[Adopted 7-19-2023 by Ord. No. 1-2023]
The City of Pittston hereby creates and establishes an annual allocation as calculated per the terms and conditions of the Revenue Sharing Policy with the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Pittston as attached in Exhibit A.[1]
Editor's Note: See § 436-68.
All relevant ordinances, regulations and policies of the City of Pittston, Pennsylvania not amended per the attached shall remain in full force and effect.
If any section, subsection, sentence or clause of this article is held for any reason to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the article.
This article shall take effect immediately upon adoption.
Whereas, the City of Pittston has experienced positive redevelopment in and around the City's Downtown and Business District that has improved the economic environment of the Downtown and led to improvements in the collection of taxes in the City; and
Whereas, the Redevelopment Authority, and in cooperation with the City of Pittston, has been instrumental in the redevelopment of the City and has started and has additional plans for the future to continue the redevelopment and to expand it to include the neighborhoods; and
Whereas, as grant funds become more scarce and operating costs of the Redevelopment Authority continue to increase as the Redevelopment Authority takes on more property to develop; cash flow to continue the redevelopment; and to introduce new programs becomes challenging; and
Whereas, the City recognizes the importance in continuing the redevelopment of the City and ensuring the fiscal ability to deliver programs to the City's residents and taxpayers.
Calculation of annual allocation. The City of Pittston hereby establishes an annual allocation to the Redevelopment Authority which shall be calculated as set forth below:
When the Redevelopment Authority returns a tax-exempt property to the tax rolls or provides financial assistance to a developer or property owner with a project, the City shall share the new real estate tax revenue for the property in the following manner:
100% of real estate tax revenue in year one.
90% of real estate tax revenue in year two.
Eighty percent of real estate tax revenue in year three.
Sixty five percent of real estate tax revenue in year four.
Fifty percent of real estate tax revenue in year five.
After the fifth year, the City will retain 100% of the real estate tax revenue there forward.
To calculate new revenue the year in which the assistance was provided or the final year of the project shall be defined as year zero and provide the baseline.
The revenues shall be calculated and prepared by the Redevelopment Authority and reviewed by the City each May 1. If there are any discrepancies in the calculations, the City and Redevelopment Authority officials shall negotiate an amicable solution. In the event an amicable solution cannot be reached, the Mayor shall render a binding decision.
The revenues shall be paid to the Redevelopment Authority on or about June 30 of each year.
When a project completed by and/or made possible by financial assistance by the Redevelopment Authority includes residential, the City shall share the new earned income tax revenue of the residents in the following manner:
One hundred percent of earned income tax revenue in year one.
Ninety percent of earned income tax revenue in year two.
Eighty percent of earned income tax revenue in year three.
Sixty percent of earned income tax revenue in year four.
Fifty percent of earned income tax revenue in year five.
After the fifth year, the City will retain 100% of the earned income tax revenue there forward.
To calculate new revenue the year in which the assistance was provided or the final year of the project shall be defined as year zero and provide the baseline.
The revenues shall be calculated and prepared by the Redevelopment Authority and reviewed by the City each June 1. If there are any discrepancies in the calculations, the City and Redevelopment Authority officials shall negotiate an amicable solution. In the event an amicable solution cannot be reached, the Mayor shall render a binding decision.
The revenues shall be paid to the Redevelopment Authority on or about August 31 of each year.
The Redevelopment Authority is required to report to the City on an annual basis of how the previous year's funds were expended. The report shall be detailed and provide relevant information as to the impact of the funds on the improvement of the City.
Any project or assistance made since January 1, 2023, shall commence the revenue sharing and the tax assessment and earned income taxes received shall be measured as of December 31, 2022, for the baseline. The first revenue share shall be paid by the City to the Redevelopment Authority on or about June 30, 2024, (real estate) and on or about August 31, 2024 (earned income).
The Redevelopment Authority shall provide a list of projects assisted or completed by the Redevelopment Authority in the previous year (year zero) to the City on or about February 15 of every year. This list shall also include existing revenue sharing projects and will list he current year of the share and that years revenue share percentage.
The City may terminate this policy by repealing the ordinance adopting it, but shall be responsible to complete the revenue sharing already commenced through the fifth year of each respective property/project, but no new revenue sharing shall occur once the ordinance is repealed.