Officers and members of the Fire Department hold their positions to serve and benefit the public and not for obtaining unwarranted personal or private gain in the exercise and performance of their official powers and duties. New York State General Municipal Law (NYS GML) § 209-ee provides in pertinent part that fire companies shall adopt a code of ethics which shall govern the standards of conduct reasonably expected. The Company has adopted a code of ethics.
NYS GML § 806 mandates that the governing board of each village shall adopt a code of ethics setting forth for the guidance of its officers and employees the standards of conduct reasonably expected of them. The code of ethics shall provide standards with respect to the disclosure of interest in legislation before the local governing body, holding of investments in conflict with official duties, private employment, and conflict with official duties, future employment and such other standards relating to the conduct of officers and employees as may be deemed advisable. The Village has adopted a code of ethics, it is Chapter 23 of the Village Code and may be amended from time to time. The Village's Code of Ethics applies to the chief officers and employees of the Department.