[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of New Glarus 8-9-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-03. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Composition. The Park Commission shall consist of seven citizen members appointed by the Chairperson and confirmed by the Town Board. Additionally, the Chairperson shall appoint an alternate member to act in place of any member who is absent or precluded from participating in a matter by reason of conflict of interest or otherwise. In addition, one Supervisor annually selected by majority vote of the Town Board shall be an ex officio liaison member.
Each Commission member shall hold such office for a term of seven years, said terms to end June 30 in the year of expiration.
Compensation; oaths. Commission members shall receive such compensation as shall be determined by the Town Board from time to time. Members shall take an official oath prescribed by Wis. Stat. § 19.01, to be filed with the Town Clerk.
Organization of Commission. The Commission shall annually in July elect a member as Chair and another member as secretary. The secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes.
Procedure. Four members shall constitute a quorum. The Chair, or acting Chair, shall be included in determining a quorum. Action shall be by a majority of those present and voting. The Commission may adopt rules of procedure for governing the conduct of its meetings.
Record. The Park Commission shall keep a written record of its proceedings to include all actions taken, a copy of which shall be filed with the Town Clerk. Four members shall constitute a quorum, but all actions shall require the affirmative approval of a majority of the members of the Commission in attendance once a quorum is present.
Duties. The Park Commission shall have all the powers conferred by law upon park and recreation commissions and shall be chargeable with all the duties so required, such as recommend, oversee work and oversee funds of all parks, playgrounds and recreational activities as part of properties within the Town. The Park Commission is specifically empowered and directed, under the oversight of the Town Board, to do the following:
With authorization of the Town Board, manage, improve and care for all public parks located within, or partly within and partly without, the limits of the Town and secure the quiet, orderly and suitable use and enjoyment thereof by the people; also to adopt rules and regulations to promote these purposes.
To recommend to the Town Board acquisition in the name of the Town for park purposes by gift, purchase, devise, bequest or condemnation, either absolutely or in trust, money, real or personal property, or any incorporeal right or privilege, provided gifts to the Town of money or other property, real or personal, either absolutely or in trust, for park purposes shall be accepted only after they have been recommended by the Commission to the Town Board.
To recommend to the Town Board sale or exchange of property no longer required for park purposes.
To have the powers necessary and convenient for the effective and efficient management, supervision and operation of the Town parks and recreation program, subject to budgetary approval by the Town Board.
To establish rules and regulations, including user fees as approved by the Town Board and desirable for the proper use, care and operation of parks, park facilities, recreation programs and other activities under their control, provided however that such rules and regulations do not conflict with the laws of the State of Wisconsin or this Code of Ordinances.
Such other and further duties as may be necessary for the proper carrying out of the purposes of said Commission.
Public recreation program. The Park Commission shall review the Town's recreational needs and shall advise the Town Board on the public recreation program of the Town, including:
Establishing park rules and program policies.
Cooperating with public school activities.
Cooperating with any private recreational activities.
Approving schedules of activities in Town parks.
Budget. The Park Commission shall assist in preparing an annual budget for submission to the Town Board, which budget shall reflect the Commission's recommendations as to maintenance or acquisition of Town parks, open spaces, park and related facilities, recreation programs and equipment, summer or seasonal employees, etc. Said annual budget request shall contain estimates as to revenues to be derived from recreation programs or activities as well as estimated expenditures for operating the parks and recreation system.
Deposits. All revenues and income from the operation of park and recreation programs shall be deposited with the Town Treasurer as general revenue of the Town.
Monetary contributions. All moneys donated to the Town specifically for park or recreation use shall be deposited Town accounts as a nonlapsing fund or reserve for such specific use.