It shall be unlawful for persons using City parks to conduct themselves in a manner that will have a detrimental effect on public health and sanitation.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978; repealed by § 2, Ord. 700, eff. November 26, 1993)
No person shall ride, drive, lead, or keep a horse or other animal in any City park, except on such roads, trails, or areas as the City Manager may designate, and subject to such regulations as the City Manager may promulgate.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No dogs shall be permitted in City parks, except in those areas set by the City Manager and appropriately posted. All such dogs shall be kept on a leash. The owner of any dog creating a nuisance may be requested to remove the dog from the park.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, sightless persons may be accompanied by a Seeing Eye dog whenever such person visits a City park if such dog is restrained by a leash.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
It shall be unlawful for persons using City parks to conduct themselves in a manner that is detrimental to the public safety.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall drive any vehicle within the limits of a City park in a manner other than that which is reasonable and safe and in no event at a speed greater than 15 miles per hour; provided, however, such speed limits shall not apply to State highways, County roads, and City roads.
Licenses. No person shall operate a motorized vehicle in a City park without a valid driver's license.
Designated roads. No person shall ride or drive a bicycle, motorcycle, automobile, or any other vehicle other than on a designated road or on a trail designated for such vehicle.
Obstruction. No person shall obstruct the free travel of pedestrians on any road, walkway, or avenue or of any vehicle on automobile roads or designated trails for that purpose, except for park personnel servicing the area.
Parking. No person shall park any vehicle within a City park, except for the duration of his or her visit to such City park. Vehicles shall only be parked in such places as are designated for vehicular parking.
Parking after closing hours. No person shall park any vehicle within a City park or park parking area when the park is closed.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall ignite or kindle a fire in any location in a City park, except in a fire or cooking area provided by the City or as specifically authorized by the City Manager.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)
No person shall use, carry, fire, or discharge any firearm, air gun, slingshot, or archery device of any kind across, in, or into a City park.
(Part 1, Ord. 568, eff. December 28, 1978)