Specific Plan shall be imposed as a condition of development approval in accordance with the applicable schedule attached hereto and adopted by resolution of the City Council. No development shall be approved in the City within a Specific Plan boundary unless the provisions of this chapter have been fulfilled.
(§ 1, Ord. 680, eff. August 9, 1991)
Specific Plan fees shall be calculated and collected for all development in accordance with the applicable Specific Plan fee schedule attached hereto, and adopted by resolution of the City Council, and as may be amended from time to time. Specific Plan fees shall be collected at the following time: upon the filing by the applicant for development approval of a development application which triggers the applicability of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA), whether such development application is ultimately determined to require an environmental impact report, a Negative Declaration or is determined to be exempt from CEQA review.
(§ 1, Ord. 680, eff. August 9, 1991)
Specific plan fees are intended to reimburse the City for costs associated with the preparation, adoption and administration of the Specific Plan, including costs incurred pursuant to CEQA. Therefore, all Specific Plan fees collected, unless otherwise designated, shall be placed in the City's general fund for general City use.
(§ 1, Ord. 680, eff. August 9, 1991)