[Added 11-30-2023 by Ord. No. 855]
Classification of a ground-mounted solar array.
A ground-mounted solar array shall not be considered an accessory structure for purposes of § 300-129E (limiting the number of accessory structures). Requirements for an accessory structure.
A ground-mounted solar array shall not be subject to the setback requirements of § 300-129, but instead must comply with the following bulk and area requirements.
Bulk and area requirements for ground-mounted solar arrays.
A ground-mounted solar array shall not be located in front of the front wall of the principal structure on any property.
A ground-mounted solar array may be located in the side yard behind the front wall of the house, but subject to the underlying side yard setbacks for the applicable zoning district.
A ground-mounted solar array may be located five feet from the side lot line or five feet from the rear lot line if behind the rear wall of the principal structure on the property.
A ground-mounted solar array shall have a footprint no greater than 5% of the lot size but in no event shall the footprint exceed 600 square feet.
The height of a ground-mounted solar array shall not exceed six feet above grade.
Ground cover classification below ground-mounted solar array.
A ground-mounted solar array shall be classified as pervious if constructed or installed on grass or mulch.
A ground-mounded solar array shall be classified as impervious if constructed or installed on asphalt, concrete, or stone, unless stone is defined as uncompactible (such as type No. 57) and not subject to vehicular traffic. If impervious, the new impervious area counts toward overall impervious coverage of other site features and must comply with zoning.
Structural integrity. Any solar array must be anchored or ballasted to be able to withstand wind loads.
Utility feed.
Any solar array power feed must be in conduit underground.
An electrical disconnect must be available at the solar array.
Maximum height.
No higher than six feet above a flat roof.
No higher than two feet above the ridgeline of a sloping roof.
Structural integrity.
Any solar array must be anchored or ballasted to be able to withstand wind loads.
Roof structure needs to be capable of additional load per structural chapter of the latest version of the IBC Building Code as in effect in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Location. A minimum of a three-foot-wide pathway around any solar array must be provided around all roof edges, except the ridge.
Aesthetics. No equipment other than panels and conduits can be visible from the street.
No construction can take place for either a ground-mounted or a roof-mounted solar array until a solar panel permit is obtained from the Township.
In the event this is a ground-mounted array, a scaled plot plan must be provided as a part of the application, indicating all required dimensions to prove zoning compliance.