The following site design standards shall apply to mobile home
A. Arrangement of structures and facilities. The tract, including mobile
home pads, patios, other dwellings and structures, and all tract improvements,
shall be organized in relation to topography, the shape of the property,
and common facilities. Special attention shall be given to new mobile
home designs and to common appurtenances that are available.
B. Adaptation to property assets. Each mobile home unit or other dwelling
or structure shall be fitted to the terrain with a minimum disturbance
of the land and a minimum elevation difference between the floor level
of the unit and the ground elevation under it. Existing trees and
shrubs, rock formations, streams, floodplains, steep slopes, and other
natural features of the property shall be preserved to the maximum
extent practical.
C. Courts and spaces. Groups or clusters of units shall be placed to
create interior spaces and courtyards.
D. Orientation. Mobile homes shall be arranged in a variety of orientations
so that many units face the street with their long sides rather than
their ends, in order to provide variety and interest.
E. Street layout. Street patterns should relate to the topography.
F. Roadways.
(1) Standards. All standards for the construction of streets contained
in this chapter shall be adhered to for all public streets in and
abutting a mobile home park. In those parks where streets are to be
maintained by the mobile home park owner or owned and maintained in
common by the residents/owners of the individual lots, the following
standards shall apply:
Right-of-way. There shall be an equivalent right-of-way reserved
along streets which are designed to function as major or minor collector
streets, and which connect exterior roadways, form major internal
loops, traverse the majority of the development, or provide access
to adjoining parcels of land. No equivalent rights-of-way are required
on other streets. On those streets where an equivalent right-of-way
is required, parallel parking may be permitted, but perpendicular
or angled parking is not permitted.
Pavement. Pavement or cartway width of all residential streets
serving as access to mobile home lots shall be not less than 26 feet.
Pavement may be reduced to no be less than 20 feet on a street serving
as access to not greater than 10 mobile home lots where parking is
prohibited along the road.
Grades. Grades on all residential streets shall not exceed 10%.
(2) Access limitations. Mobile home lots may have direct access only
onto streets internal to the development. Direct access from a mobile
home lot shall not be permitted onto the streets surrounding the mobile
home park.
(3) Conversions. Any road built as a private road, and later proposed
for conversion to a public road, shall be brought up to the applicable
standards for public streets prior to being dedicated as a public
G. Pedestrian circulation.
(1) General requirements. All mobile home parks shall provide safe, durable,
all-season pedestrian walkways of adequate width for intended use,
and convenient by connecting individual mobile homes, other mobile
home park features, all community facilities provided for the residents,
and offsite facilities; such as schools, bus stops, commercial centers,
etc. These pedestrian walkways may parallel vehicular roadways, where
they shall be required on one side, or they may form a separate but
coordinated system away from streets. Walkways must be provided wherever
pedestrian traffic is concentrated and where school children congregate.
(2) Common walk system. Where a common walk system is provided and maintained
between locations, such common walks shall have a minimum width of
four feet. Where these walks parallel roadways they shall be separated
from the road pavement by a distance of at least four feet.
(3) Individual walks. Walkways from all dwellings shall be connected
to common walkways, or to streets, or to driveways or parking spaces
connecting to a paved street. Such individual walks shall have a minimum
width of two feet.
H. Parking.
(1) Spaces required.
Two paved off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each
mobile home on the same lot.
Parking for any commercial or other nonresidential use shall
follow the requirements otherwise applicable for such uses.
(2) Common parking areas.
One paved off-street visitor parking space shall be provided
for each three mobile homes in common parking areas within at least
300 feet of all dwelling units.
All common parking areas shall conform with the parking lot layout and landscaping requirements in §
160-32 and §
In addition to any requirements of Chapter
181, Zoning, of the Borough Code, the following regulations shall also apply:
A. Open space system.
(1) At least 20% of the site area of the mobile home park shall be in
common open space. A maximum of 30% of the common open space may be
made up of required buffer area.
(2) Arrangement. The common space shall be designed as a contiguous area
unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of Borough Council
that two or more separate areas would be preferable. Pedestrian and
visual accessibility of the open space shall be provided for all residents
of the mobile home park, to the greatest extent feasible, although
all units do not have to abut the common open space.
(3) Recreation. Recreation areas and facilities shall be provided to
meet the anticipated needs of the residents of the mobile home park.
Not less than 25% of the required open space area exclusive of lands
within the required buffers, shall be devoted to recreation use. Recreation
areas should be of a size, shape, and topography that is conducive
to active and passive recreation.
B. Buffers. A buffer planting area shall be provided along all exterior property boundary lines in compliance with §
160-31, provided the minimum width of the buffer planting area is 25 feet.