This chapter shall apply to all development in the City within the boundaries of an adopted Specific Plan, except:
The replacement, alteration, repair, demolition or maintenance of buildings or structures;
The construction, erection or use of accessory buildings or structures to a principal residential use;
Additions to or expansions of existing principal uses, provided that such additions or expansions do not add dwelling units nor for non-residential uses involve the construction or erection of a separate structure and further provided that such addition or expansion does not exceed, in square footage, 25% of the existing principal commercial use or structure.
(§ 1, Ord. 680, eff. August 9, 1991)
For purposes of Title 10, Chapter 10 (Specific Plan Fees), development shall mean and include tentative, final or parcel map approval; site plan approval; rezoning; conditional use permit; planned development; and building permit issuance.
(§ 1, Ord. 680, eff. August 9, 1991, as amended by § 178, Ord. 941, eff. November 10, 2023)
In the case of development requiring multiple development approvals, the Specific Plan fee requirement shall be applicable only once, to any particular property; provided, however, that if any development approval lapses and is not extended by the city and a development approval application must be refiled, a supplemental Specific Plan fee may be imposed by the City.
(§ 1, Ord. 680, eff. August 9, 1991)
Petitions for exceptions to the application of this chapter shall be made in accordance with procedures to be established by resolution of the City Council. Any application for an exception shall, at a minimum, specify the subject property, the development approval being sought, and the reasons for the exception, including any relevant supporting documentation.
(§ 1, Ord. 680, eff. August 9, 1991)