District regulations shall be as set forth in this article and as modified and supplemented by Article VII and Article VIII.
Permitted principal and accessory uses and structures listed for any district shall be permitted by right subject to the conditions as specified.
Special exception uses and structures listed for any district are permissible only upon approval by the Town of Buchanan Plan Commission after notice and hearing subject to the conditions as specified and any other conditions as may be imposed by the Plan Commission to promote the general health, safety and welfare.
In those instances where district regulations set forth a list of permitted or permissible uses followed by the phrase "and uses of a similar nature," it is understood that the list of permitted or permissible uses is not exhaustive or all-inclusive but that other uses of a like or similar nature are also permitted or permissible. Determination of whether a specific use, not enumerated, is of a like or similar nature shall be made by the Administrator. The determination by the Administrator may be appealed as provided in § 525-9.
All uses and structures, dimensional, sign and off-street parking regulations shall be subject to Article V, Article VI, Article VII and Article VIII.
All uses and structures, as specified in Article IV, Schedule of Special and Overlay District Regulations, shall be subject to the regulations and requirements for the use as provided in Article V, Article VI, Article VII, and Article VIII.
CON Conservancy Overlay District. The Conservancy District is established as an overlay district to preserve and perpetuate in an open state certain areas such as lowland swamps, marshes and wetlands, floodplains and stream beds, slopes, bluffs, wooded areas and other areas of aesthetic value which, because of their unique physical features, are deemed desirable to be retained for the benefit of this and future generations. The regulations of the Conservancy District are intended not only to preserve and perpetuate open space land and water areas consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter, but also to protect the community and the Town from costs and consequences which may be incurred when unsuitable development occurs in such areas. For the purposes of this chapter, the Conservancy District shall include all mapped floodways, delineated wetlands, a fifty-foot wetland buffer, navigable stream buffers consistent with the Outagamie County Shoreland Protection Ordinance, and all wooded lands over five acres in size.
Principal and special exception uses and structures. Principal and special exception uses and structures within special and overlay districts are listed in Table 525-31.1.
Principal and special exception dimensional standards. Principal and special exception dimensional standards within special and overlay districts are listed in Table 525-31.2.
Intent. This overlay is intended to encourage quality and desirable development by allowing for greater flexibility and design freedom than permitted under other zoning district regulations. These regulations are established to permit and encourage mixed-use; create diversification, variation and imagination in the layout of development; to encourage the preservation of open space; and to encourage more rational, economic development with respect to the provision of public services.
Definition. "Mixed-use" shall be defined as a development practice blending two or more land uses either within a single building (vertical mixed-use) or multiple buildings/uses across a single parcel, a street/block or entire neighborhood (horizontal mixed-use) and is considered pedestrian-friendly and walkable when at a street/block or neighborhood level and incorporates common neighborhood design principals.
Applicability and procedure.
A preapplication meeting shall be required with the Administrator.
Once the preapplication meeting has been held, a planned unit development concept plan application shall be submitted to the Administrator. Upon plan submittal, the Administrator or designee shall schedule a meeting with the Plan Commission to review the plan. The plan shall be reviewed against the requirements of the Municipal Code, this chapter, and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan.
The Plan Commission shall review the plan and either recommend approval or denial to the Board or postpone action until the plan has been modified based on the recommendations of the Plan Commission.
Upon the Board receiving a recommendation from the Plan Commission, the Board shall approve or deny the plan or postpone action on the plan until it has been modified.
Upon approval of the concept plan, the applicant shall submit an application for a special exception for planned unit development, in compliance with § 525-13, Special exceptions, along with any other applicable zoning/development application requests that may be required.
Expiration. The concept plan shall expire if required approvals (special exception, rezoning, platting/CSM and/or site plan or any other applicable approvals) are not obtained within 12 months of the concept plan approval.
Planned unit developments. Planned unit developments shall meet the following standards.
Meet the planned unit development intent per § 525-41A.
Meet the definition of "mixed-use" per § 525-41B.
Have at least two or more land uses as permitted in Table 525-31.1.
Be a minimum of five acres in size.
Be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
All regulations within the Buchanan Municipal Code shall be complied with except Article V, Schedule of District Regulations, Article VII, Performance Standards, and Article VIII, Signs, of this chapter, which may be modified and shall be proposed during the concept plan approval process and shall be approved as part of the special exception approval for the planned unit development.
Conditions and safeguards. The Plan Commission may recommend to the Board, and the Board may require additional conditions and safeguards be established through the special exception approval to ensure the protection and safety of the public interest.
Expiration. The planned unit development special exception shall expire consistent with the requirements of § 525-13F for special exceptions.