Except as provided in this article, pedestrian rights and duties shall be as set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 11 of the Vehicle Code.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
The Director of Public Works may establish and maintain painted crosswalks only as provided for in this section.
No mid-block crosswalk shall be established without the recommendation of a qualified traffic engineer. Such crosswalks created prior to August 25, 1987, are hereby approved pursuant to Section 21106 of the Vehicle Code.
Painted crosswalks shall not be established at intersections unless such crosswalks are require to clarify the safest crossing route for pedestrians. Such crosswalks created prior to August 25, 1987, are hereby approved.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987)
No person shall ride a bicycle, in any manner operate a scooter, coaster, toy vehicle, skateboard, roller skates or inline skates on, along, or over any public street, sidewalk, right-of-way or other public property of the City where the City Council has prohibited the same by resolution.
The prohibition set forth in this section shall not apply until notice has been provided in accordance with this section.
Notices shall be provided in and about the area where the activity is to be prohibited. Notices shall be placed in locations and in sufficient numbers so that they are reasonably likely to be seen by those engaging in the prohibited activities. Notice may be stenciled directly onto the sidewalk or other paved surface. Also, notice may be provided by the posting of signs.
The notice shall provide in capital letters at least two inches high which activities are prohibited, and underneath shall provide in print at least one inch high "O.M.C. Sec. 3-2.1703."
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 1, Ord. 711, eff. March 14, 1996)
No person shall in any manner operate a scooter, coaster, toy vehicle, skateboard, roller skates or inline skates on any public street, sidewalk, right-of-way or other public property of the City after dark; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the operation and/or use of skateboards, roller skates or inline skates at a City operated skateboard park as defined in Section 3-7.01 of this Code so long as such operation and/or use is in compliance with applicable rules and regulations for such skateboard park.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 1, Ord. 711, eff. March 14, 1996, § 1, Ord. 732, eff. October 16, 1998, and § 1, Ord. 745, eff. May 26, 2000)
No person shall ride a bicycle, in any manner operate a scooter, coaster, toy vehicle, skateboard, roller skates or inline skates on any public street, sidewalk, right-of-way or other public property of the City in such a manner as to violate the right-of-way of any vehicle or pedestrian.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 1, Ord. 711, eff. March 14, 1996)
No person shall ride a bicycle or in any manner operate a scooter, coaster, toy vehicle, skateboard, roller skates or inline skates on, along or over any privately-owned property in the City where the owner or owner's representative has prohibited the same.
The prohibition set forth in this section shall not apply until notice has been provided in accordance with this section.
The owner or owners' representative shall notify the City Chief of Police, in writing, of the prohibition and agree to post notice as required by the Chief of Police.
Notices shall be provided in and about the area where the activity is to be prohibited. Notices shall be placed in locations and in numbers so that they are reasonably likely to be seen by those engaging in the prohibited activities. Notice may be stenciled directly onto the sidewalk or other paved surface. Also, notice may be provided by the posting of signs.
Each notice shall provide in capital letters at least two inches high which activities are prohibited, and underneath shall provide in print at least one inch high "O.M.C. Sec. 3-2.1706."
For the purposes of this section, "private property" shall be deemed to include property owned by other public agencies within the City.
(§ 1, Ord. 649, eff. September 24, 1987, as amended by § 1, Ord. 711, eff. March 14, 1996)
Sections 3-2.1703, 3-2.1705 and 3-2.1706 shall not apply to:
A motorized wheelchair while it is being utilized for transportation by a physically handicapped person;
A bicycle ridden upon a public street or roadway; or
Vehicles operated in connection with a permitted parade or other special event where the otherwise prohibited activities have been expressly permitted by the City in a specific area.
(§ 1, Ord. 711, eff. March 14, 1996)
No person shall ride a bicycle, in any manner operate a scooter, coaster, toy vehicle, skateboard, roller skates or inline skates in wilful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property.
(§ 1, Ord. 711, eff. March 14, 1996)
Violation of any provision of this chapter shall be deemed an infraction and shall be punishable as provided by Title 1, Chapter 2, Section 1-2.03 of this Code.
(§ 1, Ord. 711, eff. March 14, 1996)