[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Pennsauken 3-13-1978 by Ord. No. 78-3 as Ch. 148 of the 1977 Code; amended in its entirety 10-7-2009 by Ord. No. 2009:15. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be legal for parties holding licenses, validly issued, permitting the conduct of games of chance, as defined in N.J.S.A. 5:8-1 et seq., in the Township of Pennsauken, in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey, to conduct games of bingo and/or raffle on Sunday within said Township.
It shall be necessary for license holders desiring to conduct bingo games and/or raffles on Sundays to make application to the Township Committee of said Township of Pennsauken and to have its license endorsed to reflect that permission for Sunday bingo has been given to said license holder.
[Amended 2-15-2024 by Ord. No. 2024:01]
After the filing of an application, and before a license is issued, the applicant must fully complete the Township of Pennsauken affidavit, notarized by a notary not affiliated with the Township Clerk's office. New applicants who have not conducted a raffle within the Township will be required to complete the background check. A background check will not be conducted until a full completed background check form has been filed by the applicant with the Clerk. The applicant is solely responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of information reported on the background check form. Compliance with this requirement is mandatory and non-waiverable.
[Added 2-15-2024 by Ord. No. 2024:01]
The Municipal Clerk is hereby authorized and delegated the authority to approve the granting of raffle and bingo licenses to be held in the Township of Pennsauken.
The Clerk shall report a detailed listing of all raffles and/or bingo licenses authorized by the Clerk at the next regularly scheduled meeting of Mayor and Committee.