[Ord. No. 516 §3(3.01), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 1052 §2, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 1572 §1, 7-6-2011; Ord. No. 2136, 9-15-2021]
The City of Dardenne Prairie is hereby divided into the following zoning districts as shown on the official Zoning Map, which together with all explanatory matter shown thereon is hereby incorporated by reference and declared part of this Chapter.
Single-family Residential District
Single-family Residential District
Single-family Residential District
Single-family Residential District
Local Commercial District
General Commercial District
Light Industrial District
High Tech Corridor District
New Development Zoning District
[Ord. No. 516 §3(3.02), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 619 §§1 — 3, 2-20-2003; Ord. No. 1053 §1, 9-13-2006; Ord. No. 1341 §10, 8-20-2008; Ord. No. 1607 §1, 4-18-2012]
At least annually, if there has been the adoption of an ordinance by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Dardenne Prairie that changes the zoning of any tract of land in the City limits, the Zoning Administrator shall cause the official map to be changed to reflect the new zoning. This Zoning Map shall also show the ordinance number and date of adoption of any zoning changes since the previous update.
[Ord. No. 2207, 9-21-2022]
Revised Zoning Map Adopted.
[Ord. No. 1759 §1, 3-18-2015]
The official Zoning Map of the City of Dardenne Prairie, dated March 1, 2012, is hereby replaced, corrected and made current by the adoption of the revised Zoning Map of the City of Dardenne Prairie, Missouri, prepared by the City Engineer, and dated February 27, 2015.
The revised Zoning Map of the City of Dardenne Prairie, Missouri, dated February 27, 2015, shall be used to determine the zoning of all land within the City of Dardenne Prairie as of March 18, 2015.
[Ord. No. 516 §3(3.03), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 1053 §2, 9-13-2006]
The official Zoning Map shall be available to public inspection at the office of the City Clerk and shall be with the revised ordinance the final authority as to the current zoning status of any land, parcel, lot, district, use, building or structure in the City.
[Ord. No. 516 §3(3.04), 6-21-2001]
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of zoning districts as shown on the official Zoning Map, the following rules for interpretation shall apply:
A boundary indicated as approximately following the centerline of a highway, street, alley or easement shall be construed as following such centerline.
A boundary indicated as approximately following a recorded lot line or the line bounding a parcel shall be construed as following such line.
A boundary indicated as approximately following the corporate boundary line of a City, village or township shall be construed as following such line.
A boundary indicated as following a railroad line shall be construed as being midway between the main tracks.
A boundary indicated as following the centerline of a stream, river, lake or other body of water shall be construed as following such centerline.
A distance not specifically indicated on the official Zoning Map shall be determined by the scale of the map.
[Ord. No. 516 §3(3.05), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 1341 §11, 8-20-2008]
The regulations established by this Chapter within each zoning district shall be minimum regulations for promoting and protecting the public health, safety and welfare and shall be uniform for each class or kind of land or building, dwellings and structure throughout each district, but the regulations in one (1) district may differ from those in other districts. Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this Chapter, the Board of Adjustment shall have the power in passing upon appeals to vary or modify the rules of any of the regulations or provisions of this Chapter so that the spirit of this Chapter shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done.
[Ord. No. 516 §4(4.01 — 4.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(c), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1021 §1, 4-19-2006; Ord. No. 1099 §2, 12-20-2006; Ord. No. 1188 §1, 8-15-2007; Ord. No. 1258 §2, 12-19-2007; Ord. No. 1341 §12, 8-20-2008; Ord. No. 1441 §2, 11-4-2009; Ord. No. 1606 §1, 4-18-2012]
Purpose. This district is composed of those areas of the City where the principal use is and ought to be single-family dwellings on large lots. The regulations of this district are designed to preserve the suburban character of the City. In addition to the dwellings permitted in this district, there are certain recreational and public uses conditionally allowed and strictly regulated to ensure harmony with the principal use of this district.
Permitted Uses.
Single-family dwelling. The term "dwelling" does not include mobile homes or modular homes, regardless of whether or not affixed to a permanent foundation or made a part or fixture of the real estate, where situated, in any other manner.
Park or playground.
Accessory uses incident to the above uses when located on the same lot and including home occupations, vegetable and flower garden, the raising and keeping of small animals or fowl not on a commercial basis and including garages, pools, tennis courts, personal greenhouses, garden houses and firewood sheds. Horses may be kept on one (1) acre or more with a set limitation of one (1) horse per acre. Stables shall be no closer than fifty (50) feet to a property line.
Agriculture, including livestock kept primarily as pets in a responsible manner, on tracts of three (3) acres or more. There shall be a set limitation of one (1) large animal per acre. Stables shall be no closer than fifty (50) feet to a property line.
Livestock for commercial purposes on tracts of ten (10) acres or more.
Agricultural product sales on tracts of twenty (20) acres or more or on tracts of contiguous and compact properties under common ownership that, when combined, comprise twenty (20) acres or more.
Agritourism sales on tracts of twenty (20) acres or more or on tracts of contiguous and compact properties under common ownership that, when combined, comprise twenty (20) acres or more.
Group home. No group home shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of another group home. The exterior appearance of the home and property shall be in reasonable conformance with the general neighborhood standards.
Conditional Uses.
Privately operated recreational facility including a lake, swimming pool, tennis court, riding stable or golf course on a site of not less than five (5) acres.
Substation, generator or pumping station for electric, gas or telephone utilities.
Not-for-profit clubs, private, on a site of not less than two (2) acres.
Nursery, pre-kindergarten, play, special or other private school.
Sewage treatment plants, oxidation basins and related facilities, water supply plants, pumps, reservoirs, wells and elevated storage tanks for the purpose of providing services to the public.
Nurseries and truck gardens, provided no retail or wholesale business be conducted on the premises other than per Section 405.430(B)(4).
Public building or facility erected by a governmental agency.
Public school, elementary and high, or private school having a curriculum or equivalent to public elementary or high school.
Institution (hospital, nursing, rest or convalescent home and educational, philanthropic or religious) on site of not less than five (5) acres, provided not more than fifty percent (50%) of the site area may be occupied by buildings and, provided further, that the building shall be set back from all required yard lines an additional foot for each foot of building height.
Cemetery on a site of not less than twenty (20) acres.
Utility rights-of-way, not including railroad yards or electric, gas and telephone utilities.
Accessory uses incident to the above uses when located on a lot greater than one (1) acre.
[Ord. No. 2286, 1-17-2023]
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply:
Lot area.
Single-family dwellings shall provide a minimum lot area of one (1) acre, forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet).
For uses other than dwellings, the lot area shall be adequate to provide the yard areas required by this district and off-street parking as required in Article XI.
For uses shared with dwellings, a minimum lot area of one (1) acre, forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet will be required.
Lot width. The minimum lot width for a structure shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet at the building line.
Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for a structure shall be two hundred (200) feet.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by structures shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the lot area.
Yard requirements.
Front yard. Not less than thirty-five (35) feet.
Side yard. Not less than twenty (20) feet.
Rear yard. Not less than thirty-five (35) feet.
Height requirements.
For buildings and structures. No building or structure shall exceed a height of two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
For detached accessory buildings. No detached accessory building shall exceed a height of twenty-five (25) feet nor higher than the main building. (See Section 405.415 for additional regulations on accessory buildings.)
Minimum dwelling size.
One-story, single-family residential dwelling unit. Minimum dwelling size shall be one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet of living area.
Two-story, single-family residential dwelling unit. Minimum living area shall be one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet for the first (1st) floor and two thousand two hundred (2,200) square feet total.
Split level, split foyer, one and one-half (1½) story, single-family residential unit. Minimum living area shall be one thousand nine hundred (1,900) square feet.
Off-street parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each single-family dwelling. (See Article XI and Section 405.640 for additional parking requirements.)
Landscape requirements. See Article IX.
Site Plan review. See Article XIII.
Performance standards. See Article XII.
Signs. See Article X.
[Ord. No. 516 §5(5.01 — 5.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(d), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1021 §2, 4-19-2006; Ord. No. 1188 §2, 8-15-2007; Ord. No. 1258 §3, 12-19-2007; Ord. No. 1341 §13, 8-20-2008; Ord. No. 1606 §2, 4-18-2012]
Purpose. This district is composed of those areas of the City where the principal use is and ought to be single-family dwellings on moderate to large lots. The regulations of this district are designed to create and to preserve a predominately suburban character as evidenced by the lot sizes. In addition to the dwellings permitted in this district, certain common compatible recreation and public uses are conditionally allowed and strictly regulated to ensure harmony with the principal land use of the district.
Permitted Uses.
Single-family dwelling. The term "dwelling" does not include mobile homes or modular homes, regardless of whether or not affixed to a permanent foundation or made a part or fixture of the real estate, where situated, in any other manner.
Park or playground.
Accessory uses incident to the above uses when located on the same lot and including home occupations, vegetable and flower garden and including garages, pools, tennis courts, private greenhouses, garden houses and fireplace sheds.
Group home. No group home shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of another group home. The exterior appearance of the home and property shall be in reasonable conformance with the general neighborhood standards.
Conditional Uses.
Privately operated recreational facility including a lake, swimming pool, tennis court, riding stable or golf course on a site of not less than five (5) acres.
Substation, generator or pumping station for electric, gas or telephone utilities.
Not-for-profit clubs, private, on a site of not less than two (2) acres.
Greenhouse, provided no retail or wholesale business be conducted upon the premises.
Nurseries and truck gardens, provided no retail or wholesale business be conducted upon the premises other than per Section 405.430.
Sewage treatment plants, oxidation basins and related facilities, water supply plants, pumps, reservoirs, wells and elevated storage tanks for the purpose of providing services to the public.
Utility rights-of-way, not including railroad yards or electric, gas and telephone substation.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply:
Lot area.
Single-family dwellings shall provide a minimum lot area of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
For uses other than dwellings, the lot area shall be adequate to provide the yard areas required by this district and off-street parking as required in Article XI.
Lot width. The minimum lot width for a structure shall be one hundred (100) feet at the building line.
Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for a structure shall be one hundred twenty (120) feet.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by structures shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the lot area.
Yard requirements.
Front yard. Not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard. Not less than ten (10) feet.
Rear yard. Not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Height requirements.
For buildings and structures. No building or structure shall exceed a height of two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
For detached accessory buildings. No detached accessory building shall exceed a height of twenty-five (25) feet nor higher than the main building. (See Section 405.415 for additional regulations on accessory buildings.)
Minimum dwelling size.
One-story, single-family residential dwelling unit. Minimum dwelling size shall be one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet of living area.
Two-story, single-family residential dwelling unit. Minimum living area shall be one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet for the first (1st) floor and two thousand two hundred (2,200) square feet total.
Split level, split foyer, one and one-half (1½) story, single-family residential unit. Minimum living area shall be one thousand nine hundred (1,900) square feet.
Off-street parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each single-family dwelling. (See Article XI for additional parking requirements.)
Landscape requirements. See Article IX.
Site Plan review. See Article XIII.
Performance standards. See Article XII.
Signs. See Article X.
[Ord. No. 516 §6(6.01 — 6.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(d), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1021 §3, 4-19-2006; Ord. No. 1188 §3, 8-15-2007; Ord. No. 1258 §4, 12-19-2007; Ord. No. 1341 §14, 8-20-2008; Ord. No. 1606 §3, 4-18-2012]
Purpose. This district is composed of those areas of the City where the principal use is and ought to be single-family dwellings on moderate size lots. The regulations of this district are designed to create and to preserve a predominately suburban character as evidenced by the lot sizes. In addition to the dwellings permitted in this district, certain common compatible recreation and public uses are conditionally allowed and strictly regulated to ensure harmony with the principal land use of the district.
Permitted Uses.
Single-family dwelling. The term "dwelling" does not include mobile homes or modular homes, regardless of whether or not affixed to a permanent foundation or made a part or fixture of the real estate, where situated, in any other manner.
Park or playground.
Accessory uses incident to the above uses when located on the same lot and including home occupations, vegetable and flower garden and including garages, pools, tennis courts, private greenhouses, garden houses and fireplace sheds.
Group home. No group home shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of another group home. The exterior appearance of the home and property shall be in reasonable conformance with the general neighborhood standards.
Conditional Uses.
Privately operated recreational facility including a lake, swimming pool, tennis court, riding stable or golf course on a site of not less than five (5) acres.
Substation, generator or pumping station for electric, gas or telephone utilities.
Not-for-profit clubs, private, on a site of not less than two (2) acres.
Greenhouse, provided no retail or wholesale business is conducted upon the premises.
Nurseries and truck gardens, provided no retail or wholesale business be conducted upon the premises other than per Section 405.430.
Sewage treatment plants, oxidation basins and related facilities, water supply plants, pumps, reservoirs, wells and elevated storage tanks for the purpose of providing services to the public.
Utility rights-of-way, not including railroad yards or electric, gas and telephone substation.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply:
Lot area.
Single-family dwellings shall provide a minimum lot area of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet.
For uses other than dwellings, the lot area shall be adequate to provide the yard areas required by this district and off-street parking as required in Article XI.
Lot width. The minimum lot width for a structure shall be eighty (80) feet at the building line.
Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for a structure shall be one hundred (100) feet.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by structures shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the lot area.
Yard requirements.
Front yard. Not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard. Not less than ten (10) feet.
Rear yard. Not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Height requirements.
For buildings and structures. No building or structure shall exceed a height of two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
For detached accessory buildings. No detached accessory building shall exceed a height of twenty-five (25) feet, nor higher than the a main building. (See Section 405.415 for additional regulations on accessory buildings.)
Minimum dwelling size.
One-story, single-family residential dwelling unit. Minimum dwelling size shall be one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet of living area.
Two-story, single-family residential dwelling unit. Minimum living area shall be one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet for the first (1st) floor and two thousand two hundred (2,200) square feet total.
Spit level, split foyer, one and one-half (1½) story, single-family residential unit. Minimum living area shall be one thousand nine hundred (1,900) square feet.
Off-street parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each single-family dwelling. (See Article XI for additional parking requirements.)
Landscape requirements. See Article IX.
Site Plan review. See Article XIII.
Performance standards. See Article XII.
Signs. See Article X.
[Ord. No. 516 §7(7.01 — 7.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(d, e, h), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1021 §4, 4-19-2006; Ord. No. 1188 §4, 8-15-2007; Ord. No. 1258 §5, 12-19-2007; Ord. No. 1341 §15, 8-20-2008; Ord. No. 1606 §4, 4-18-2012]
Purpose. This district is composed of those areas of the City where the principal use is and ought to be single-family dwellings of moderate to small size lots. The regulations of this district are designed to create and to preserve a predominately suburban character as evidenced by the lot sizes. In addition to the dwellings permitted in this district, certain common compatible recreation and public uses are conditionally allowed and strictly regulated to ensure harmony with the principal land use of the district.
Permitted Uses.
Single-family dwelling. The term "dwelling" does not include mobile homes or modular homes, regardless of whether or not affixed to a permanent foundation or made a part or fixture of the real estate, where situated, in any other manner.
Park or playground.
Accessory uses incident to the above uses when located on the same lot and including home occupations, vegetable and flower garden and including garages, pools, tennis courts, private greenhouses, garden houses and fireplace sheds.
Group home. No group home shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of another group home. The exterior appearance of the home and property shall be in reasonable conformance with the general neighborhood standards.
Conditional Uses.
Privately operated recreational facility including a lake, swimming pool, tennis court, riding stable or golf course on a site of not less than five (5) acres.
Substation, generator or pumping station for electric, gas or telephone utilities.
Not-for-profit private clubs on a site of not less than two (2) acres.
Greenhouse, provided no retail or wholesale business be conducted upon the premises.
Nurseries and truck gardens, provided no retail or wholesale business be conducted upon the premises other than per Section 405.430.
Sewage treatment plants, oxidation basins and related facilities, water supply plants, pumps, reservoirs, wells and elevated storage tanks for the purpose of providing services to the public.
Utility rights-of-way, not including railroad yards or electric, gas and telephone substation.
Single-family attached housing.
Regulations And Performance Standards. The following regulations shall apply:
Lot area.
Single-family dwellings shall provide a minimum lot area of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet.
For uses other than dwellings, the lot area shall be adequate to provide the yard areas required by this district and off-street parking as required in Article XI.
Single-family attached dwellings shall provide a minimum lot area of five thousand four hundred (5,400) square feet of property or common ground.
Lot width. The minimum lot width for a single unit structure shall be eighty (80) feet at the building line and for attached units shall be forty-five (45) feet at the building line.
Lot depth. The minimum lot depth for a single unit structure shall be one hundred (100) feet and for an attached unit shall be seventy (70) feet.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by structures shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the lot area.
Yard requirements.
Front yard. Not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard. Not less than ten (10) feet.
Rear yard. Not less than twenty-five (25) feet for a single unit structure and not less than twenty (20) feet for an attached unit structure.
Height requirements.
For buildings and structures. No building or structure shall exceed a height of two and one-half (2½) stories or thirty-five (35) feet, whichever is less.
For detached accessory buildings. No detached accessory building shall exceed a height of twenty-five (25) feet nor higher than the main building. (See Section 405.415 for additional regulations on accessory buildings.)
Minimum dwelling size.
One-story, single-family residential dwelling unit. Minimum dwelling size shall be one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet of living area.
Two-story, single-family residential dwelling unit. Minimum living area shall be one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet for the first (1st) floor and two thousand two hundred (2,200) square feet total.
Split level, split foyer, one and one-half (1½) story, single-family residential unit. Minimum living area shall be one thousand nine hundred (1,900) square feet.
Detached, single-family, two-story villa unit. Minimum dwelling size shall be one thousand four hundred fifty (1,450) square feet of finished first (1st) floor space excluding garage and basement.
Attached residential dwelling unit. Minimum dwelling size shall be one thousand four hundred fifty (1,450) square feet of finished first (1st) floor space excluding garage and basement.
Off-street parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each single-family dwelling. (See Article XI for additional parking requirements.)
Landscape requirements. See Article IX.
Site Plan review. See Article XIII.
Performance standards. See Article XII.
Signs. See Article X.
[Ord. No. 1644 §1, 9-19-2012]
Purpose Of The District. This district is intended to establish a zone within the City for multiple-family dwellings at a moderate to high density. The regulations of this district are designed to accommodate a higher intensity of land use in those areas appropriately served by central water/sewer systems, and roads, and which abut or are adjacent to property that was or is to be acquired for a Federally funded interstate highway project and such other uses or structures which support or complement such an intensity of use. Within this district, said regulations shall apply, irrespective of ownership, to the use of land specifically, but not limited to, town houses and apartments.
Permitted Uses.
Multiple-family dwellings but not including mobile or manufactured homes.
Group homes, as defined by Section 405.080.
Conditional Uses.
All permitted uses allowed in "R-1A", "R-1B", "R-1C", and "R-1D", Single-Family Residential Districts.
Convalescent homes, nursing homes or homes for the aged.
Public or private hospitals or orphanages on a site not less than two (2) acres with a minimum setback of fifty (50) feet to all property lines.
Religious institution, such as a seminary, convent or similar use.
Privately operated recreational facility including a lake, swimming pool, tennis court, riding stable or golf course on a site of not less than ten (10) acres.
Minimum Lot Area. For each multiple-family parcel, the minimum lot area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet, except mortuaries shall have a minimum lot size of three (3) acres with a minimum frontage of two hundred (200) feet and no access to subdivision streets.
Building Height Requirements. No building shall be erected or enlarged to exceed four (4) stories.
Lot Width Requirements. For each multiple-family parcel, the minimum lot width shall be one hundred (100) feet as measured at the building line.
Density Of Development And Related Lot Area Requirements.
A minimum of five (5) acres is required to develop a multiple-family project in this zoning district.
Before any area of land may be zoned under this Section, the City shall first as a condition precedent determine that the land to be zoned under this Section is contiguous to a commercial or industrial zoning district consisting of no less than ten (10) acres and the length of the contiguous boundary common to the commercial or industrial district and the proposed multiple-family zoning district is at least thirty-five percent (35%) of the length of the perimeter of the area proposed for zoning under this Section.
For each development there shall not be more than eight (8) attached dwelling units in a row.
Unit area. All units shall be a minimum nine hundred (900) square feet in area.
Maximum number of dwelling units/residential density. The maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed twelve (12) units per acre.
Yard Requirements.
The following minimum yard depths shall be provided for individual lots:
The (a) minimum front yard depth (main entry) shall be twenty (20) feet. On the corner lot a fifteen (15) foot side building line may be permitted.
The minimum side yard width shall be no less than twenty (20) feet.
Rear yard depth shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet. However, in conjunction with attached single-family units, swimming pools, decks and open-air porches shall be exempt from the rear yard setback; these structures shall not be closer than six (6) feet to the rear yard line.
Distance between grouped buildings.
In addition to the required setbacks of this Chapter, the following minimum distances shall be required between each multi-family structure two (2) stories or less:
The side of a multi-family structure shall not be located any closer than twenty (20) feet to the side of another multi-family structure.
There shall be a minimum of forty (40) feet from the front or rear of a multiple-family structure to any other multiple-family structure.
The following minimum distances shall be required between multiple-family structures in developments with buildings exceeding two (2) stories in height:
The side of a multiple-family structure shall not be located any closer than forty (40) feet to the side of another multiple-family structure.
There shall be a minimum of sixty (60) feet from the front or rear of a multiple-family structure to any other multiple-family structure.
In the event that greater than fifty percent (50%) of the existing dwelling structures on the same side of the street and in both directions from a lot, for a distance of five hundred (500) feet or to the nearest intersecting street, whichever distance is less, have a variation in front yard setbacks of no more than ten (10) feet, the required front yard for that lot shall be the average setback of those structures. However, in no case shall any building be located closer than fifteen (15) feet from any roadway right-of-way line, nor shall a setback of greater than fifty (50) feet be required. This Section shall not apply to subdivisions creating new streets or extending existing streets where no dwelling structures exist along such streets within the plat.
All units, except multi-unit buildings without individual unit entrances, shall include a two (2) car garage that shall be a minimum of twenty-one (21) feet in width.
Miscellaneous Requirements.
Exterior lighting shall be provided throughout the development to promote the security and safety of the residents including parking, pedestrian, recreation, and open space area. Such lighting shall be designed to prevent glare onto adjacent properties or into the dwelling units.
Where an "R-M" Multiple-Family District is adjacent to another "R-M" Multiple-Family District, a landscape green belt at least ten (10) feet in width shall be provided continuously on the back and/or sides of the multiple-family property lines and shall consist of the following:
A six (6) foot high masonry wall, solid fence or equivalent landscape buffer along the property line of the "R-M" Multiple-Family District.
All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition by the property owner and the green belt shall not be used for off-street parking facilities or for loading spaces.
Storage of building materials shall be within a residence, accessory building, or garage unless an active permit has been issued.
Entrances shall conform to the standards contained in Chapter 410 of the City Code.
All exterior solid waste containers shall be screened from public view. All screening shall be six (6) feet in height and of masonry or vinyl fencing construction that matches or complements the primary building on site.
Utilities. Any area zoned "R-M" Multiple-Family Residential District shall be served by public water and sewer facility. All utility lines, which shall include, but not be limited to, electrical wiring and telephone shall be underground.
Off-street parking. Two (2) parking spaces per dwelling unit shall be provided. (See Article XI for additional parking requirements.)
Screening And Landscaping. In addition to the requirements of Article IX:
All landscape materials, including, but not limited to, trees and shrubs, shall be maintained in a healthy fashion or shall be replaced with the same or equivalent landscape materials. All landscape materials shall be stored within a residence, accessory building, or garage except during active project activity. Also, during active projects, materials shall not be stored so as to be hazardous or so as to cause a sight distance problem. Active project activity shall be forty-five (45) days after project initiation.
For all "R-M" projects a landscape plan shall be submitted as part of each site plan reviewed, and no site plan shall be approved without Planning and Zoning Commission review and recommendation on said landscape plan. The plan shall provide a schedule containing size and types of plantings and their locations.
Twenty (20) feet in width landscape yard shall be provided in the side or rear line of a "R-M" project that borders any side or rear lot line of property zoned for commercial or industrial purposes.
Fifteen (15) feet in width landscape yard shall be provided if the side or rear line of a "R-M" project borders any side or rear lot line of property zoned "R-M" Multiple-Family Zoning District.
In no case shall the landscape yard requirements be met by driveways, parking lots or other forms of impervious surface. At all times the landscape yard shall remain open to the sky and not to be used for vehicle or equipment storage, or location of accessory buildings.
Architectural Standards. Any multi-family housing structure shall meet the following minimum design criteria:
All buildings shall be architecturally treated on all sides to create a consistent and attractive building appearance. Materials such as masonry, brick, stucco, wood or dryvit type material shall be required on a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of all building faces. The Planning and Zoning Commission may approve other materials that provide similar or equal architectural standards.
Mechanical equipment, utility hardware and heating and cooling equipment on any roof, ground or building shall be screened from public view with walls of brick, wood or other similar architectural material, harmonious to the building extending to the highest point of projection from all sides.
Exterior lighting shall be part of the architectural concept. Fixtures, standards and all exposed accessories shall be harmonious with the building design.
Monotony of design shall be avoided. Variation of form and placement shall be used to provide visual interest. In multiple building projects, variable placement of individual buildings may be used to prevent a monotonous appearance.
[Ord. No. 516 §8(8.01 — 8.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(f,g), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1021 §5, 4-19-2006; Ord. No. 1327 §3, 7-16-2008; Ord. No. 1341 §16, 8-20-2008; Ord. No. 1709 §2, 12-18-2013]
Purpose. This district is composed of those areas of the City where the principal use is and ought to be local retail, service and restricted repair business activities which serve surrounding residential neighborhoods. This district is located within the City to permit the development of these business activities and to protect adjacent areas against the encroachment of incompatible uses and to lessen the congestion on public streets. To these ends, certain uses which would function more effectively in other districts and would interfere with the operation of these business activities and the purpose of this district have been excluded.
Permitted Uses.
Business office.
Chiropractors and optometrists.
Educational facilities.
Engineering, architectural and design services.
Conditional Uses.
Accessory dwelling unit, provided that no more than one (1) accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted per lot.
Automobile service station.
General service and repair establishments, including dyeing or cleaning works or laundry, plumbing and heating, printing, painting, upholstering and repairing.
Self-storage or mini-warehouses.
Automobile parking lot or storage or parking garage.
Bank or financial institution.
Dressmaking, tailoring, shoe repairing, repair of household appliances and bicycles, catering and bakery with sale of bakery products on the premises, interior decorations and other uses of a similar character.
Nursery sales office, building or greenhouse.
Personal service uses, including barbershop, beauty parlor, photographic or art studio, messenger, taxicab, reducing salon, newspaper or telegraphic branch station, laundry or dry cleaning, pet grooming, launderette or self-service laundry and other uses of a similar character.
Private school, including dancing.
Retail store, in connection with which there shall be no slaughtering of animals or poultry, no commercial fish cleaning and processing on the premises, including antique, art, book, candy, camera, cigar, clothing, department, dress, drug, dry goods, furniture, gift, glass, hardware, jewelry, leather, liquor, luggage, music, notions, novelty, pastry, pet, pottery, radio, sporting goods, stationery and toy shops.
Theater, not including drive-in theater.
Restaurants, cafeterias, cocktail lounges, bars and taverns, ice cream parlors and tearooms not including drive-in establishments.
Accessory uses customarily incident to any conditional uses in this Section.
Any permissive or conditional use in the "R" Districts, except single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and multiple-family dwellings.
Wireless support structures and wireless facilities.
[Ord. No. 1732 §2, 8-20-2014]
Health service providers; health care providers; health and wellness services; medical services; medical offices, clinics and laboratories; and hospitals on not less than five (5) acres.
Single-family dwellings subject to the provisions of Section 405.170(D).
[Ord. No. 2084, 2-17-2021]
Multiple-family dwellings subject to the provisions of Section 405.175(D) to (K).
[Ord. No. 2084, 2-17-2021]
Regulations And Performance Standards.
Lot area: one (1) acre unless abutting existing commercial or industrial zone in which case the minimum combined district shall be at least one (1) acre.
Lot width. The minimum lot width for a structure shall be seventy (70) feet at the building line.
Lot depth: none.
Lot coverage: none.
Yard requirements.
Front yard: not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Side yard: not less than ten (10) feet.
Rear yard: not less than fifteen (15) feet.
Height requirements. No building or structure shall exceed the building height of forty-five (45) feet unless the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Aldermen make a determination that a building height in excess of forty-five (45) feet would be warranted based upon a finding that such a use of property would meet the requirements for a conditional use under Sections 405.455 and 405.475 of this Code.
Off-street parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each accessory dwelling unit. (See Article XI for additional parking requirements.)
Landscape requirements. See Article IX.
Site plan review. See Article XIII.
Performance standards. See Article XII.
Signs. See Article X.
Dwellings And Planned Unit Developments. In addition to, and in lieu of the procedures provided for in Article VI of Chapter 405 of this Code, single-family and multiple-family dwellings may be permitted within the "C-1" Local Commercial District with a planned unit development designation pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 405 of this Code and as depicted on an approved Area Plan. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article IV of Chapter 405 of this Code to the contrary, the average density of residential development within the "PUD" pursuant to this Subsection shall remain the same as would be permitted if the area were to be developed conventionally; provided, however, average density is to be calculated as total land area of the area to be developed, including any portion of the land area to be developed for non-residential uses pursuant to the Area Plan, but excluding therefrom public rights-of-way.
[Ord. No. 2084, 2-17-2021]
[Ord. No. 516 §9(9.01 — 9.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(i), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1021 §6, 4-19-2006; Ord. No. 1327 §4, 7-16-2008; Ord. No. 1341 §17, 8-20-2008; Ord. No. 1709 §3, 12-18-2013]
Purpose. This district is composed of those areas of the City where the principal use is and ought to be general retail, service and repair business activities that serve the entire City. This district is located within the City to permit the development of these business activities and to protect adjacent areas against the encroachment of incompatible uses and to lessen the congestion on public streets. To these ends, certain uses which would function more effectively in other districts and would interfere with the operation of these business activities and the purpose of this district have been excluded.
Permitted Uses.
Business office.
Chiropractors and optometrists.
Churches, synagogue, temple.
Bank or financial institution.
Educational facilities.
Engineering, architectural and design services.
Public building or facility erected by a governmental agency.
Private schools, including dancing.
Conditional Uses.
Accessory dwelling unit, provided that no more than one (1) accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted per lot.
Amusement park or racetrack.
Bakery, bottling works and food packaging.
Drive-in establishment, including restaurant and theater, provided all parking areas and drives are paved with a permanent surface.
Lumberyard and building materials.
Wholesale establishment or warehouse in a completely enclosed building.
Truck terminal.
Pinball operations.
Automobile, boat, truck or trailer sales or storage, new or used.
Automobile service station (automobile repair, provided no dismantled vehicles or parts are displayed or stored outside the building).
Commercial recreational uses, including bowling alley, billiard parlor, dance halls, shooting galleries, skating rinks, provided all buildings are two hundred (200) feet from an "R" district.
Display and sales room.
Farm implements, sale and repair.
Farm store or feed store, including accessory storage of liquid or solid fertilizer.
Frozen food locker.
Laboratory, research, experimental or testing.
Motel or motor hotel.
Public garage or parking lot.
Rental agency.
Veterinarian, animal hospital, kennel or dog pound, if within an enclosed building.
Dyeing, cleaning, laundry, printing, painting, plumbing, tinsmithing, tire sales and service, upholstering and other general service or repair establishment of similar character. Not more than ten percent (10%) of the lot or tract occupied by such establishment shall be used for the open and unenclosed storage of materials or equipment.
Self-storage or mini-warehouses.
Accessory uses customarily incident to any conditional uses in this Section.
Any permissive or conditional use in the "C-1" District.
Wireless support structures and wireless facilities.
[Ord. No. 1732 §3, 8-20-2014]
Medical marijuana dispensary facility.
[Ord. No. 1975, 9-18-2019]
Regulations And Performance Standards.
Lot area: five (5) acres unless abutting existing commercial or industrial zone in which case the minimum combined district shall be at least one (1) acre.
Lot width: The minimum lot width for a structure shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet at the building line.
Lot depth: none.
Lot coverage: none.
Yard requirements.
Front yard: not less than twenty-five (25) feet, excluding all signs, pump islands and canopies of gasoline service stations.
Side yard: not less than ten (10) feet. A side yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet shall be provided on the street side of a corner lot.
Rear yard: not less than fifteen (15) feet.
Height requirements. No building or structure shall exceed the building height of forty-five (45) feet unless the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen make a determination that a building height in excess of forty-five (45) feet would be warranted based upon a finding that such a use of property would meet the requirements for a conditional use under Sections 405.455 and 405.475 of this Code.
Off-street parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each accessory dwelling unit. (See Article XI for additional parking requirements.)
Landscape requirements. See Article IX.
Site plan review. See Article XIII.
Performance standards. See Article XII.
Signs. See Article X.
[Ord. No. 1823, 11-16-2016; Ord. No. 1885, 10-18-2017]
Purpose. This district is composed of those areas of the City where the principal use is and ought to be concentrated retail business activities that serve the entire City and the surrounding region. Due to size and scale of such commercial developments, development under this Section will be expected to closely follow the City's Comprehensive Plan to insure a well-designed, attractive and integrated development. To these ends, certain uses which would function more effectively in other districts and would interfere with the operation of these business activities and the purpose of this district have been excluded.
Permitted Uses.
Antique stores.
Appliances (including parts and equipment), retail.
Artist galleries.
Bicycles (including parts and equipment), retail and rental.
Books, magazines, newspapers and similar printed materials, retail.
Camera and photographic equipment and supplies, retail.
Carpet and floor covering stores.
China, glassware, and metalware, retail.
Clothing and apparel, retail.
Convenience stores (without fuel sales).
Curtains, drapery, and upholstery, retail.
Delicatessen without drive-through windows.
Department and home improvement stores.
Discount and variety stores.
Drug stores and pharmacies.
Electronic apparatus and components, retail.
Electronic entertainment and communication products (including parts and equipment), retail.
Furniture and home/office furnishings, retail.
Gift, novelty, and souvenir stores.
Grocery stores and supermarkets.
Hardware stores.
Hobby stores.
Ice cream and frozen desserts, retail.
Jewelry, watches, and clocks (including repair), retail.
Musical instruments (including parts and supplies), retail.
Optometrists, opticians.
Religious places of worship (churches, synagogue, temple, mosque, etc.).
Restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries and similar dining establishments without drive-through windows, including a restaurant bar, as that term is defined in Section 600.010 of this Code.
Sporting goods stores.
Theaters, motion picture (indoor).
Theaters, performing arts (indoor).
Toy stores.
Personal service uses, including barbershop, photographic or art studio, etc.
Conditional Uses.
[Ord. No. 1931, 9-19-2018; Ord. No. 2211, 10-5-2022; Ord. No. 2212, 10-5-2022]
Accessory dwelling units, provided that no more than one (1) accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted per lot.
Alcoholic beverages (liquor, beer and wine), retail.
Automobile and other motor vehicles, fuel sales (without repair services).
Automobile and other motor vehicles, drive-through oil-change facilities.
Automobile and other motor vehicles, parts and equipment sales, retail.
Automobiles and other passenger vehicles, rental services.
Banks, savings and loans, and credit unions with drive-through facilities (does not include check-cashing, payday loans and similar facilities).
Banquet hall and party centers.
Bars, pubs, nightclubs and taverns.
Bowling alleys.
Car washes (excluding semi-trailer trucks).
Commercial recreation not elsewhere listed, provided all buildings are two hundred (200) feet from an "R" District.
Convenience stores (with fuel sales).
Drive-through facilities (restaurants, pharmacy, grocery, etc.).
Electronic entertainment and communication products, repair.
Farmers markets.
Farms (roadside stands), retail.
Garden centers, greenhouses (commercial) and nurseries, retail only.
Gun shops and gunsmiths.
Hotels, motels, extended-stay hotels.
Health and fitness clubs.
Microbreweries within restaurants and do-it-yourself beer- and wine-making stores.
Mobile vending business eating and drinking garden.
Outdoor storage or display in connection with, and accessory to, a permitted retail use on the site. Material, product, inventory, goods and/or equipment not displayed for sale or lease on the site may be permitted in the side and/or rear yard, provided items are screened or enclosed by a masonry wall, sight-proof fence or equivalent landscape hedge not less than six (6) feet in height. Outdoor display of merchandise and goods for lease or sale at retail may be approved without screening subject to any conditions of the conditional use permit.
Pet stores.
Pool and billiard balls.
Prefabricated buildings.
Secondhand merchandise (including consignment, but not including pawnshops), retail.
Sign manufacturing conducted in conjunction with retail sales of signs on the premises. Outdoor storage of any material, product, inventory, goods and/or equipment is prohibited.
Wholesale establishment or warehouse in a completely enclosed building.
Wireless support structures and wireless facilities.
Accessory uses customarily incident to any conditional uses in this Section.
Planned Unit Developments. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, uses permitted on any property within the "C-3" Retail Commercial District with a planned unit development designation pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 405 of this Code shall be limited to those uses expressly authorized in the ordinance passed by the Board of Aldermen approving the area plan, and any use not expressly permitted in the ordinance approving the area plan shall be prohibited. For any property within the "C-3" Retail Commercial District with such a planned unit development designation, the Board of Aldermen is authorized to permit or permit with conditions any uses described in Subsections (B) and (C) of this Section, Subsections (B) and (C) of Section 405.180, and Subsections (B) and (C) of Section 405.190 of this Code.
Regulations And Performance Standards.
Lot width: The minimum lot width for a structure shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet at the building line; provided, however, that the Board of Aldermen may approve a lesser minimum lot width as part of the approval of an area plan pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 405 of this Code.
Lot depth: none.
Lot coverage: none.
Yard requirements.
Front yard: not less than twenty-five (25) feet, excluding all signs, pump islands and canopies of gasoline service stations.
Side yard: not less than ten (10) feet. A side yard of not less than twenty-five (25) feet shall be provided on the street side of a corner lot.
Rear yard: not less than fifteen (15) feet.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Aldermen may approve lesser yard requirements as part of the approval of an area plan pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 405 of this Code.
Height Requirements. No building or structure shall exceed the building height of forty-five (45) feet unless the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Aldermen make a determination that a building height in excess of forty-five (45) feet would be warranted based upon a finding that such a use of property would meet the requirements for a conditional use under Sections 405.455 and 405.475 of this Code.
Off-Street Parking. Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each accessory dwelling unit, and all other off-street parking shall be provided in compliance with the requirements of Article XI for parking requirements; provided, however, that the Board of Aldermen may provide specific off-street parking requirements as part of the approval of an area plan pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 405 of this Code.
Landscape Requirements. See Article IX.
Site Plan Review. See Article XIII.
Performance Standards. See Article XII.
Signs. See Article X.
[Ord. No. 516 §10(10.01 — 10.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(j), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1021 §7, 4-19-2006; Ord. No. 1188 §5, 8-15-2007; Ord. No. 1220 §2, 10-17-2007; Ord. No. 1258 §7, 12-19-2007; Ord. No. 1341 §18, 8-20-2008]
Purpose. This district is composed of the area of the City where the principal use is or ought to be light manufacturing, warehousing and other limited industrial uses. These uses generate a minimum of noise, glare, odor, dust, vibration, air and water pollutants, fire, explosive, radioactive and other hazards and harmful or obnoxious matter. This district has been located within the City to permit the development of these industrial uses, to protect adjacent areas against encroachment by incompatible uses and to lessen congestion on public streets. To these ends, certain uses which would function more effectively in other districts and would interfere with the operation of these industrial activities and the purpose of this district have been excluded.
Permitted Uses.
Business office.
Chiropractors, optometrists and similar health services.
Churches, synagogue, temple.
Bank or financial institution.
Educational facilities.
Engineering, architectural and design services.
Public building or facility erected by a governmental agency.
Private schools including dancing.
Restaurants and cafeteria facilities for employees, but not including drive-in facilities.
Research oriented and light industrial park uses.
The manufacturing, compounding, process or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, dairy products, food products, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceutical toiletries and frozen food lockers.
Assembly of merchandise such as electrical appliances, electronic or precision instruments and articles of similar nature.
Printing, lithographic, blueprinting and similar uses.
Light manufacturing industrial use, which by the nature of the materials and equipment are free from any objectionable or dangerous nuisance or hazard including any of the following goods or materials: drugs; jewelry; musical instruments; sporting goods; glass products; small household appliances; electronic products; printed matter; baked and dairy products; advertising displays; tents and awnings; brushes and brooms; cameras and photographic equipment and supplies; wearing apparel; leather products and luggage but not including tanning; products from such finished materials as plastic, bone, cork, feathers, felt, fiber, paper, glass, hair, horn, rubber, shell or yarn.
Research and testing facilities.
Warehousing and material distribution centers and contractors' establishments provided all products, material and equipment are stored within an enclosed building or within an appropriately screened and fenced side or rear yards.
Conditional Uses.
Bus, truck or taxi terminal.
Open air display areas for the sale of manufactured products such as or similar to garden furniture, earthenware, hardware items and nursery stock or rental of manufactured products or equipment such as household equipment, small toots, pneumatic-tired two- and four-wheeled utility trailers, cement mixers, wheel barrows, rollers and similar products or equipment.
Commercial service facilities of the kind needed to serve customers and employees of an industrial park such as, but not limited to, restaurants (not including drive-ins), auto service stations, auto washes, gift shops, offices and motels.
All conditional uses allowed under "C-2" zoning classifications except dwellings.
Body, paint and repair shops for autos and other vehicles.
An accessory use, building or structure.
Wireless support structures and wireless facilities.
[Ord. No. 1732 §4, 8-20-2014]
Airport or landing field on a site not less than five (5) acres.
Packaging of previously prepared materials, but not including the bailing of discards, old iron or other metal, wood, lumber, glass, paper, rags, cloth or other similar materials.
Tattoo establishments, body piercing establishments or branding establishments.
Substation, generator or pumping station for electric, gas or telephone utilities.
Medical marijuana cultivation facility.
[Ord. No. 1975, 9-18-2019]
Medical marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility.
[Ord. No. 1975, 9-18-2019]
Medical marijuana testing facility.
[Ord. No. 1975, 9-18-2019]
Medical marijuana transportation facility.
[Ord. No. 1975, 9-18-2019]
Regulations And Performance Standards.
Lot area. No building or structure shall be established on any lot less than one (1) acre, forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet.
Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by structures shall not exceed forty percent (40%).
Yard requirements.
Front yard. Not less than thirty (30) feet.
Side yards. Least width of either yard shall not be less than twenty (20) feet, except in the case of a corner lot or parcel where the side yard on the road or street side shall not be less than thirty (30) feet.
Rear yard. Not less than thirty-five (35) feet.
Height requirements. No building or structure shall exceed a height of fifty (50) feet.
Supplementary district regulations. As required in Article V.
Landscape and screening regulations. As required in Article IX.
Off-street parking. As required in Article XI.
Performance standards.
All industrial operations shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building.
All storage of materials and equipment shall be within a fully enclosed building or in a side or rear yard so screened by berms, dense vegetative plantings, wood fences or brick walls or combinations of these materials at least eight (8) feet in height so that said materials and equipment are not visible at eye level within one thousand (1,000) feet of the property line.
Accessory buildings, modules and/or other structures or containers used for storage or other allowed accessory use must be fabricated from similar materials and present the same general outside appearance as the primary structure.
No storage or use of any hazardous materials is allowed unless used in conjunction and as a necessary component of one (1) of the permitted or conditional uses. All such hazardous materials shall be registered with the appropriate fire protection district.
Any and all landscaping required by this Section shall be installed in accordance with the approved Site Plan and maintained in accordance.
Any other standards as defined in Article XII.
Site Plan review. See Article XIII.
Architectural standards.
No exterior walls (including real wall) or roof shall be permitted with exposed galvanized steel sheeting. Metal clad buildings are prohibited.
Material for the buildings shall include tilt-up concrete, masonry, brick, stucco and selected forms of aggregate. Colors should be earth tones to blend with the environment.
[Ord. No. 2127, 8-18-2021]
The architectural character of each proposed building or structure shall be contemporary in style. Architecture will be evaluated in terms of integration of form, texture and color with the particular landscape and topographical character of each site and adjacent sites.
No building or structure should exceed fifty (50) feet or three (3) stories in height, whichever is less. The City's Board may allow additional height to a maximum of six (6) stories where it is determined that additional height will not adversely impact the surrounding land uses.
Major systems requiring large components (e.g., air-conditioning, storage tanks, etc.) should be located in mechanical rooms within the buildings. As an alternative, including those required to meet the mandated health and safety standards, might include an exterior location at or depressed below ground level as necessary to limit heights to a maximum of eight (8) feet above grade with decorative screening on all sides or be fully recessed into roof wells with allowance for future equipment.
Vertical roof projections such as vents, stacks or roof-mounted equipment must be integrated and screened in a manner that compliments the architectural form of the building. The particular concern of the City is the complete concealment from visual impact from on- or off-site storage tanks, HVAC and/or the mechanical equipment, duct work, cooling towers, generators, transformers, all but small flues and vents, temporary buildings and any other non-architectural appurtenances.
Mechanical equipment and auxiliary buildings, if otherwise acceptable, should not be located within the building setback lines. Proper spacing for landscaping is important. Auxiliary building design shall be correlated with design of the main buildings. Metal prefabricated or similar "stock" structures are not acceptable. Portable containers may be considered on a temporary basis only.
Landscape standards.
Except as modified below, all buildings, structures, equipment, storage facilities, fences and paved vehicular areas, excluding entry drives facing existing and proposed streets, roads and highways, shall be a minimum of thirty (30) feet from the street, road or highway right-of-way. The area within this setback shall be designated as a landscape area and kept free of any improvements other than trees, shrubs, lawns and other landscaping, except that pedestrian walkways and drives shall be allowed. If the building is more than thirty (30) feet from the right-of-way, written permission may be requested from the City's Board of Adjustment to park automobiles between the building and the right-of-way. The intent of this provision is to allow the Board of Adjustment to grant, at their discretion, a credit for additional distance of buildings from the right-of-way to permit automobile parking so long as a total area of thirty (30) feet times the frontage of the lot is devoted exclusively to lawns, landscaping and pedestrian walkways. If permission is granted by the Board of Adjustment for parking of automobiles between the building and the right-of-way, such parking areas shall be, in the opinion of the Board of Adjustment, adequately screened from view from the street, road or highway with masonry walls, earth berms, plant material or any combination thereof
All side and rear yards shall maintain a minimum of a fifteen (15) foot landscape strip adjacent to the property line. A minimum of one (1) tree and ten (10) shrubs per thirty (30) linear feet of distance for each boundary line shall be required.
All unpaved ground will be landscaped in a manner that is complimentary to the architecture, so as to provide the required screening and form an attractive transition to the natural landscape features of the site. Landscaping will consist of an effective combination of street trees, grass, ground cover and shrubbery. Informal massing of evergreen trees and deciduous trees and shrubs will screen parking.
Landscape elements shall relate to the architectural design elements.
Landscape requirements shall not interfere with line of sight requirements at street or driveway intersections.
The City desires to preserve the intrinsic environmental values and continuity of existing natural native tree coverage where possible. Disturbance of existing vegetation during construction should be limited to the immediate construction area.
Contouring, berms, channels and swales should be an integral part of the landscaping, grading and paving design.
Where fill is necessary to attain the finished grade, it shall be clean and free of any waste or noxious materials.
A fence, wall, hedge, landscaping, earth berm, natural buffer or any combination thereof shall be provided to obscure certain uses or portions of a specific use which by the scale or design present a potential negative impact on adjacent properties.
The following specific uses or features shall be screened from adjacent properties and from public view from any existing or proposed public street.
Dumpster and trash hauling areas.
Service entrances and utility facilities.
Loading or docking spaces.
Outdoor storage or material stock or equipment including, but not limited to, motor vehicles, farm or construction equipment or similar items.
Screening standards.
The maximum height at any location of a solid screening structure is eight (8) feet.
The minimum height of any screening shall be that which is sufficient to visually separate uses within the subject property from adjoining properties and streets.
The height of any screening materials on a corner is to be based on vehicular sight distances.
Any earth berm used to fulfill the requirements of this Chapter section shall be stabilized to prevent erosion and be landscaped with grasses, shrubs and other materials.
Shrubs used as screening materials shall be of the evergreen variety and shall be at least three (3) feet in height and no farther than six (6) feet apart when planted. Shrubs shall be a variety that an average height of six (6) feet could be expected as normal growth within two (2) years from the date of planting. Shrubs used for landscaping must follow these same standards but may be either evergreen or deciduous varieties.
Landscaping. Not less than fifteen percent (15%) of the total lot shall be landscaped.
Parking areas.
Loading and service areas shall not be located in any front yard and shall be screened so as not to be visible from any existing or proposed street.
Parking areas must be designed and landscaped so as to break up and avoid a single large paved area and also to provide for the stacking of plowed snow.
Adequate loading and trash storage shall be provided for each building and be provided with appropriate screening.
Parking for handicapped/disabled persons shall be located as near to the building entrance as possible. The number and dimensions of the parking space(s) shall met the requirement of this zoning ordinance.
Signs. All exterior signs will be subject to design review and must be in confluence with the architectural integrity of the light industrial tract.
Master sign plan. For developments containing three (3) or more businesses, submission of a master sign plan pursuant to Section 405.627 of this Code shall be required.
The only signs permitted to tenants or lot owners within the light industrial tract developments will be for identification purposes and shall be located on premises.
Directory signs and/or map locator signs will be allowed at the entrance to the light industrial tract. Such sign shall not be over twelve (12) feet in height or have a face greater than thirty-two (32) square feet.
Standards. Only two (2) types of signage will be permitted per site monument and attached.
Face. Thirty-two (32) square feet per face plus one (1) square foot for every four (4) feet of frontage over thirty (30) feet on a street frontage to a maximum of sixty-four (64) square feet.
Setback. Twenty-five (25) feet from back of curb.
Face. Five percent (5%) of the wall area that faces the street. All signs shall reflect the architectural design scheme of the project and must be submitted as a part of the Site Plan.
[Ord. No. 516 §11(11.01 — 11.04), 6-21-2001; Ord. No. 542 §1(k,l,m), 12-20-2001; Ord. No. 1021 §8, 4-19-2006; Ord. No. 1188 §6, 8-15-2007; Ord. No. 1189 §1, 8-15-2007; Ord. No. 1258 §8, 12-19-2007]
Purpose. The purpose and intent of the High Tech Corridor District is to provide a controlled and protected environment for the orderly growth and development of high technology industries within a park-like setting. This district allows some commercial, office and service industries as accessory uses through mixed-use development where all uses conform to the environmental performance standard.
Primary Uses. The following activities are permitted subject to the development standards set forth herein:
Federal, State, County, City or public utility owned and operated buildings and uses.
Office buildings for general office purposes.
Scientific, precision and research instruments and engineering laboratories.
Educational, scientific and research organizations.
Research and development and limited manufacturing with a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the building floor area.
Educational facilities.
Computer programming and other software services.
Engineering, architectural and design services.
Recreational facilities.
Secondary Uses. The following secondary activities, which support or are adjunct to the primary activities, are permitted subject to the development and performance standards set forth herein. Such activities shall be limited to thirty percent (30%) of the park:
Air field — CU (denotes conditional use).
Banks, financial institutions, credit unions, title loan store or check cashing store.
Bus shelter — CU.
Recreation facilities solely for employees of permitted development.
Wireless support structures and wireless facilities.
[Ord. No. 1732 §5, 8-20-2014]
Buildings for storage of documents, records, testing and research equipment, experimental models and other personal property related to the principal use.
Clinic, cafeterias, lounges and recreational areas for employees.
Living quarters for custodians and caretakers.
Administrative offices related to the principal use.
Day care facility primary for use by employees and their families.
Retail and consumer service establishments accessory to any permitted use dealing primarily with employees, students or faculty of establishments permitted as principal uses.
Hotels/motor hotels used for providing temporary living quarters and training facilities for employees/consumers of permitted uses.
Restaurants — CU.
CU denotes conditional use and is subject to the provisions of Article VI.
Regulations And Performance Standards.
Administrative requirements.
The applicant requesting "HTCD" zoning must submit a preliminary development plan for the site with the zoning application. The plan shall show proposed uses for all lots, landscape plans, the design of common open space areas in the park, location of signs and additional development standards set forth.
The applicant must also simultaneously file subdivision plats for the tract and go through the platting process concurrently with the rezoning.
The applicant shall include with the plat application covenants for the development.
The applicant shall describe within the covenants the organization and operation of the park's governing board that is set up to enforce said covenants. The covenants shall also address the integration of the site layout.
Park design.
Design unity. Included in this is a logical layout and street pattern; the pattern of open space; the landscape architecture for the park; the selection of tree and shrub species for the park and required of individual tenants; and plans, typical elevations and scale drawing illustrating design unity of street furniture and signs for the park.
Design integration of the common open space system and stormwater drainage system. The common open space system includes parks and recreational areas, environmental reserves protected from development or retained for their scenic beauty, the storm drainage system and open space around the park's commercial or administrative center. The storm drainage includes conduits, swales, streams, wetlands and surcharge retention ponds sufficient to contain storm drainage on the tract and to avoid localized flooding on individual lots in the industrial park and other abutting and nearby parcels outside of the tract.
A statement explaining how the integration of the site layout of the individual lots with the overall design will occur.
Site area. Five (5) acres minimum unless the proposed project abuts an existing "HTCD" or commercial zone, in which case the minimum combined district shall be at least five (5) acres.
Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be one hundred (100) feet.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage by all structures shall not exceed fifty percent (50%).
Yard requirements.
Front yard. Not less than thirty (30) feet. All required front yards must be kept clear of parking, loading areas, accessory uses and buildings.
Side yard. Not less than twenty (20) feet, except in the case of a corner lot where the side yard shall be thirty (30) feet.
Rear yard. Not less than thirty-five (35) feet.
Height requirement. No building or structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet or three (3) stories. The Planning Commission may allow additional height to a maximum of six (6) stories where it is determined that additional height will not adversely impact the surrounding land uses.
Landscaping and screening.
All side and rear yards shall maintain a minimum of a fifteen (15) foot landscape strip adjacent to the property line. A minimum of one (1) tree and ten (10) shrubs per thirty (30) feet linear distance for each boundary line shall be provided.
In addition to the fifteen (15) foot landscape strip, an additional fifteen (15) foot transition strip will be required where adjacent to residential uses. Such transition shall meet standards set forth in Article IX.
All front yards required under this Chapter shall be landscaped and maintained.
A fence, wall, hedge, landscaping, earth berm, natural buffer or any combination thereof shall be provided to obscure certain uses or portions of a specific use which by the scale or design represent the potential negative impact on adjacent properties. The following specific uses or features shall be screened from adjacent properties and from public view from any existing or proposed public street.
Dumpster and trash hauling areas.
Service entrances and utility facilities.
Loading docks or spaces.
Outdoor storage or material stocks or equipment including, but not limited to, motor vehicles, farm or construction equipment or other similar items.
Screening standards. In addition to the standards set forth in Article IX, the following standards apply to all screening:
Maximum height at any location for a solid screening structure is eight (8) feet.
Minimum height of any screening shall be that which is sufficient to visually separate uses within the subject property from adjoining properties and streets.
Height of any screening materials on a corner is controlled by vehicular sight distances.
Any area zoned "HTCD" High Tech Corridor District shall be served by approved public water and sanitary sewer facilities.
All utilities must be placed underground. In the instance of external equipment such as transformers, screening will be required.
Loading areas shall not be located within any front yard and shall be properly screened so as to be not visible from any existing or proposed street. Screening may be with earth berms or with landscaping.
All off-street parking areas, to include drives within the parking areas, greater than either twenty (20) automobiles shall have at least ten percent (10%) of the interior of the parking area landscaped in planting islands or peninsulas. The minimum width of the planting area or peninsula shall be seven (7) feet between the backs of the curbs and at least one (1) tree, two (2) inch caliber, per twenty (20) parking spaces shall be planted within the planting islands or peninsulas.
Design of parking lot should encourage the use of mass transit and ridesharing.
Site Plan review. In addition to the regulations outlined in Article XIII the following shall apply:
All structures regardless of size are required to be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Board of Aldermen.
All Site Plans must include landscape architectural plans addressing screening/landscape requirements.
Site Plans must include information on the percent of coverage of the total site in buildings, parking areas, accessory uses.
Plans for all signs to be erected must be included and show sign location, design, color and lighting.
Performance standards.
All operations must take place within a fully enclosed building.
All storage of materials and equipment shall be within a fully enclosed building or rear yard so screened at least eight (8) feet in height and not visible to an adjacent property. Screening shall be defined as berms, dense vegetation and wood or brick fences.
Access points shall minimize traffic congestion. Whenever possible, access to a public road shall be made to service more than one (1) site.
Master sign plan. For developments containing three (3) or more businesses, submission of a master sign plan pursuant to Section 405.627 of this Code shall be required.
The only signs permitted within the "HTCD" will be for identification purposes and shall be located on-premises. No advertisements or billboards will be allowed.
Park directory signs and/or map locator signs will be allowed at the entrance to the park. Such sign shall not be over twelve (12) feet in height and have a face no greater than thirty-two (32) square feet.
Standards. Only two (2) types of signage will be permitted per site in the "HTCD", monument and attached.
Face. Thirty-two (32) square feet per face plus one (1) square foot for every four (4) feet of frontage over thirty (30) linear feet on a street frontage to a maximum of sixty-four (64) square feet.
Setback. Twenty-five (25) foot from back of curb.
Face. Five percent (5%) of the wall area that faces the street.
Design. All signs shall reflect the architectural design scheme of the project and must be submitted as a part of the Site Plan.
Architectural design standards.
Structures must be finished on all sides.
Metal clad buildings prohibited.
Material for the buildings shall include masonry, brick, stucco and selected forms of aggregate.
Colors should be of earth tones to merge with the environment.
[Ord. No. 2136, 9-15-2021]
Purpose. This district is intended to replace the current "Uptown" Zoning District as adopted by Ordinance No. 1175, as amended, and is applicable to those properties zoned "Uptown" on the City's Official Zoning Map as of the date of adoption of this "ND" New Development Zoning District. This district further intends, by Site Plan or Area Plan approval, design standards, supplemental standards, and other procedures hereinafter set forth, to provide for retail commercial, limited light industrial (consistent with the "HTCD" High Tech Corridor District), office, business and personal service, residential, and mixed-use developments for designated areas within the City of Dardenne Prairie based on property location as stipulated herein. It is intended to work in conjunction with the existing regulations of the City's zoning code to foster a higher quality of architecture and site design that creates a distinct character for the area and promotes an inviting, pedestrian-friendly environment. The purposes of this district include the following:
To create a pedestrian-friendly and walkable environment that connects residential, recreational, and commercial uses;
To encourage site and building design that establishes a sense of place and establishes an image for the designated areas;
To encourage increased private investment;
To encourage an imaginative and innovative design of land development; and
To promote development compatible with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
All existing and proposed developments approved prior to September 15, 2021, shall continue to be governed by the existing applicable approved Area Plan or Site Plan or such plan as may have been approved for a proposed project not completed as of that date.
All requirements, regulations, and standards of all other applicable regulatory codes and ordinances of the City shall be applicable including, but not limited to, the following:
Building and Construction Regulations, as set forth in Title V of this Code, as amended;
Supplementary district regulations, as set forth in Article V of Chapter 405 of this Code, as amended;
Landscaping and screening regulations, as set forth in Article IX of Chapter 405 of this Code, as amended; and
Off-street parking, as set forth in Article XI of Chapter 405 of this Code, as amended.
An Area Plan or Site Plan, as applicable, approved by the Board of Aldermen in accordance with Article IV or Article XIII of Chapter 405 of this Code shall be required for any new development involving:
New construction on a vacant or cleared site;
Rehabilitation of existing structures that requires a building permit; or
Redevelopment or rehabilitation of a site or improvements from its most recent or current use to a use not of the same type (established by using North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) use designations).
Amendments. Once an Area Plan or Site Plan is approved for a development, amendments to such plan shall be approved according to the following:
If construction of the development has not commenced or is not yet completed, amendments to the approved Area Plan or Site Plan shall be approved according to the process established by Article IV or Article XIII of Chapter 405 of this Code, as amended, respectively.
Major amendments shall require approval using the same process as the original Area Plan or Site Plan approval. Major amendments include:
Any construction listed under Subsection (C)(1), above;
Construction of a new or an additional building;
Construction of additions, the floor area of which is equal or greater than twenty-five percent (25%) of the floor area of the existing structure; or
Any amendment not expressly identified as a minor amendment under Subsection (C)(1)(c) of Section 405.215 of this Code.
Minor amendments shall require approval by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall determine whether an amendment is a major amendment or a minor amendment in accordance with Subsection (C)(2)(b) and (c) of this Section. The following shall be considered minor amendments unless other district requirements relating to elements such as parking, lot coverage, yard areas, setback, screening, fencing, etc., would be violated or require action by the Board of Adjustment:
Construction of site improvements such as patios, porches, pergolas, awnings, and similar features or structures;
Construction of additions, the floor area of which measures less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the floor area of the existing structure; or
A change in type of screening or fencing that results in the same density or opacity of approved screening.
Permitted And Conditional Uses. Uses within the "ND" Districts shall generally be compatible with the land uses as set forth in the matrix below and as permitted by right or condition under the corresponding zoning district regulations listed below ("Corresponding Zoning District Regulations").
"ND" New Development District Use Matrix
Property Location
Corresponding Zoning District Regulations
Single-Family Residential
(Applicable to those properties along either the east and west sides of Post Road and the south side of Town Square Avenue in the vicinity of the intersection of these roadways and not otherwise described in this matrix)
"R-1B" Single-Family Residential District
Section 405.150
"R-1C" Single-Family Residential District
Section 405.160
"R-1D" Single-Family Residential District
Section 405.170
Commercial/Residential Alternative
(Applicable to the southern section of the parcel located at the intersection of Post Road and Technology Drive with frontage to both roadways)
Any residential district as specified in Subsection (D)(1) above
"C-1" Local Commercial District
Section 405.180
"C-2" General Commercial District
Section 405.190
(Applicable to the properties on the north side of Town Square Avenue immediately east of the shopping center and all properties fronting Technology Drive/I-64 north of Post Road)
"C-2" General Commercial District
Section 405.190
"C-3" Retail Commercial District
Section 405.195
"HTCD" High Tech Corridor District
Section 405.210
Public, Institutional, and Parks
(Applicable to those properties along either side of Post Road/Hanley Road currently used for public, institutional, religious, or parks and recreation facilities)
Park or playground
Recreational facility
Government facility
Religious institution
Educational facility/institution
Site Regulations.
"ND" New Development District Site Regulations
Lot Standards
As required by the applicable Corresponding Zoning District Regulations per Subsection (D) above.
Yard and Setback Requirements
As required by the applicable Corresponding Zoning District Regulations per Subsection (D) above.
Height Requirements
As required by the applicable Corresponding Zoning District Regulations per Subsection (D) above.
Off-street parking and loading
Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in compliance with the requirements of Article XI of Chapter 405 of this Code; provided, however, that the shared parking reductions set forth under Subsection (E)(4)(b) and (c) of this Section may be approved as part of the approval of an Area Plan pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 405 of this Code for uses located within 800 feet of the shared parking facility.
Shared parking reductions for different use combinations
Joint Office and retail or service uses
A maximum 20% reduction in total spaces required.
Joint Residential and retail or service uses
A maximum 30% reduction in the residential parking required. Restaurant and entertainment venues shall be excluded
Joint Residential and office uses
A maximum 40% reduction in the residential parking required
Shared parking reductions for same use combinations
4 or more separate establishments of same use
A maximum 20% reduction in the total spaces required
3 separate establishments
A maximum 15% reduction in the total spaces required
2 separate establishments
A maximum 10% reduction in the total spaces required
Utilities serving a site and the on-site structures shall be located underground in easements that can serve multiple properties.
Landscape Requirements
As required by Article IX of this Chapter
Performance Standards
As required by Article XII of this Chapter
Storm Sewer and Drainage Facilities
As required by Chapter 550 of this Code
Design Standards.
"ND" New Development District Design Standards
Building Placement and Orientation
The main facade of a building must be oriented to face the principal street on which it has frontage.
Buildings on corner lots must be oriented so that the facade design is given equal treatment to each street on which it has frontage.
Buildings should occupy a lot in accord with the standards of the Corresponding Zoning District Regulations as may be applicable as set forth in Subsections (D)(1) and (E) above.
Building Materials
Building materials should be used and installed in keeping with the chosen architectural style. Building material colors should be varied and complementary to each other
Unless modified through Area Plan or Site Plan approval, at least 70% of each building's facade (not including window and door openings) should be clad using primary materials as identified under Subsection (F)(2)(c) of this Section.
Walls (primary materials)
Primary materials include brick, stone, stucco, cast stone, wood shingle, wood or fiber cement siding.
EIFS shall also be allowed as a primary material but shall not be permitted on the ground floor portion of a facade.
Tilt-up concrete, or similar, shall be permitted when tinted, stained, or stamped with a pattern.
Walls (accent materials)
Accent materials include metal panels, decorative concrete masonry units, architectural cement block, textured concrete panels, glass block, or any primary materials.
Arches and Piers
Shall match or be compatible with wall materials.
Columns and Posts
Shall be wood, composite, metal, brick, stone, or cast stone.
Shall be wood boards, composite, vinyl, ornamental iron, decorative concrete, decorative metal (but not including chain link), masonry, trellis, lattice, or some combination thereof.
Bases or columns of stucco, brick, or stone are encouraged.
Accessory buildings or structures
Shall be clad with materials compatible with or matching the primary building or structure.
Generally unacceptable materials
Vinyl or aluminum siding, plywood panels, plexiglass, corrugated metal, concrete modular block, corrugated tin roof, mirrored glass on ground floor.
Facade Articulation and Relief
Each building shall incorporate several common architectural features, appropriate for the architectural style chosen. Design features should be used to enhance main facades, especially at building entries. Windows are key to the overall design of a building and the relationship between the exterior and interior.
Entrance design requirements
Building entrances are required to be clearly delineated and indicate a clear transition from the exterior to the interior of the building. Every main entrance to a building is required to have a special emphasis when compared to the other portions of the building.
Articulation requirements
Horizontal and vertical facade variations (depth relief) shall be required on the first 3 floors of building facade. Above the third floor, a flat facade design is permitted.
Window requirements
At least 50% of the ground floor facade shall be window or door openings. Clear glass for storefronts, windows, and doors shall be used for retail type buildings.
Corner requirements
Corner lot buildings should include a prominent architectural feature of greater height than the rest of the roof, or emphasis at the corner where the 2 public streets meet.
Facade detail examples
Pilasters, piers, columns, friezes, cornices, and window surrounds.
Facade relief examples
Balconies of various depth, canopies, awnings, covered arcades, roof overhangs, recesses, and bay windows or similar projections.
Height and Rooflines
Buildings should have varying roofline elevations to add architectural interest and avoid the appearance of long, monotonous roofline expanses.
For flat roof designs, a variation such as a parapet or tower is required every 50 feet of roofline.
Amenity Areas
Outdoor seating and gathering areas should be provided for commercial developments.
Patio and seating areas may be located in required setbacks, but shall not encroach into required walkways.
Bicycle racks or parking areas shall be provided adjacent to entrances. Centralized racks may be located to serve multiple businesses.
Public art is encouraged to help create an identity for the "ND" District.
Sidewalks and Walkways
Sites and buildings shall be designed to encourage pedestrian activity and social interaction and create an environment that supports pedestrian and bicycle access.
Interior sidewalks and walkways shall be a minimum of 5 feet in width
Walkways from rear parking areas to the front of lots shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width.
Right-of-way and Streetscape
If a tree lawn and sidewalk are not already located along an adjacent street, a tree lawn of at least 5 feet in width and a sidewalk minimum of 5 feet in width shall be constructed along the entire length of the property line adjacent to the street. For purposes of this Section, the term "tree lawn" shall mean a narrow band of unpaved area located between the edge of the street pavement and an adjacent sidewalk.
Parking and Access
Parking areas shall be located along the side or rear of buildings.
No direct pull-in, back-out parking spaces shall be permitted along streets. Parallel parking is allowed.
Shared access (vehicle ingress/egress) points are encouraged to reduce the number of curb cuts along streets.
Mechanical equipment and dumpster areas
Screening from ground-level view of primary access roads and residential districts shall be provided for ground-mounted and rooftop mechanical equipment and dumpster areas.
Loading and service areas
The same screening shall be required as for mechanical equipment. In addition, service parking and loading zones should be located away from residential uses to the maximum extent possible and buffered in accordance with standards of Article IX of Chapter 405 of this Code.
Solid fences or walls compatible in design and color to the building material and design shall be used.
Chain link (including cloth, canvas, or slat covered) and wire fencing shall not be used for screening.
Proper layout, height, fixture selection, and lighting level shall be incorporated as part of the Final Plan or Site Plan design requirements.
Site lighting shall use LED bulb technology of low-intensity from a concealed source, shall be of a clear white or amber light that does not distort colors, and shall not spill over onto adjoining properties, highways, or in any way interfere with the vision of oncoming motorists. Lighting fixtures shall be of a type capable of shielding the light source from direct view. The Final Plan or Site Plan, as applicable, must show the relationship of fixtures and the light patterns to each other, to the project site, to the development, and the adjacent rights-of-way.
Fixtures used to accent architectural features, landscaping or art shall be located, aimed or shielded to minimize light spillover onto the surrounding environment.
Architectural lighting shall be recessed under roof overhangs or generated from a concealed source, low-level light fixture(s). Roof lights, lighted roof panels, and other methods of illuminating buildings, deemed inappropriate, are not allowed.
Decorative, low-level intensity, non-concealed source lighting that defines on-site vehicular and/or pedestrian ways are acceptable.
Sign Regulations.
Signage shall be in compliance with Article X of Chapter 405 of this Code unless a Comprehensive Sign Plan is submitted for approval in association with an Area Plan or Site Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend, and the Board of Aldermen may approve, a Comprehensive Sign Plan and such plan shall be made part of the ordinance approving the Area Plan or Site Plan. This ordinance may contain conditions, requirements or standards regarding signs that may be stipulated by the Board of Aldermen.
A request for approval for a Comprehensive Sign Plan, shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
A Site Plan, depicting the proposed plan of development and illustration of proposed sign locations;
Descriptions and drawings indicating size, qualities, materials and illumination; and
A narrative description of the common theme for signage within the development, how it relates to architectural and/or landscaping elements of the development, and how the Comprehensive Sign Plan relates to each of the criteria set forth in this Section.
Comprehensive Sign Plans shall be evaluated based upon the following criteria:
Placement. All signs shall be placed where they are sufficiently visible and readable for their function. Factors to be considered shall include the purpose of the sign, its location relative to traffic movement and access points, site features, structures and sign orientation relative to viewing distances and viewing angles.
Quantity. The number of signs that may be approved within any development shall be no greater than that required to provide project identification and entry signs, internal circulation and directional information to destinations and development sub-areas and business identification. Factors to be considered shall include the size of the development, the number of development sub-areas, and the division or integration of sign functions.
Size. All signs shall be no larger than necessary for visibility and readability. Factors to be considered in determining appropriate size shall include topography, volume of traffic, speed of traffic, visibility range, proximity to adjacent uses, amount of sign copy, placement of display (location and height), lettering style and the presence of distractive influences. In no event shall a plan contain a sign which exceeds by more than fifty percent (50%) that of any maximum area standard contained in Article X unless otherwise waived by the Board of Aldermen.
Materials. Sign materials shall be compatible with architectural and/or natural features of the development. This may be accomplished through similarity of materials for sign structures and faces, the use of complementary colors, similarity of architectural style or the use of consistent lettering style and typography.