1001 through 3-2.1008, Article 11 entitled "Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited on Certain Streets," consisting of Sections 3-2.1101 through 3-2.1104, Article 12 entitled "Designated Streets," consisting of Sections 3-2.1201 through 3-2.1208, Article 13 entitled "Approval by State Department of Public Works," consisting of Sections 3-2.1301 and 3-2.1302, Article 14 entitled "Regulation of Bicycles and Skateboards," consisting of Sections 3-2.1401 through 3-2.1404, and Article 15 entitled "Off-Street Parking," consisting of Sections 3-2.1501 and 3-2.1502, codified from Ord. No. 148, as amended by Ord. Nos. 153, 173, 195, 301, effective September 12, 1962, 461, effective November 9, 1972, 544, effective May 12, 1977, 550, effective January 12, 1978, 556, effective May 11, 1978, 560, effective July 27, 1978, 586, effective September 23, 1980, 587, effective December 12, 1980, 589, effective April 23, 1981, 598, effective December 8, 1981, 607, effective February 24, 1983, 610, effective August 25, 1983, and Ord. No. 635, effective December 26, 1985, repealed by Ord. No. 649, effective September 24, 1987.