Company officers. Election of executive officers of the Company and the filling of vacancies shall be held pursuant to the bylaws. Such elected executive officers and the filling of vacancies shall be subject to approval of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees finds and determines that executive officers of the Fire Company are not public officers of the Fire Department and, as such, shall not be subject to oath of office. All Fire Department purchase and contract documentation required to be submitted by a public officer shall be executed by the Chief or next-in-line assistant as set forth at § 26-19 hereof.
General convention. The Company is the only fire company of the Department. Pursuant to Village Law § 10-1012, the general convention of the Department is dispensed with.
Department Officers.
On the first Tuesday in April, the duly qualified members of the Department [excepting social members, lifetime members (who are not also active members), and honorary members] shall meet and nominate a person from their own number for each of the chief officer positions (Chief, First Assistant Chief, Second Assistant Chief, and then Third Assistant Chief). The nomination for each such position shall be consecutive and voted upon consecutively until the nominations for all chief officers is complete. Then the membership shall proceed with nomination and votes in the same manner for each of the line officer positions (three Captains and then six Lieutenants) until the nominations for all line officers is complete. All such nominations shall be made on that day by a vote of the duly qualified members of the Department, the person acting as Secretary at the meeting shall forthwith file with the Village Clerk a certificate of such nominations. The Board of Trustees, acting as Fire Commissioners, at its next meeting shall consider the nominations and appoint such persons to the offices to which they are respectively nominated or, if a nomination is not approved the Board shall reconvene the meeting of the members of the Department, which shall submit a new nomination to take the place of any nomination not approved, which procedure shall continue until a full set of chief officers and line officers is approved.
The term of office of such nominees shall commence with their appointment by the Board and shall continue for a term of one year or until the approved nominee's successor is subsequently approved. The chief officers and line officers shall be eligible for reappointment. In the event of vacancy in office due to death, resignation, removal or other cause the Board may, in its sole discretion, appoint a successor to fulfill the unexpired term or require the convening of the duly elected members of the Department for the purpose of securing a nomination of a person to fill the vacant office.