Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that development is consistent with the General Plan, complies with the standards of this chapter, produces an environment that is harmonious with existing and future development, and protects the use and enjoyment of neighboring properties.
The standards in this chapter apply to all zones.
These standards shall be considered in combination with the standards for each zone in Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), and Article 4 (Standards for Specific Land Uses). Where there may be a conflict, the standards specific to the zone or specific land use shall override the general standards specified in this chapter.
All structures, additions to structures, and uses shall conform to the standards of this chapter as determined applicable by the Director.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Objectives. The following objectives shall be satisfied in approving any accessory use:
The accessory use is clearly incidental and subordinate to the primary use on the site;
The accessory use supports and enhances the primary use on the site;
The accessory use does not change the character of the primary use; and
The accessory use is compatible with the primary uses on surrounding properties.
Considerations. The following considerations shall be used in reviewing proposed accessory uses to help determine if they will meet the above objectives:
The type of primary use on the site and the relationship of the proposed accessory use to the primary use;
The size and intensity of the proposed accessory use in comparison to the primary use (with respect to: floor area, sales revenue, number of employees, traffic, etc.); and
If the primary use is existing or proposed and, if existing, for how long.
Approval Process.
Application Process. An application for an accessory use shall be reviewed through one of the following processes, at the determination of the Director:
As an addition to an allowed primary use on the site where only Zoning Clearance and no Administrative Permit or Conditional Use Permit is required;
As an addition to an allowed primary use on the site, but an Administrative Permit or Conditional Use Permit is required for the accessory use;
As a major or minor modification to the existing Administrative Permit or Conditional Use Permit for the primary use on the site; or
As a new Administrative Permit or Conditional Use Permit for both the primary and accessory use.
Director Determination. The determination by the Director as to the type of permit and level of review that shall be required for an accessory use shall be based on the potential for controversy, opposition, any unresolved issues, or policy implications.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. This section provides location and operational standards for off-sale alcohol sales establishments (also referred to as liquor stores). The provisions in this section shall apply to alcohol sales establishments where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards) and the following standards.
Applicable Provisions and Prohibitions.
Prohibited Locations. Off-sale alcohol sales establishments shall not be located within a 1,000-foot radius of another off-sale alcohol sales establishment or any sensitive uses (i.e., schools, parks, youth facilities), as measured in compliance with paragraph 2 below.
Measurement of Distance. The distance between an off-sale alcohol sales establishment and a sensitive use or another off-sale alcohol sales establishment shall be made in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures or objects, from property line to property line of the parcel on which the structure, or portion of the structure, in which the sensitive use or another off-sale alcohol sales establishment occurs or is located.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment and operation of convenience stores and mini marts.
Standards. In zones where allowed, convenience stores and mini marts shall be subject to all the requirements of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
The site shall have direct frontage along an arterial or collector street. The site shall not have direct access on a local residential street unless approved by the Department of Public Works.
The design and location of the access drive(s) shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Public Works and/or the California Department of Transportation.
New convenience stores and mini marts proposed within 1,000 feet of an existing or previously approved convenience store, mini mart, elementary, junior, or senior high school, parks, and youth facilities, as measured from one property line to another, shall require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
The retail sale of alcoholic beverages shall only be allowed with approval of an Administrative Permit. The establishment and operation of alcoholic beverage sales are subject to the provisions in Section 18.60.030 (Alcoholic Beverage Sales Businesses).
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 1990 § 1, 2020)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment and operation of cottage food operations within residential zones which allow for low-risk products to be made or repackaged at a private residence for sale to consumers.
Direct Sales. A transaction within the State between the cottage food operator (CFO) and a consumer, where the consumer purchases the cottage food product directly from the CFO. Direct sales include, but are not limited to, transactions at holiday bazaars or other temporary events (e.g., bake sales or food swaps), transactions at farm stands, certified farmers' markets, or through communitysupported agricultural subscriptions occurring in person in the cottage food operation.
Indirect Sales. A transaction between a CFO, a third-party retailer, and a consumer, where the consumer purchases cottage food products made by the CFO from a third-party retailer that holds a valid permit issued by the County Division of Environmental Health. Indirect sales include, but are not limited to, sales made to retail shops or to retail food facilities where food may be immediately consumed on the premises.
Compliance with County Division of Environmental Health. The cottage food operations shall comply with County Division of Environmental Health requirements.
Zoning Clearance Required. The approval of a Zoning Clearance through the Department is required.
Employees. Cottage food operations may have one full-time employee, not including family members or household members.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment of emergency shelters.
Standards. In zones where allowed, emergency shelters shall be subject to all the requirements of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
Compliance with Regulations.
Federal, State and Local Regulations. Operation of emergency shelters shall comply with all Federal, State, and local requirements.
Life and Safety Regulations. Emergency shelters shall comply with all applicable building, fire, and health and safety codes.
Hours of Operation. Facilities shall establish and maintain set hours of operation.
Length of Stay. The maximum length of stay shall be no longer than six months, as established by the California Health and Safety Code for emergency shelters.
Lighting. On-site lighting shall be provided in all parking, pedestrian paths, and entry areas. Lights shall be shielded and directed away from adjacent properties and uses in compliance with Section 18.40.070 (Outdoor Lighting).
Location Requirement. Emergency shelters shall have a separation of at least 300 feet from other emergency shelters, as measured from one property line to another.
Number of Beds. An emergency shelter may have up to 60 beds.
On-Site Staffing. A minimum of one supervisory level staff member shall be present on the site during hours of operation. Operator(s) shall ensure that loitering does not occur on the property during non-shelter hours and shall further ensure that clients are not loitering, littering, or otherwise creating a nuisance to the neighborhood.
Outdoor Activities. Outdoor activity and intake areas shall be screened from public view and from the view of adjacent properties.
Parking. The emergency shelter shall provide on-site parking for all staff plus one space per each 10 occupants allowed at the maximum capacity.
Review. A Zoning Clearance and Site Plan and Design Review for proposed facilities shall be submitted to responsible County departments for review and comment.
Security. A security plan shall be submitted to the Sheriff's Department for review and approval prior to operation and shall be reviewed annually.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where permitted, home occupations shall require review and approval of a Zoning Clearance subject to the following standards:
Home occupations shall be operated by individuals that reside in the household, with the exception of one non-resident employee.
Business operations (deliveries, traffic, etc.) shall not change the residential character of the neighborhood.
Vehicles relating to a home occupation shall not be parked at the subject residence if they exceed a typical utility car, van, or pickup truck. Not more than one vehicle specifically for advertising a home occupation shall be permitted.
Merchandise or products shall not be publicly displayed.
There shall be no advertising which calls attention to the home used for business purposes. Telephone listings and mass media advertising shall not include the home address.
There shall be no mechanical equipment used other than for purely domestic or hobby purposes.
Appearance and Physical Features.
The appearance of the structure shall not be altered nor the occupation within the residence be conducted in a manner which would cause the premises to differ from its residential character either by use of separate entrance, colors, materials, construction, lighting, signs, or emissions of sounds, noises, and vibrations.
Space for the home occupation, including related storage, is limited to the lesser of 250 square feet or 25% of the living space.
The home occupation including the office area, storage of merchandise, products, or equipment shall be enclosed within the structure and shall not occupy the necessary off-street parking. Outside storage is not permitted.
A home occupation shall not create adverse levels of noise or odors above the typical levels in the surrounding neighborhood.
The home occupation shall not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic beyond that which is normal in a residential area.
Prohibited Home Occupations. The following home occupations are prohibited in the county:
Beauty and barber shops;
Medical, dental, or chiropractic offices;
On-site vehicle repair, bodywork, and painting (including recreational vehicles);
Large appliance and machine repair; and
Contractor storage yard.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2039, 5/21/2024)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate additional residential unit(s) allowed in the R-R and all agricultural zones, where parcels are not connected to public water and sewer services and are served with wells and on-site septic systems.
Standards. In R-R and agricultural zones where allowed, additional residential unit(s) shall be subject to all the requirements of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
Requirements for the R-R Zone.
No more than one additional residential unit shall be allowed per parcel.
The additional residence may be either a conventional or manufactured dwelling.
Conventional or manufactured dwellings shall be placed on permanent foundations.
The additional residential unit shall not exceed one story.
The additional residential unit may be attached or detached to the primary residential dwelling.
County Division of Environmental Health approval is required to determine compliance with Local Agency Management Plan (LAMP).
Requirements for Agricultural Zones.
Allowed Dwelling Type and Location. Additional residential units may be conventional or manufactured dwelling.
An additional residential unit may be allowed on parcels six acres or larger. Exceptions may be made subject to the following standards:
A maximum of one additional residential unit may be allowed on a parcel less than six acres if all of the following criteria is met:
Approval for a well and on-site septic system is obtained from the County Division of Environmental Health;
The parcel is not developed with an additional residential unit; and
The property owner is the occupant of the existing or proposed permanent single-family dwelling on the same parcel.
Additional residences may be allowed on parcels served with public water and sewer services, subject to the provisions of Chapter 18.62 (Accessory Dwelling Units).
Unit Size.
The size of a detached additional residential unit shall not exceed 1,200 square feet.
The size of an attached additional residential unit shall not exceed 30% of the floor area of the existing or proposed permanent single-family dwelling.
Principal Occupant Requirements for Agricultural Zones. The principal occupants of the additional residential units shall either be:
Bona fide farmers or qualified agricultural workers; or
Members of the owner's immediate family, when the property owner is the occupant of a permanent single-family residence presently existing on the same parcel.
Environmental Health Approval. The applicant shall obtain approval from the County Division of Environmental Health indicating the proposed installation of any wells and on-site septic systems complies with County regulations.
Annual Monitoring Permit. Each additional residential unit(s) shall be subject to a yearly occupancy monitoring permit with the regulations administered by the Department.
Deed Restriction. The property owner shall sign and record the following documents prior to the issuance of the Building Permit:
An affidavit provided by the Department attesting to the qualifications of the occupant; and
A right-to-farm certificate to notify subsequent occupants of the inconveniences of farming operations and the priority to which the County places on these operations.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 1990 § 1, 2020; Ord. 2039, 5/21/2024)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment of employee housing as governed by the Employee Housing Act, and to facilitate additional housing opportunities for agricultural workers.
Applicability. This section shall apply to all employee housing permitted by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in accordance with the Employee Housing Act, California Building Standards Code, the Mobilehome Parks Act, and the Special Occupancy Act.
Standards. In zones where allowed, employee housing shall be subject to all the requirements of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
Employee Housing, Agricultural.
Occupancy. In any zone where agricultural uses are allowed, agricultural employee housing, shall consist of either 36 beds or less in group quarters or 12 units or less, with each unit designed for use by a single family or household.
Permit Requirements. Employee housing, agricultural, shall be considered an agricultural use and subject to the same permits and fees applicable to any allowed agricultural use in that zone.
Employee Housing, Residential.
Occupancy. In any zone where residential uses are allowed, residential employee housing shall consist of accommodations for six employees or less. Family members of the employees are not counted. Use of a dwelling for residential employee housing shall not constitute a change of occupancy.
Permit Requirements. Residential employee housing shall be considered a residential use and subject to the same permits and fees applicable to any residential use allowed in that zone.
Industrial Zones. Employee housing for six employees or less is permitted with the approval of an Administrative Permit.
Additional Employee Housing. In any zone where employee housing is allowed, employee housing may be permitted to exceed the allowed occupancy, as described in this section, with approval of a Conditional Use Permit and subject to the following standards:
The site shall be adequately served by public water and sewer services, and/or private septic and well approved by the County Division of Environmental Health.
The site shall not be located on prime farmland, unique farmland, or farmland of Statewide importance as identified by the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program.
The employee housing shall be located on the same parcel, or adjacent to a parcel, that is developed with an existing commercial, industrial, or agricultural related business.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 1990 § 1, 2020)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate manufactured housing in all residential zones.
Standards. In all residential zones, manufactured housing shall be placed on permanent foundations and shall be subject to all the requirements of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
Roof pitch shall be a minimum of two inches vertical rise for each 12 inches of horizontal run.
Eave projection on all sides shall be a minimum of 12 inches.
Exterior siding materials shall be hardboard, wood, stucco, or metal simulating horizontal lap or vertical board and batten.
Exterior roof material shall be asphalt composition, shingle, clay, tile, or other similar material.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate mobile/manufactured home park housing.
Common Recreation Area. A common recreation area shall be provided. The size of the park shall be, at a minimum, either 400 square feet of recreation area per mobile/manufactured home, or 4,400 square feet, whichever is greater.
Common Storage. Common storage areas shall be provided within an enclosed fenced area for the residents of the mobile home park for the storage of recreational vehicles. One space measuring 10 feet by 20 feet shall be provided for every five mobile/manufactured home spaces.
Density. Maximum density standards shall be consistent with the General Plan or applicable community plan.
Drainage and Flood Hazard. A mobile/manufactured home park shall be located on a well-drained site, properly graded to provide adequate disposition of water runoff. The area shall be free of flood hazards from external sources. The Director may require dedications and improvements that will ensure proper protection of a mobile/manufactured home park.
Exterior Cladding. Mobile/manufactured homes adjacent to the perimeter fence/wall shall use nonmetallic exterior cladding materials.
Height. The maximum height of any mobile/manufactured home shall not exceed 30 feet.
Perimeter Screening. The perimeter screening shall be opaque, including fences and masonry walls.
Setbacks. The required setbacks between dwellings and from the perimeter fence and/or wall shall be a minimum of 10 feet.
Utilities. All utilities including conduits and associated facilities, as well as television cable shall be placed underground.
Walkways. Walkways shall be provided to allow reasonable direct access to all parcels, service structures, and other areas or structures used by occupants of the mobile homes. Collector walkways serving utility structures, playgrounds, and other general areas shall be at least four feet in width and individual entrance walks to each mobile home site shall be at least two feet in width. Walkways shall be constructed of asphalt, concrete, or other approved materials that will allow all-weather pedestrian movement.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment of single occupancy housing.
Standards. In zones where allowed, single occupancy housing shall be subject to all the requirements of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
Bathroom. An SRO unit is not required but may contain a partial or full private bathroom facility. If a full bathroom facility is not provided, common bathroom facilities shall be provided in compliance with the California Building Code for congregate residences with at least one full bathroom per floor.
Kitchen. An SRO unit is not required but may contain a partial or full private kitchen facility. If a kitchen is not provided, at last one common full kitchen shall be provided per floor.
Laundry Facilities. A minimum of one washer and one dryer shall be provided for every 20 units or fraction thereof, with at least one washer and dryer per floor.
Parking. Off-street parking requirements shall be as follows: one parking space for each SRO unit, one space for an on-site manager where required, and one parking space for each additional employee.
Tenancy. SRO units shall not be rented for a period of less than 30 days.
Unit Size. Unit shall be at a minimum of 150 square feet and a maximum of 400 square feet. Occupancy shall be limited to two persons.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment of temporary housing during an approved construction project.
Standards. In zones where allowed, temporary housing during an approved construction project shall be subject to all the requirements of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
Temporary Residence Permitting. A temporary residence may be allowed on-site during the approved construction of a new or remodeled home conforming to zoning regulations. The Director may issue a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) (occupancy monitoring permit) allowing the use of a temporary dwelling unit, whether conventional, mobile, or recreational vehicle.
Removal or Conversion of the Temporary Residence.
The dwelling unit used as a temporary residence shall be removed from the property within 120 days after the date of final inspection or date of occupancy, of the newly constructed/remodeled dwelling unit; whichever occurs first;
A conventional residential unit used as a temporary residence may be retained on the premises as an accessory structure, provided that all kitchen appliances, fixtures, and plumbing shall be dismantled and removed from the structure within 120 days after the date of final inspection or date of occupancy of the newly constructed/remodeled dwelling unit (removal from public services shall be approved by the County Division of Environmental Health), whichever occurs first;
Conversion of a conventional residential unit used as a temporary unit to an ADU may be allowed in the appropriate zone, subject to the provision in the Code, with the approval of a Zoning Clearance; or
The conversion of a temporary unit to a permitted additional dwelling unit may be permitted in agricultural zones, subject to the provisions in the Code.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In agricultural zones, the Commission may approve or conditionally approve a Conditional Use Permit for kennels with six or more animals only after first making all of the following findings:
The use required to be in a rural area because of unusual site area and/or specific operational characteristics which pose a health or safety problem to urban populations.
The use will not significantly impact adjacent agricultural, recreational, natural, cultural, wildlife, or other natural resources identified by the Natural Resources Element.
The use is limited in size, time of operation, or length of permit authority where necessary to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses.
The use shall not have a detrimental effect on surface or groundwater resources.
The parcel on which such use is requested is not located on productive agricultural lands or the land may reasonably be returned to agricultural use in the future (factors to be considered include, but are not limited to, soil types and potential for agricultural production; the availability of irrigation water; ownership and parcelization patterns; uniqueness and flexibility of use; the existence of Williamson Act contracts; existing uses and their contribution to the agricultural sector of the economy).
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. This section provides location, development, and operation standards for child day care facilities, in compliance with State law.
Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall have the following definitions.
Child Day Care Centers. A child day care facility not operated as a small or large family day care home. Includes infant centers, preschools, and extended child day care facilities. These may be operated in conjunction with a business, school, or religious facility.
Child Day Care Homes, Large. A child day care facility located in a single-family residence where an occupant of the residence provides care and supervision for nine to 14 children in compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 1597.465. Children under the age of 10 years who reside in the home count as children served by the day care facility.
Child Day Care Homes, Small. A child day care facility located in a single-family residence where an occupant of the residence provides care and supervision for eight or fewer children in compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 1597.44. Children under the age of 10 years who reside in the home count as children served by the day care facility.
Standards. These standards apply in addition to the other provisions of this Zoning Code and requirements imposed by the California Department of Social Services. The establishment of a child day care facility shall comply with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), and the following standards:
Large Child Day Care Home. A large child day care home shall be allowed subject to the Director's approval provided the proposal meets the following standards.
Compliance with all County restrictions and regulations on yards, building height, setback, and parcel coverage standards in the zone in which the residence is located;
The large child day care home shall be the principal residence of the child day care provider and the use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the property as a residence;
The home is either situated on a parcel zoned for residential use and meets a minimum standard of 75 square feet of outdoor activity space for each ambulatory child. The outdoor area shall be owned or leased by the applicant and cannot be shared with other property owners unless permission is granted by the joint owners;
Provides adequate access to the facility with minimal disruption to local traffic and circulation;
Locates all outdoor play equipment at least five feet from the adjacent property line;
Within urban residential areas, provides a minimum six-foot high solid wall or barrier to enclose all outdoor play areas;
Is located at least 800 feet from any other large child day care home or child day care center, as measured from one property line to another. However, the Director may allow the proposed large child day care home to be located closer than 800 feet if all of the following is first determined:
The closer location will not have an adverse effect on surrounding properties or on vehicular or pedestrian safety in the area,
The proposal for the closer location seeks by design and layout of the site, to minimize noise which may be a nuisance to neighbors, and
The proposal for the closer location does not materially reduce the privacy otherwise enjoyed by the residents of adjoining property;
Comply with Health and Safety Code Section 1597.46(d), including compliance with any Statewide standards that have or may hereafter be adopted by the State Fire Marshal specifically regarding fire and life safety in large family day care homes, including those standards currently specified in the California Building Code; and
Comply with any conditions imposed by the review authority deemed necessary to satisfy the requirements of this section.
Child Day Care Center. Child day care centers shall regularly provide care, protection, and supervision of children in specified zones. The following provisions, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this subsection, shall apply to child day care centers:
Access shall be only from a collector or arterial street, or a local street if the street is developed primarily with businesses.
Play areas shall be separated from contiguous residential yards by a six-foot high solid masonry wall.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment and operation of mini-storage or self-storage facilities.
Standards. In zones where allowed, mini-storage facilities shall be subject to all the requirements of this Zoning Code and the following standards:
Business Activity.
Storage facilities located adjacent to residential zones shall have hours of operation limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday.
No business activity shall be conducted other than the rental of storage spaces for inactive storage use.
All storage shall be located within fully enclosed structure(s) except for operable vehicles, boats, RVs, and trailers.
The site shall be completely enclosed with the building wall or a six-foot-high solid masonry wall or fence with landscaping, except for points of ingress and egress (including emergency fire access) which shall be gated. The gate(s) shall be maintained in good working order at all times and shall remain closed except when in use.
Caretakers Unit. Residential quarters for a manager or caretaker may be provided in the development subject to Director's approval.
Lighting. All on-site lighting shall be energy efficient, stationary, and directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way in compliance with Section 18.40.070 (Outdoor Lighting).
Minimum Site Area. The minimum site area shall be 20,000 square feet.
Paved Areas. The site shall be paved, except for structures and landscaping. Surface areas for storage of vehicles shall be subject to approval of the Director.
Parking Standards.
The mini-storage facility shall provide two parking spaces for the manager or caretaker, and a minimum of five spaces located adjacent or in a close proximity to the manager's quarters/office for customer parking.
Aisle width shall be a minimum of 25 feet between structures to provide unobstructed and safe circulation, loading, and unloading.
Solid Waste and Recycling. Every parcel with a structure shall have solid waste and recycling receptacles and enclosures on the premises. The solid waste and recycling receptacles and enclosures shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 18.46 (Solid Waste and Recycling Materials Storage).
Prohibited Uses. The following uses are prohibited on parcels operating a mini-storage facility:
The storage of inoperative vehicles; and
The storage of flammable or otherwise hazardous materials.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), mobile recycling facilities shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
Shall be subject to Site Plan and Design Review approval in compliance with Chapter 18.122 (Site Plan and Design Review);
Shall be no larger than 500 square feet and occupy no more than five parking spaces not including space that will be periodically needed for removal of materials or exchange of containers;
Shall be set back at least 10 feet from any public right-of-way, and not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation;
Shall accept only glass, metal, plastic containers, papers, or other recyclable items in specially marked containers approved by the Director;
Shall use no power-driven processing equipment except for reverse vending machines;
Shall use containers that are constructed and maintained with durable waterproof and rustproof material, covered when the site is not attended, secured from unauthorized entry or removal of material, and be of a capacity sufficient to accommodate materials collected and collection schedule;
Shall store all recyclable material in the mobile unit vehicle and shall not leave materials outside of the unit when attendant is not present;
Shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary manner free of litter and any other undesirable materials;
Shall not exceed noise levels of 65 dBA as measured at the property line of adjacent residential zones or 70 dBA for other zones;
Shall not be located within 100 feet of any residential zone;
Collection containers, site fencing, and signs shall be of a color and design compatible and harmonized with the surrounding uses and neighborhood;
Containers shall be clearly marked to identify the name and telephone number of the facility operator and the hours of operation and display a notice stating that no material shall be left outside the recycling enclosure containers;
Signs may be provided as follows:
Recycling facilities may have identification signs up to a maximum of 15 percent of the surface area of each side of a container/structure or 16 square feet, whichever is greater. In the case of a wheeled facility, the container will be measured from the ground to the top of the container,
Signs shall be consistent with the character of their location, and
Directional signs, consistent with Chapter 18.44 (Sign Regulations), bearing no advertising message may be installed with the approval of the Director, if found necessary to facilitate traffic circulation or if the facility is not visible from the public right-of-way;
The facility shall not impair the landscaping required by Chapter 18.36 (Landscaping) for any concurrent use;
No additional parking space shall be required for customers of a small collection facility located at the established parking lot of the primary use. One space will be provided for the attendant, if needed;
Mobile recycling units shall have an area clearly marked to prohibit other vehicular parking during hours when the mobile unit is scheduled to be present;
Occupation of parking spaces by the facility and by the attendant shall not reduce available parking spaces below the minimum number required for the primary use, unless the Director finds that the existing parking capacity is not already fully used during the time the recycling facility operates; and
Facilities may be subject to landscaping and/or screening as determined by the Director.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), applicants for exploratory and production oil and gas wells shall apply for an Administrative Permit. In addition to standard application materials, an oil and gas well application shall include all of the following items:
Lease or Evidence of Ownership Required. Copy of lease or evidence of ownership shall be provided by the applicant to the County.
Oil and Gas Well Indemnity Bond Required. Oil and Gas Well Indemnity Bond with Merced County as Beneficiary to reclaim the site after use shall be provided as follows:
Table 4-1
Oil and Gas Well Indemnity Bond Requirements
Individual Project Bonds
$10,000.00 for wells less than 5,000 feet in depth
$15,000.00 for wells 5,000 feet to 10,000 feet in depth
$20,000.00 for wells over 10,000 feet in depth
A Blanket Bond
As Determined by the Director
Authority to construct or waiver from the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District.
Site Plan and Design Review approval in compliance with Chapter 18.122 (Site Plan and Design Review), showing drill site location on Assessor's Parcel and access route.
Detailed plan of drill site, showing all structures, including mobile homes and commercial coaches if used.
When an exploratory well is successful, a separate subsequent Administrative Permit application shall be processed with environmental review and approved for the production well.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), outdoor dining areas located on private property shall be allowed subject to the approval of the applicable land use permit in compliance with Article 6 (Permit Processing Procedures), the requirements of this Zoning Code, and all of the following standards:
Alcoholic Beverage Sales. Areas in which alcoholic beverages are served shall comply with the standards established by the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
Parking Requirements. Outdoor dining and seating areas parking requirements shall be calculated in compliance with Chapter 18.38 (Off-Street Parking Regulations and Design Standards) for restaurants. Any dining or seating area within the right-of-way shall be included for purposes of calculating the required number of parking spaces.
Clean-Up Facilities. Outdoor dining areas, whether part of a single restaurant or shared by several restaurants, shall provide adequate clean-up facilities, and associated procedures, in the following manner:
Cleaning Schedule. Outdoor dining areas shall be cleaned on a continual basis for removal of litter and food items which constitute a nuisance to public health and safety; and
Waste Receptacles. Outdoor dining areas shall contain waste receptacles, which shall not be allowed to overflow, for use by the public and/or restaurant employees.
Compatibility. To ensure compatibility with surrounding uses and a high standard of quality, the following standards shall apply:
Compatible Elements. Outdoor dining and seating areas and associated structural elements, awnings, covers, furniture, umbrellas, or other physical elements that are visible from public rights-of-way, shall be compatible with the character of the main structure(s);
Entertainment. Outdoor dining and seating areas that provide dancing, entertainment, or amplified music shall comply with the noise standards in Section 18.40.050 (Noise);
Pedestrian Experience. The use of awnings, plants, umbrellas, and other human-scale elements is encouraged to enhance the pedestrian experience;
Potential Impacts. Outdoor dining and seating areas and their relation to churches, hospitals, public schools, and residential uses shall be considered by the Review Authority. Proper mitigation measures shall be applied to eliminate potential impacts related to glare, light, loitering, and noise;
Obstructions. Outdoor dining and seating areas shall not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow and not necessitate the removal of existing pedestrian or vehicular movement areas; and
Barriers. Appropriate barriers shall be placed between outdoor dining and seating areas and parking, traffic, and public and private streets.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), outdoor displays, including temporary outdoor displays and sales in compliance with subsection A (Temporary Outdoor Displays and Sales), and permanent outdoor displays and sales in compliance with subsection B (Permanent Outdoor Displays and Sales), shall be allowed in compliance with the applicable provisions of this Zoning Code and all the following standards. Outdoor uses on public property within the public right-of-way shall require an encroachment permit issued by the Department of Public Works.
Temporary Outdoor Displays and Sales. Temporary outdoor displays and sales may be allowed subject to the requirements and approval of a Temporary Use Permit, (Chapter 18.124 Temporary Use Permits) in compliance with the following standards:
Fixed Period of Time. The permit shall identify a fixed period of time for the display or sale, or where not identified, the display or sale shall not exceed two days for a temporary event;
Nuisance Factors. Regulation of nuisance factors including prevention of glare or direct illumination on adjacent parcels, dirt, dust, gases, heat, noise, odors, smoke, waste, and vibration shall be required;
Operating Hours. The permit shall regulate operating hours and days;
Parking. Adequate temporary parking facilities, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, including vehicular ingress and egress and public transportation, if applicable, shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 18.38 (Off-Street Parking Regulations and Design Standards);
Performance Bond. Submission of a performance bond or other surety measures, in compliance with Section 18.130.060 (Performance Guarantees) satisfactory to the Director, may be required to ensure that any temporary facilities or structures used would be removed from the site within seven days following the termination of the event, and to ensure that the property would be cleaned of debris and litter so as to be completely free of all evidence of the temporary activity;
Sanitary Facilities. Sanitary facilities, as identified in the permit, shall be provided;
Security. Provisions for security and safety measures, as identified in the permit, shall be provided;
Setbacks. Appropriate setbacks shall be maintained to ensure adequate separation from adjacent land uses and a safe environment for pedestrians and vehicles;
Signs. Signs may be provided in compliance with Chapter 18.44 (Sign Regulations);
Temporary Structures. Regulation of temporary structures and facilities shall be required, including location, height and size, and location of equipment and open spaces, including buffer areas and other yards;
Waste Collection and Disposal. Solid waste collection, recycling, and/or disposal shall be provided;
Other Conditions. Any other conditions that would ensure the operation of the proposed temporary event in an orderly and efficient manner shall be required; and
Point of Sale. A Point of Sale Agreement shall be required for all merchandise sold outdoors.
Permanent Outdoor Displays and Sales. The permanent outdoor display/sale of merchandise shall comply with applicable permits and the following standards:
Height of Displayed Materials. The outdoor display of merchandise shall not exceed a height of 10 feet above finished grade;
Location of Merchandise. Displayed merchandise shall occupy a fixed, specifically approved and defined location that does not disrupt the normal function of the site or its circulation, and does not encroach upon driveways, landscaped areas, parking spaces, or pedestrian walkways. Displays shall not obstruct traffic sight areas or otherwise create hazards for vehicle or pedestrian traffic;
Relationship to Main Use. The outdoor display and sales area shall be directly related to a business occupying a primary structure on the subject parcel;
Screening Required. Outdoor sales and activity areas shall be screened from adjacent public rights-of-way by decorative walls, fences, and/or landscaping in compliance with Section 18.34.050 (Screening). This requirement shall not apply to:
Plant nurseries,
Vehicle, boat, motorcycle, or recreational vehicle sales,
Limited on-site walkway displays adjacent to commercial development greater than 50,000 square feet, or
Outdoor displays of tires for sale shall be allowed provided the display does not exceed 42 inches in height and is no more than 40 feet in length;
Signs. Additional signs, beyond those normally allowed for the subject use, shall not be provided as a result of the outdoor display and sales area;
Operating Hours. The hours of operation shall be restricted to 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., if located within 300 feet of a residential zone, or as identified in a permit;
Waste Collection and Disposal. Solid waste collection, recycling, and/or disposal shall be provided; and
Other Conditions. Any other conditions that would ensure that the proposed use will be operated in an orderly and efficient manner shall be required.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), religious places of worship shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all of the following standards:
Parcel Size. The minimum parcel size shall be 15,000 square feet.
Separation. The main sanctuary or assembly hall shall be separated from the nearest parcel used for residential purposes by a minimum of 30 feet.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), produce stands and markets shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
Purpose. The purpose of these standards is to promote the sale of agricultural products by allowing farmers to market their produce directly from their property to local consumers, travelers, and tourists. These standards are not intended to allow convenience retail stores in the agricultural zones.
Packaged Foods. Food in a package where the processing and packaging are done at a facility that has been approved by the County Division of Environmental Health.
Produce. Fruits, vegetables, or nuts in their natural state.
Produce Markets. Structures and/or areas that are accessory to on-site agricultural operations and are primarily used to sell raw, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other agricultural produce. At least one-half of the retail value of the produce shall be grown on site or on other property owned by the same person. Produce markets may also be used for limited sales of processed packaged foods and non-food items.
Produce Stands. Structures and/or areas that are accessory to on-site agricultural operations and are used to sell raw, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other agricultural produce grown only on site.
Produce stands are subject to approval of a Zoning Clearance by the Director.
Produce markets are subject to approval of an Administrative Permit application by the Director, with review by the County Division of Environmental Health, Department of Public Works, and Agricultural Commissioner.
Produce markets shall require approval of a food facility permit from the County Division of Environmental Health, and it shall be posted in a conspicuous place on site.
Only One Produce Stand or Market. Only one produce stand or produce market is allowed on each legal parcel or Assessor's Parcel, whichever is larger.
Sales of Packaged Foods.
Produce Stands. No sale of packaged foods is allowed.
Produce Markets. Up to 20 percent of the floor space may be devoted to the storage, display, and sale of packaged foods.
Sales of Other Items.
Up to five percent of the floor area of produce markets may be used for the sale of snack foods, soft drinks, ice, and promotional non-food items that advance the sale of agricultural products or educate the public about the agricultural industry.
No other non-produce items may be sold in produce stands or produce markets. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, petroleum products, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and magazines.
Sales Area. The floor area and/or outside display area shall not exceed the following combined total square feet:
Produce Stands. 600 square feet.
Produce Markets. 3,500 square feet.
One parking space shall be provided for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, with a minimum of three parking spaces.
Each parking space shall be at least nine feet by 19 feet in size and shall not encroach on any public right-of-way or create a traffic hazard, as determined by the County Department of Public Works, Road Division.
The required parking spaces need not be paved, striped, or otherwise improved except as required to maintain air quality standards.
Electrical. No electrical wiring or hookups of any kind are allowed for produce stands.
Vehicles. No agricultural produce shall be sold from a motorized vehicle.
Removal. Existing produce stands and produce markets that are not used for two consecutive years shall be removed from the site at the property owner's expense.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
(Repealed by Ord. 2039, 5/21/2024)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), recycling facilities shall be allowed subject to all the requirements of this section, which establishes standards and procedures for the siting and operation of various types and sizes of commercial recycling facilities, as well as the applicable standards of this Zoning Code.
Permit Requirements. Recycling facilities are subject to the permit review requirements specified in Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), provided all the following standards are met, as applicable.
Development and Operating Standards. Recycling facilities shall comply with all the following standards, as applicable:
Reverse Vending Machines. Reverse vending machine(s) shall be allowed in all commercial and manufacturing zones, subject to compliance with the following standards:
Shall be installed as accessory uses in compliance with the applicable provisions of this Zoning Code, and shall not require additional parking;
If located inside of a structure, shall be placed within 30 feet of the entrance and shall not obstruct pedestrian circulation;
If located outside of a structure, shall not occupy required parking spaces, and shall be constructed of durable waterproof and rustproof material(s);
Shall not exceed 50 square feet for each installation, including any protective enclosure, nor eight feet in height;
Shall have a maximum sign area of four square feet for each machine, exclusive of operating instructions;
Shall have operating hours which are consistent with the operating hours of the main use; and
Shall be illuminated to ensure comfortable and safe operation if operating hours are between dusk and dawn, in compliance with Section 18.40.070 (Outdoor Lighting).
Redemption centers.
Small Redemption Facilities. Small redemption facilities are allowed provided all the following standards are met:
Additional parking spaces shall not be required for customers of a small redemption facility located in the established parking lot of the main use. One space shall be provided for the at-tendant;
Signs may be provided as follows:
Directional signs, consistent with Chapter 18.44 (Sign Regulations) and without advertising message, may be installed with the approval of the Director, if found necessary to facilitate traffic circulation or if the facility is not visible from the public right-of-way,
Signs shall be both compatible and harmonious with the character of their location, and
Redemption facilities may have identification signs with a maximum area of 15 percent for each side of the structure or 12 square feet, whichever is less. In the case of a wheeled facility, the side shall be measured from the ground to the top of the container;
Any containers and site fencing shall be of a color and design to be compatible and harmonious with the surrounding uses and neighborhood;
Shall not be located within 50 feet of any parcel zoned or occupied for residential use;
Shall use containers that are constructed with durable waterproof and rustproof material(s), secured from unauthorized removal of material, and shall be of a capacity sufficient to accommodate materials collected and the collection schedule;
Shall not use power-driven processing equipment, except for reverse vending machines;
Shall accept only CRV glass, aluminum, or plastic containers, paper, and other recyclable items;
Shall be set back at least 10 feet from any public right-of-way, and not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular circulation;
Shall not exceed an area of 350 square feet nor three parking spaces, not including space that would be periodically needed for the removal of materials or exchange of containers;
Use of parking spaces by the facility and by the attendant shall not reduce available parking spaces below the minimum number required for the main use, unless a parking study shows that existing capacity is not fully utilized during the time the mobile recycling facility would be on the site, subject to the approval of the Director.
Large Redemption Facilities. A redemption facility that is larger than 350 square feet, or on a separate parcel not accessory to a main use, provided the following standards are met:
The facility shall not be located within 100 feet of any parcel zoned or occupied for residential use;
The facility shall be screened from public rights-of-way, by solid masonry walls or located within an enclosed structure in compliance with Section 18.34.050 (Screening);
Structure setbacks and landscaping shall be provided as required for the zone;
Exterior storage of material shall be in sturdy containers that are secured and maintained in good condition. Storage, excluding truck trailers, shall not be visible above the height of the required screen or walls;
The site shall be maintained clean, sanitary, and free of litter and any other undesirable materials, and shall be cleaned of loose debris on a daily basis;
Containers provided for "after hours" donation of recyclable materials shall be constructed of sturdy, rustproof material(s); have sufficient capacity to accommodate materials collected; and be secured from unauthorized entry or removal of materials; and
Dust, fumes, odor, smoke, or vibration above ambient levels shall not be detectable on adjoining parcels.
Recycling Facilities. Recycling facilities are allowed in compliance with all of the following standards:
The facility shall not be located within 100 feet any parcel zoned or occupied for residential use;
Light Recycling Facilities.
Are limited to baling, briquetting, compacting, crushing, grinding, shredding, and sorting of source-separated recyclable materials and repairing of reusable materials; and
Shall not exceed 45,000 square feet, may have up to an average of two outbound truck shipments of material each day, and shall not bale, compact, or shred ferrous metals other than beverage and food containers.
A heavy recycling facility may exceed 45,000 square feet and exceed two outbound truck shipments each day, and may perform those functions not allowed at light processing facilities,
Exterior storage of material shall be in sturdy containers or enclosures that are maintained and secured in good condition. Outdoor storage shall be separated from public rights-of-way by solid masonry walls. Storage, excluding truck trailers, shall not be visible above the height of the required screen or walls,
Containers provided for "after hours" donation of recyclable materials shall be permanently located at least 100 feet away from any parcel zoned or occupied for residential use; constructed of sturdy, rustproof material(s); have sufficient capacity to accommodate materials collected; and be secured from unauthorized entry or removal of the materials, and
Dust, fumes, odor, smoke, or vibration above ambient levels shall not be detectable on adjoining parcels.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), service stations shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
New service stations shall be located only along designated arterials or collector streets.
Minimum parcel size shall be as specified in the development standards of the respective zone.
All service and repair work shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure, except for dispensing of petroleum products, water, vacuums, and air from pump islands.
Pump islands shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from a street property line, however, a canopy or roof structure over a pump island may encroach up to 10 feet within this distance. Additionally, the cashier location shall provide direct visual access to the pump islands and the vehicles parked adjacent to the islands.
The maximum number of points of ingress/egress shall be determined by the Department of Public Works.
No vehicle may be parked on the premises for the purpose of offering same for sale.
Openings of service bays for new service stations shall not face public rights-of-way and shall be designed to minimize the visual intrusion onto adjoining properties.
No used or discarded vehicle parts or equipment, or disabled, junked, or wrecked vehicles may be in any open area outside of the main structure.
Every service station shall have a solid waste and recycling receptacle and oil collection tanks on the premises. The receptacle(s) shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 18.46 (Solid Waste and Recycling Materials Storage).
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), semi-mobile food vendors shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
They shall have an Administrative Permit approved by the Director.
The Administrative Permit application site plan, filed in compliance with Chapter 18.114 (Administrative Permits) shall be stamped by the County Division of Environmental Health indicating it is approved for processing before submittal to the Department.
A copy of the Administrative Permit shall be kept with the operator at all times and shall not be transferrable to another operator.
Semi-mobile food vendors that provide service at only one site each day shall:
Comply with the development standards of the zone (i.e., setbacks paved parking, landscaping, and signs).
Provide toilet facilities adjacent to their facilities or provide joint use of adjacent toilet facilities with a written agreement provided to the Department where required as a condition of the Administrative Permit.
Have hours of operation determined in the Administrative Permit on an individual case-by-case basis, depending on the proposed location of the vendor.
Not exceed 16 hours a day on site.
Waste water generated on site shall not be released on site or into any storm drainage or irrigation system.
There shall be adequate solid waste and recycling receptacles provided on site.
The site shall be maintained and left in a neat and orderly manner at all times.
Standards for all temporary food vendors. The structures and activities shall not:
Divert vehicles and/or pedestrians from normal circulation patterns;
Block visibility to adjacent existing approved activities; and
Increase access problems for other nearby activities.
A Minor Modification, rather than a new Administrative Permit, filed and approved in compliance with Section 18.114.080 (Modifications/Changes to an Approved Permit) shall be required for the change in ownership of a semi-mobile food vendor truck.
Mobile food vendors that move to more than one site daily shall be:
Limited to a maximum of one hour at any one site.
Do not require a land use permit.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the establishment and operation of short-term rentals.
Short-Term Rental. A single-family dwelling, or portion of a single-family dwelling, that is rented to transient guest occupants for periods of 30 days or less. Short-term rentals include County-approved hosted and vacation rentals, and do not include transient lodging in County-approved hotels, hostels, motels, and time shares.
Hosted Rental. The rental of a portion of a private residence that is concurrently occupied by the owner or operator during the duration of the transient renter's stay. May include, but not limited to, bed and breakfasts and homestays.
Vacation Rental. The rental of an entire private residence that is not concurrently occupied by the owner or an operator during the duration of the transient renter's stay.
Guest. The overnight occupants renting the short-term rental for a specified period of time.
Operator. The owner or the owner's authorized representative who is responsible for compliance with the provisions of this section.
Owner. The person or entity that holds legal or equitable title to the short-term rental.
Primary Residence. An owner's permanent residence or usual place of return for housing as documented by at least two forms of identification.
Short-term rentals are required to be the primary residence of the owner, as defined under this section.
Short-term rentals shall not be permitted in any non-habitable structures, tent, yurt, recreational vehicle (RV), or any other provision intended for temporary occupancy. Short-term rentals shall not be permitted within additional dwelling units, accessory dwelling units, or in any structures or dwellings with County covenants or agreements restricting their use, including, but not limited to, affordable housing units, agricultural employee units, farmworker housing units, farm family units, or on lands under Williamson Act contract.
Only one short-term rental is allowed per parcel.
In agricultural zones, a short-term rental may be allowed on a parcel with an existing conforming agricultural tourism commercial enterprise approved by a Conditional Use Permit, subject to the following:
A short-term rental shall be located on the same legal parcel as, and within 100 feet of the existing agricultural tourism commercial enterprise.
A short-term rental shall be incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the agricultural tourism commercial enterprise, working farm, ranch, or production facility.
A right-to-farm certificate shall be recorded, if no certificate exists, prior to issuance of the permit to notify subsequent occupants and guests of the inconveniences of farming operations and the priority to which Merced County places on such operations. All rental agreements and interior notices shall include disclosures concerning the allowance of agricultural uses and operations, and the potential for guests to experience inconveniences and discomfort as a normal and necessary aspect of living in a county with a strong rural and active agricultural sector.
Short-Term Rental Standards and Regulations.
Transient Occupancy Tax. Short-term rental shall be subject to the Transient Occupancy Tax and the operator shall pay in a timely manner any required transient occupancy tax required by the County.
Local Contact. All short-term rental owners shall designate an emergency contact person located within a 30-mile radius of the vacation rental. The contact person shall be available 24 hours a day to respond to questions or concerns from tenant, neighborhood, County Sheriff, and/or Code enforcement.
Guest Registration. Guests of a short-term rental shall register upon arrival, stating their names, current residence addresses, and the license plate of their vehicle (excluding common carriers or charter bus). The registration form shall be kept by the owner for a period of at least three years and shall be made available for examination by a representative of the Merced County Treasurer/Tax Collector upon notice.
Maximum Occupancy. A short-term rental may contain no more than five guest rooms used for the transient occupancy of one or more guests. The number of short-term rental guests shall be limited by the number of bedrooms located in the single-family dwelling and may be further limited by well and septic system requirements (if applicable).
Noise. All activities associated with the short-term rental shall meet the General Plan noise standards contained below. Quiet hours shall be from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Parking. All guest parking shall be provided off-street, with a minimum of one off-street parking space per rental.
Trash and Recycling Facilities. Trash and solid waste removal shall comply with Chapter 18.46 (Solid Waste and Recycling Materials Storage).
Septic Systems. If the parcel is served by a septic system, the owner shall maintain a properly functioning septic system approved by the County Division of Environmental Health.
Emergency Access. The owner of a short-term rental located behind a locked gate or within a gated community shall provide gate code or lock box ("Knox Box") for exclusive use by the Sheriff and the Fire Department.
Food Service. Services may include limited meals such as breakfasts, and late-night snacks and other refreshments for self-service, and shall be clearly secondary and incidental to the use of the property as a residence. Food service, if provided, shall be limited to transient guests only. Food service shall be subject to the approval and maintenance of a restricted food service facility permit issued by the County Division of Environmental Health.
Advertisements. All advertisements and listings for the short-term rental shall include the following information:
Administrative permit number;
Transient Occupancy Tax Certificate Number;
Number of bedrooms and maximum occupancy;
Maximum number of parking spaces;
Notification that quiet hours must be observed between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.; and
Notification that commercial activities and special events, including, but not limited to, weddings, receptions, and parties, are prohibited unless authorized by a use permit.
Rental Agreements. Once the permit for a short-term rental is approved, a copy of the permit listing all applicable standards and limits be included as part of all rental agreements.
Notice Requirements.
Exterior Notice. Each rental unit shall have a temporary exterior identification sign, not to exceed 8 ½ x 11 inches in size, that shall be posted as long as the unit is being rented on a transient basis. The identification notice shall be placed in a location that is clearly visible from the front entrance of the unit, and shall clearly state the name and contact information of the local contact.
Interior Notice. Each rental unit shall have a clearly visible and legible notice posted within the unit, adjacent to the front door that shall include a copy of the permit listing all applicable standards and limits.
Written Notice. Written notice shall be mailed to all owners of real property, as shown on the latest County equalized assessment roll, located within a radius of 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the parcel. The notice shall include all applicable standards and limitations placed upon the short-term rental, the use permit number, and the name and contact information of the designated Local Contact.
Additional Regulations for Hosted Rentals.
Concurrent Owner Occupancy. The primary owner(s) and/or operators shall remain in residence at the hosted rental during the rental period.
Events with Use Permit. Commercial activities and special events, including, but not limited to, weddings, receptions, and parties, may be permitted with approval of a use permit.
Amplified Sound. No outdoor amplified sound shall be permitted, unless authorized by a use permit.
Additional Regulations for Vacation Rentals.
Limited Operations. Vacation rentals operations shall be limited to 180 cumulative days in a calendar year.
Events with Use Permit. A maximum of three special events, including, but not limited to, weddings, receptions, and parties, per year may be permitted with approval of a Temporary Use Permit (Chapter 18.124 Temporary Use Permits) for each event.
Amplified Sound. No outdoor amplified sound shall be permitted, unless authorized by a Temporary Use Permit.
Cessation of Use. The use of a vacation rental shall automatically expire upon the sale or transfer of a vacation rental property.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019; Ord. 1990 § 1, 2020)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), a subdivision sales office shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
Mobile units used as sales offices shall be removed from the subdivision site within 30 days following the sale of the last parcel of the subdivision recorded by final map.
A garage used for a sales area shall be reconverted to a standard garage upon sale of the associated dwelling unit.
Temporary improvements in the public right-of-way require an Encroachment Permit from the Department of Public Works.
A Site Plan and Design Review application shall be submitted and approved subject to Chapter 18.122 (Site Plan and Design Review) prior to construction of the subdivision sales office.
Street improvements and temporary off-street parking at a rate of four spaces for a sales/leasing office shall be installed prior to the commencement of sales or leasing activities.
A cash deposit of $1,000.00 shall be posted for leasing offices. All removals or installations shall be completed within 30 days from the close of escrow of the final initial lease.
There shall be no use of flags or banners in conjunction with the sales or leasing office for which this permit is being issued.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), temporary events shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
Garage and Yard Sales. Residential garage or yard sales, conducted for selling used household merchandise, are allowed for a period not to exceed once every three months.
Other Temporary Events. A temporary event, subject to the filing and approval of a Temporary Use Permit, in compliance with Chapter 18.124 (Temporary Use Permits), can be the use of a structure or land for an event for a limited period of time where the site is not to be permanently altered by grading or construction of a structure(s). Temporary events may include, but are not limited to, art shows, auctions, carnivals, circuses, rodeos, religious revivals, tent camps, outdoor festivals, and concerts. In zones where allowed, temporary events shall be subject to all the following standards:
Duration of Time. Temporary events shall not be conducted for more than nine consecutive days, or four successive weekends each year, except where a different time limit is allowed by the Temporary Use Permit.
Hours of Operation. Daylight hours only, unless longer operation hours are allowed by the Temporary Use Permit.
Access Required. At least one unobstructed vehicle access, a minimum of 20 feet in width from the event site to a publicly-maintained road shall be required. Additional access points shall be provided if deemed necessary by County Department of Public Works, Sheriff, or Fire Marshal.
Fire Protection. Fire protection and firefighting facilities shall be provided in compliance with the requirements of the County Fire Department.
Security Protection. Private security shall be provided in compliance with requirements of the County Sheriff. Sheriff Deputies may be assigned to patrol the area at the Sheriff's discretion at the applicant's expense.
Parking. Subject to the Director's approval, minimum parking areas shall be provided using Chapter 18.38 (Off-Street Parking Regulations and Design Standards), as a guideline.
Signs. Signs are subject to the provisions of Chapter 18.44 (Sign Regulations) for temporary signs. All signs shall meet the standards of the commercial zones and are subject to approval of the Director.
Water Supply and Sanitation. Water supply and sanitation facilities shall be provided in compliance with the requirements of the County Division of Environmental Health.
Guarantee of Site Restoration. A bond or cash deposit may be required for approval of a temporary event to guarantee clean-up and restoration of the site after the event, in compliance with Section 18.130.060 (Performance Guarantees).
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
Purpose. This section provides location and operational standards for establishments that require a valid California Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retailer's License. The provisions in this section shall apply to any business that requires a valid California Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retailer's License.
Applicable Provisions and Prohibitions.
Prohibited Locations. Establishments that sell tobacco products, cigarettes, or vaping devices and supplies shall not be located within a 1,000-foot radius of another establishment required to have a valid California Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retailer's License or any sensitive uses (i.e., schools, parks, youth facilities), as measured in compliance with paragraph 2 below.
Measurement of Distance. The distance between establishment and a sensitive use or another establishment that sells tobacco products, cigarettes, or vaping devices and supplies shall be made in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures or objects, from property line to property line of the parcel on which the structure, or portion of the structure, in which the sensitive use or another establishment that sells tobacco products, cigarettes, or vaping devices and supplies occurs or is located.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), vehicle dismantling facilities and wrecking yards/junk yards shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
Minimum Site Area. The minimum site area shall be two acres.
Surface Sealing Required. All open site surfaces shall be entirely sealed, except for landscaping, subject to approval of the Director, so that vehicles are not parked on dirt or otherwise unimproved areas.
Landscaping Required. All landscaping shall be installed and permanently maintained in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 18.36 (Landscaping).
Screening Required. All stored, damaged, or wrecked vehicles or other material shall be effectively screened by a solid eight to 12-foot-high fence or wall so as not to be visible from adjoining properties or public rights-of-way in compliance with Section 18.34.050 (Screening).
Height of Stored Materials. Storage shall not exceed the height of the fence or wall.
Service Areas. Service access shall be located at the rear or side of structure(s).
Activities Within Boundaries. Repair activities, storage of parts, junk, or inoperable vehicles, and vehicle loading and unloading shall only be allowed within the boundaries of the screened area.
Service Bays. Service bays with individual access from the exterior of the structure shall be screened from or not face the public rights-of-way.
Outdoor Lighting. All on-site outdoor lighting shall be stationary and directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way in compliance with Section 18.40.070 (Outdoor Lighting).
Signs. All on-site signs shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18.44 (Sign Regulations).
Vehicle Fluids and Liquids. All fluids and liquids shall be drained from vehicles and disposed of in compliance with the requirements of the County Division of Environmental Health.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), vehicle impound lots shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
Table 4-2
Vehicle Impound (Tow Storage) Lot Requirements
Where Allowed by Zoning
Minimum site area required
SC-800 penetrating oil applied at a rate of: gallon per square foot over a minimum 4-inch-thick layer of aggregate base
Installed and permanently maintained in compliance with Chapter 18.36 (Landscaping)
Effectively screened so as not to be visible from adjoining property or pubic rights-of-way in compliance with Section 18.34.050 (Screening)
Service access and bays
Located at the rear of the structure not facing the public rights-of-way and as far as possible from adjoining residential uses
Outdoor lighting
Stationary and directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way in compliance with Section 18.40.070 (Outdoor Lighting).
Installed and permanently maintained in compliance with Chapter 18.44 (Sign Regulations)
Repair activity
Conducted entirely within enclosed storage areas. Outdoor hoists are prohibited
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), vehicle repair facilities shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
Minimum Parcel Size. Minimum parcel size shall be as specified in the development standards of the respective zone.
All Repairs and Storage Within a Structure. All repairs and storage of parts, accessories, etc., shall be conducted within a fully enclosed structure.
Outside Storage.
Outside storage of junked or wrecked vehicles shall not be allowed for more than 30 days in a 90-day period.
Outside storage of vehicles being worked on shall be allowed for a maximum of 30 days. Areas used for storage of vehicles awaiting repair shall be completely screened from public view in compliance with Section 18.34.050 (Screening).
Signs. All on-site signs shall comply with provisions of Chapter 18.44 (Sign Regulations).
Outdoor Lighting. All on-site outdoor lighting shall be stationary and directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way in compliance with Section 18.40.070 (Outdoor Lighting).
Landscaping. All landscaping shall be installed and permanently maintained in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 18.36 (Landscaping).
Openings of Service Bays. Openings of service bays for new repair facilities shall not face public rights-of-way and shall be designed to minimize the visual intrusion onto adjoining properties.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)
In zones where allowed in compliance with Article 2 (Zones, Allowable Uses, and Development Standards), new and/or used vehicle sales dealerships shall be allowed subject to the requirements of this Zoning Code and all the following standards:
All Parts Storage Within a Structure. All parts, accessories, etc., shall be stored within a fully enclosed structure.
All Repairs and Service Within a Structure. All vehicle repair and service work shall only occur within a fully enclosed structure. Service bays with individual access from the exterior of the structure shall not directly face or front on a public right-of-way.
Outside Storage of Vehicles Being Repaired. Outside storage of vehicles being repaired shall be completely screened from public view in compliance with Section 18.34.050 (Screening).
Outdoor Lighting. All on-site outdoor lighting shall be stationary and directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way in compliance with Section 18.40.070 (Outdoor Lighting).
Landscaping. All landscaping shall be installed and permanently maintained in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 18.36 (Landscaping).
Loading and Unloading of Vehicles. All loading and unloading of vehicles shall occur on site and not in adjoining streets or alleys.
Parking and Storage of Business Vehicles. All vehicles associated with the business shall be parked or stored on site and not in adjoining streets or alleys.
Signs. All on-site signs shall be in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 18.44 (Sign Regulations).
Vehicle Waiting Areas. New vehicle dealerships shall provide adequate on-site vehicle waiting areas for service customers. Required parking spaces may not be counted as vehicle waiting areas.
On-Site Parking. All on-site parking shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18.38 (Off-Street Parking Regulations and Design Standards). A parking plan shall be developed as part of the required permit review process.
(Ord. 1976 § 2, 2019)