[Added 7-15-1998 by L.L. No. 3-1998[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Art. III, Parking, Stopping or Standing or Truck Traffic, as amended.
[Amended 10-11-2000 by L.L. No. 5-2000]
Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with the direction of a police office or traffic control device, there shall be no parking, stopping or standing at the following locations at any time unless specifically noted otherwise:
Name of Street
Argent Drive
[Added 9-11-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002]
From the entrance to the Bridgeview Townhouses at the stone walk and pillar on the south side of, and behind, the supermarket to the north corner of Lot #44
Bridgeview Plaza
Fire lane: entire length of the Plaza where marked
Church Street
Entire length
Church Street
From the south side of driveway of Presbyterian Church parsonage north to Main Street
Church Street
From Vineyard Avenue north a distance of 70 feet
Commercial Avenue
[Added 1-20-2021 by L.L. No. 1-2021]
Between Meadow Street and Leonta Court
Elting Place
From its intersection with Main Street, extending westerly for a distance of 50 feet
Grand Street, Lower (below Route 9-W)
From its intersection with Washington Avenue to its intersection with Route 9-W
Grand Street, Lower (below Route 9-W)
From its intersection with Route 9-W to a point opposite the southerly edge of Clearwater Road
Grand Street, Lower (below Route 9-W)
From its intersection with Vineyard Avenue, extending for a distance of 1,500 feet in a northerly direction
Grand Street, Upper
From 151 to 157 Grand Street between North Road and New Paltz Road due to sharp blind curve
Grove Street
From Church Street intersection 25 feet in a westerly direction
Grove Street
From the Village View entrance driveway and extending for a distance of 245 feet in a westerly direction
Grove Street
[Added 9-11-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002; amended 6-11-2003 by L.L. No. 5-2003]
Police parking lot at rear of Town Hall, except for police vehicles; also on Grove Street from its south corner intersection with Church Street adjacent to Town Hall westerly for 80 feet, except for one handicapped space and access aisle, except for Town officials and employees, except for all day Saturdays and Sundays
Main Street
Within 50 feet of the driveway entrance to the Middle School from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. any day school is in session
Main Street
For a distance of 50 feet along the frontage of St. Augustine's Church
Main Street
From its intersection with New Paltz Road to its intersection with Church Street
Maple Avenue
From its intersection with Vineyard Avenue to its intersection with Brinkerhoff Avenue
New Paltz Road
[Added 4-25-2007 by L.L. No. 3-2007]
South and east around the curve
From Pancake Hollow Road to the bridge over Black Creek
North Roberts Road
For a distance of 300 feet south from its intersection with Haviland Road
Phillips Avenue -Elting Place intersection
Both (private drive connecting Phillips Avenue to Elting Place)
Designated fire lane in private drive in front of St. Augustine's School entrance
Reservoir Road
For a distance of 75 feet from its intersection with Vineyard Avenue
River Road
[Amended 1-21-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
From north point of parking lot for Mariner’s on the Hudson to entrance to parking area for Bob Shepard Highland Landing Park. No parking except for vehicles with boat trailers using the boat launch ramp. No parking or standing on or obstructing entrance to boat launch ramp
River Road
From railroad tracks west to Vineyard Avenue at Grand Street
South Roberts Road
[Added 9-13-2006 by L.L. No. 3-2006; repealed 6-21-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
South Roberts Road
[Added 9-11-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002; amended 6-21-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017]
From its intersection with Route 9-W, in a northerly direction, its entire length to the northerly intersection of the cul-de-sac with Sterling Drive
Sterling Drive
[Added 12-17-2014 by L.L. No. 5-2014]
Entire length
Sterling Place
[Added 1-21-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Entire length
Tillson Avenue
From its intersection with Route 9-W to Vineyard Avenue
TOC Drive and Vista Drive
From Vineyard Avenue to the cul-de-sac at the end of Vista Drive
Troy Lane
[Added 12-19-2018 by L.L. No. 9-2018]
Entire length
Unnamed driveway next to Methodist Church (maintained and leased by the Town of Lloyd)
From Main Street to the Municipal Parking Lot
Van Wagner Road
From its intersection with Milton Avenue to its intersection with Vineyard Avenue
Vineyard Avenue
From its intersection with Maple Avenue to its intersection with Grand Street
Vineyard Avenue
From a point 194 feet northerly from the intersection with Milton Avenue and extending around the edge of the sidewalk extension to a point 71 feet north of the beginning point of the extension
Vineyard Avenue
From a point on the southerly side of the Route 9-W overpass to a point 50 feet west of the intersection of White Street
Vineyard Avenue
From its intersection with Grand Street to a point 25 feet west of the driveway to the Methodist Church/Municipal Parking Lot
Washington Avenue
[Added 9-11-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002]
From its intersection with Grand Street to the easterly dead end of the street
White Street
Entire length
Willow Dock Road
[Added 1-20-2021 by L.L. No. 1-2021]
East side through the cul-de-sac
From the intersection with River Road along the east side through the entire cul-de-sac
Woodside Place
From its intersection with Hillside Place to its intersection with Vineyard Avenue
Woodside Place
From its intersection with Route 9-W to its intersection with Hillside Place (except for the duration of wakes and funeral services)
[Amended 10-11-2000 by L.L. No. 5-2000; 9-11-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002; 12-10-2003 by L.L. No.10-2003]
Limited time parking as herein set forth shall be allowed only between the stripes painted on the pavement delineating parking spaces, where such spaces have been marked, are visible to a motorist, and are not obscured by ice, snow, or other obstructions to visibility. The parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited in the following locations for a period of time longer than that designated below, except on Sundays and national holidays:
of Street
Time Limit
Church Street
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
1 hr.
From the library driveway to a point 70 feet northerly of its intersection with Vineyard Avenue
Leonta Court
[Amended 1-21-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
6 hrs.
Parking lot at rear of Town Hall, for official Court business, or meetings, in the Town Hall only, except for police and firefighters, and Town employees and officials in the performance of their duties, who may use the Town parking lot at any time
Main Street
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2 hrs.
From a point 25 feet westerly of the driveway to the Methodist Church/Municipal Parking Lot to a point at the entrance driveway to the Elms Apartments and Municipal Parking Lot
Main Street
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2 hrs.
From its intersection with Church Street a point 20 feet westerly of its intersection of Vineyard Avenue
Vineyard Avenue
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2 hrs.
From the intersection of Milton Avenue and extending 194 feet in a northerly direction
Vineyard Avenue
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
1 hr.
From a point 285 feet from the intersection with Milton Avenue to the intersection with Woodside Place
Vineyard Avenue
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2 hrs.
From a point 30 feet south of Main Street to a point opposite the southerly edge of Milton Avenue, excluding entrance to parking lot
Vineyard Avenue
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2 hrs.
Public parking lot between 89 Vineyard Avenue and 99 Vineyard Avenue (formerly Highland Theater), with no parking on north side next to wall of 89 Vineyard Avenue
Woodside Place
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
2 hrs.
From a point at the intersection of Vineyard Avenue, in a northerly direction, a distance of 350 feet
Tractor trailer and truck traffic is hereby prohibited in the following locations:
Name of Street
Chodikee Lake Road
[Added 11-12-2003 by L.L. No. 9-2003]
Between New Paltz Road and Route 299
No trucks over 4 tons gvw other than local delivery trucks and locally owned trucks
Lockhart Lane
South entrance
No tractor trailer in or out of street
Merritt Avenue
Between Route 9-W and North Road
No trucks over 4 tons gvw other than local delivery trucks
Middle Grand Street
Between Route 9-W and North Road
No trucks over 4 tons gvw other than local delivery trucks
South Chapel Hill Road
Entire length
No through truck traffic
Weeds Mill Road
From New Paltz Road to Kisor Road
No trucks over 4 tons gvw other than local delivery trucks
[Added 4-19-2023 by L.L. No. 4-2023]
The following shall be prohibited in all of the Town's municipal parking lots, with the exception of the parking lot at the rear of the Town Hall off of Leonta Court. The parking lot at the rear of the Town Hall off of Leonta Court continues to be subject to the provisions of § 96-6:
Any vehicle without registration, plates or inspection shall not be left in the Town's municipal parking lots referenced above in excess of 48 hours.
Any vehicle that is uninsured shall not be left in the Town's municipal parking lots referenced above in excess of 48 hours.
Any vehicle that is not in condition to be safely driven on a public highway shall not be left in the Town's municipal parking lots referenced above in excess of 48 hours.
There shall be no parking of boats, unless legally attached to a motor vehicle; trailers, unless legally attached to a motor vehicle; or any non-motorized personal property in any of the Town's municipal parking lots as referenced above.
No vehicle shall be parked in the same location in any of the Town's municipal parking lots referenced above for a period in excess of 72 hours.
Any vehicle found in violation of this section shall be subject to removal pursuant to the provisions of Article V of this chapter and/or penalized pursuant to the provisions of Article VII of this chapter.
[Added 2-27-2024 by L.L. No. 1-2024]
Paid parking zones are hereby established in the Town of Lloyd as follows:
Haviland Road on the northerly side from the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 96.1-1-14.120, (4-8 Haviland Road) to a point approximately 3,670 feet west from the northerly boundary of Tax Parcel 96.1-2-10, now known as "Johnson-Iorio Memorial Park." That portion of the northerly side of Haviland Road from the easterly boundary of Tax Parcel 96.1-2-10 and extending approximately 300 feet west on Haviland Road shall be a no parking zone and clearly marked as such as set forth herein.
Tax Parcel 96.1-2-24.200 (100 Haviland Road, known as the bus turnaround).
The small lot on the southerly side of Haviland Road, containing spots for nine cars across from 75 Haviland Road.
The parking fees shall be collected by remote device or at a kiosk located at the access to the Hudson Valley Rail Trail. The parking fees shall be in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.
A no parking zone is established within the Town as follows:
Haviland Road on the southerly side from the intersection of Route 9W to the northerly boundary of Tax Parcel 96.1-2-10, now known as "Johnson-Iorio Memorial Park," except as otherwise set forth herein.
The Town Board shall be responsible for the installation, operation, maintenance, placing and supervision of the parking kiosk within the Town. The Town Board, by resolution, may assign this responsibility to the Hudson Valley Rail Trail, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corporation, which oversees the Hudson Valley Rail Trail within the Town.
Pavement markings shall be applied where practicable, outlining parking spaces in the paid parking zones established in this article.
Signage shall be clearly visible, notifying members of the public of the location of the kiosk and the procedure to pay the parking fees by remote device (phone, tablet, etc.)
Upon paying the requisite fee, each motorist shall be notified by remote device or written receipt of the duration of their parking privilege, pursuant to the fee paid.
Handicapped parking spaces.
The Town Board may, by resolution, designate that certain spaces in the paid parking zones established in this article shall be reserved for vehicles bearing a permit issued under § 1203-A, subdivision 1, of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York.
No vehicle shall park at a designated handicapped parking space unless the vehicle bears such permit and is being used for the transportation of a severely handicapped or disabled person.
The Town Board shall direct that there shall be clear signage advising the public that each spot so designated to be reserved for handicapped parking only by the Town Board shall contain the symbol adopted by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to designate a handicapped use facility.
Exemption from fees. All residents of the Town of Lloyd and property owners within the Town of Lloyd shall be exempt from fees imposed pursuant to this section. To qualify for an exemption, residents must register with the Town Clerk of the Town of Lloyd and provide sufficient documentation of their residency/property ownership within the Town, including a governmental-issued documents, such as driver's license, tax bill, government-issued ID or other documentation such as a utility bill.
Waiver of regulations. The Town Board may, by resolution, waive enforcement of the parking fees for special events, holidays or as the Town Board may see fit.
Fees; penalties for offenses.
Deposit of fee required.
No person shall park a vehicle in a parking space in a paid parking zone unless the appropriate fee is immediately deposited in the kiosk or by remote device.
No person shall park a vehicle in a parking space in any paid parking zone after the expiration of the time period associated with the deposit of fees.
Parking within designated space. No person shall park any vehicle across any line or marking designated as a parking space in a parking meter zone or park said vehicle not wholly within such parking space as designated by said lines or markings.
No parking zone. No person shall park a vehicle in a no parking zone except in compliance with the direction of a police officer.
Kiosk tampering. It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, tamper with, damage or willfully destroy or impair the use of any parking kiosk installed under the authority of this chapter.
Notice of violation in paid parking zone. A person charged with the enforcement of this article shall attach to any vehicle violating this article a notice to the owner or operator thereof that such vehicle has been parked in violation of a provision of this article and instructing the owner or operator on the procedure for paying the requisite fee/civil penalty.
Payment of civil penalty. The owner or operator of a vehicle charged with violating any section of this chapter must pay remotely or to the Town Clerk's office the sum set annually by resolution of the Town Board as a penalty for and in full satisfaction of each violation. The failure of such owner or operator to make such payment shall subject the operator or owner to the additional penalty set annually by resolution of the Town Board and to an additional administration/collection charge set annually by resolution of the Town Board.
Continuing violation. Each hour interval that a vehicle is parked at a paid parking zone without paying the requisite fee or after the expiration of the time period for which any fee was paid shall be deemed a separate violation.