[Added 11-21-2005]
In the HC Highway Commerce District, the following use and area regulations shall apply:
Use regulations. A building may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and no other:
Principal permitted uses on the land and in the buildings.
Retail trade.
Eating or drinking place.
Banking facilities, including those with drive-through and bank machine facilities.
Data processing and information processing centers.
General business or professional offices.
Day-care centers.
Medical clinic with offices for the practice of medicine by more than one doctor and/or medical group for the examination of and/or treatment of persons as outpatients and the laboratories incidental thereto.
Movie theaters, performing arts facilities, and community centers.
Personal and business service establishments.
Shopping center.
Supermarket, when located in a shopping center.
Recreation, exercise and health clubs and facilities when owned and operated by a nongovernmental agency, including but not limited to buildings for bowling alleys, indoor court games such as racquetball, handball, squash, tennis, basketball and other facilities related thereto including indoor swimming and sauna facilities.
Public park-and-ride facilities.
Garden center stores and facilities.
Microbrewery/limited brewery facility.
[Added 5-16-2016 by Ord. No. 5-2016]
Accessory uses permitted.
Off-street parking lots and structures.
Garages to house delivery trucks and other commercial vehicles. (Unenclosed storage of trucks is not permitted.)
Signs (see § 340-47 for standards).
Fences and walls.
Unless otherwise specifically permitted within this chapter, no more than one principal dwelling or principal building shall be permitted on one lot, and no more than one principal use shall be permitted on one lot.
[Added 3-3-2014 by Ord. No. 4-2014]
Conditionally permitted uses. The following uses are permitted subject to the additional requirements set forth in Article XI.
[Added 5-20-2024 by Ord. No. 6-2024]
Cannabis retail businesses with a Class V license under N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq.
Area regulations. Every building hereafter erected or used, in whole or in part, shall comply with the area regulations as follows:
Minimum lot size: one acre.
Minimum frontage: 150 feet.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
Minimum front yard: 35 feet.
Minimum side yard (each):
Twenty feet adjacent to a nonresidentially zoned lot.
Thirty feet adjacent to a residentially zoned lot.
Minimum rear yard:
Twenty feet adjacent to a nonresidentially zoned lot.
Thirty feet adjacent to a residentially zoned lot.
Maximum building height. Height regulations are a function of setbacks from any property or yard line. The height of any building shall not exceed 35 feet at the building setback line from all public streets and lot lines; increasing to a maximum permitted height of 50 feet at the rate of one foot in height for each additional one foot that the building is set back from the building setback line.
Minimum building setback from another freestanding building within the same commercial development: 20 feet or a distance equal to 50% of the height of the taller of the buildings, whichever is greater.
Maximum building coverage (includes all principal and accessory buildings located on a site): 25%.
Maximum impervious coverage: 70%.
Accessory structures shall be subject to all the same locational requirements as principal buildings and shall not have a ground floor area in excess of 5% of the area of the site; provided, however, that canopies over gasoline pumps may be within 35 feet of a street line.
Buffers and landscaping.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided as follows:
Adjacent to any street line: 25 feet.
Adjacent to a residential district: 25 feet.
Adjacent to a nonresidential district: 20 feet.
Buffer plantings and interior parking lot landscaping shall be provided.