[Adopted 2-7-2024 by Ord. No. 1-24]
The keeping of fowl is allowed on a parcel that is zoned AGD-General Agricultural District, AGD-FP-General Agricultural Farmland Preservation Overlay District, and RR-Rural Residential District with three or more acres in accordance with Chapter 76, Article I. The keeping of fowl with a license is allowed on a parcel that is zoned RR-Rural Residential District with less than three acres and R1-Single-Family Residential District as provided herein. The following criteria constitute standards and practices that when applied to small-scale keeping of fowl on residential parcel, protects the health, safety, property, and welfare of the general public.
A small enclosed structure where chickens or ducks are kept.
The term "fowl" used throughout this section shall exclusively mean chicken or duck. The term "fowl" does not include roosters, quail, grouse, pheasant, turkeys, peacocks, emus, ostriches or the like.
An enclosed area, attached to a coop, in which chickens or ducks are allowed to run around and peck.
The maximum number of fowl allowed on a parcel with a license is no more than four.
Coops and runs are allowed only within rear yards.
Coops and runs shall have a setback of 10 feet to any property line and 25 feet from any structure on adjacent lots.
Fowl shall not be kept or maintained on a vacant lot.
The coop shall provide at least two square feet of floor area per fowl, but shall not exceed 50 square feet of floor area in total.
The coop floor shall be of a hard, cleanable surface. A dirt floor or similar is not permissible.
The coop shall be provided with one nest box per three fowl, and elevated perches to ensure fowl are able to rest in their natural roosting positions.
The run shall provide at least eight square feet per fowl, but shall not exceed 200 square feet of floor area in total. The run must be attached to the coop with there being direct access between the coop and the run.
Runs shall be enclosed with wire netting, or equivalent material, including overhead enclosure, capable of preventing fowl from escaping and predators entering.
Coops and runs shall consist of materials suitable for residential district. The use of repurposed scrap materials of any kind are prohibited. The coop and run shall be built with quality materials and in a manner capable of preventing fowl from escaping and predators from entering.
Coops and runs shall be removed from the property in their entirety or repurposed in accordance with other building codes within 30 days of a revocation or expiration of a nonrenewal keeping of fowl license.
The following best practices are established as standards of operation for any small-scale keeping of fowl operation hereafter licensed by the Village:
No person shall keep any rooster, except for parcels zoned AGD-General Agricultural District or AGD-FP-General Agricultural Farmland Preservation Overlay District.
Coops and runs shall be cleaned of feces, uneaten feed, feathers, and other waste as necessary to ensure the birds health and minimize odor and other nuisances.
Fowl shall be provided with adequate water, food, and shelter.
Feed shall be stored in containers which make the feed inaccessible to rodents, vermin, wild birds, and predators.
All fowl shall be kept within a ventilated, and weather-proof coop.
No fowl shall run at large. Any fowl not secured within a coop or run area, or equivalent, within the property limits of its owner or keeper, is declared to be at large, and is declared to be a public nuisance.
Deceased fowl shall be disposed of immediately in a safe manner, which may include trash disposal after placing the deceased fowl in a sealed bag.
Applicant shall comply with Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection's premises registration program.
Unusual illness or death of fowl shall be immediately reported to the Outagamie County Health Department.
A license application and fee must be received and approved by the Village Board before a property owner or tenant can begin keeping fowl at a residential lot. In addition, keeping of fowl licenses must be renewed annually, prior to January 1.
Neighbor notification. Prior to Village issuance of a keeping fowl license, the applicant will be required to notify all neighbors whose properties share a common lot line with the property where keeping or fowl will take place.
Village inspections. The Community Development Department, or their designee, is authorized to make inspections, during reasonable hours, to investigate any complaints, or to determine continued compliance with the Keeping of Fowl Ordinance. The Department may revoke a license if there have been three or more violations of this article within any six-month period.
Effect of compliance. Compliance with this article shall not be a defense to a proceeding alleging that a given coop or run is in violation of other codes or ordinances governing public nuisances, or public health and safety. However, compliance with this article may be offered as evidence of the applicant's efforts to abate any proven nuisance, or as evidence of the applicant's compliance with generally accepted standards in the State of Wisconsin.