[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Byram 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 007-2024. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this article is to protect trees and woodlands from indiscriminate destruction and damage, and further to reduce soil erosion and pollutant runoff, promote infiltration of rainwater into the soil, and protect the environment, public health, safety, and welfare.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings stated herein unless their use in the text of this Chapter clearly demonstrates a different meaning. When consistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words used in the plural number include the singular number, and words used in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
The removal of most or all trees on a property at one time for the purpose of a creating lawn or graded areas on that property.
A tree or limbs thereof that meet one or more of the criteria below. Trees that do not meet any of the criteria below and are proposed to be removed solely for development purposes are not hazard trees.
Has an infectious disease or insect infestation;
Is dead or dying;
Obstructs the view of traffic signs or the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles, where pruning attempts have not been effective;
Is located near an existing structure and poses a threat to that structure since the structure is located in the fall zone of said tree; or
Has a root system that is causing or has the potential to cause damage to structures (such as building foundations, sidewalks, etc.).
Includes all areas disturbed for the purpose of the construction of buildings and structures as well as all graded areas and lawns. The total shall include disturbed areas both inside and outside of the building envelope.
The area between the owner's property lot line and edge of pavement as defined in Chapter 214, Right-of-Way Strip.
Any individual, resident, corporation, utility, company, partnership, firm, or association.
An individual who resides on the residential property or contractor hired by the individual who resides on the residential property where a tree(s) regulated by this ordinance is removed or proposed to be removed.
A tree planted within the municipal right-of-way strip.
Any lot improvement, including construction or expansion of buildings, decks, sheds, garages, driveways, lawns, pools, septic fields, land clearing, tree removal, terracing and other land improvements.
A woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground.
To kill or to cause irreparable damage that leads to the decline and/or death of a tree. This includes, but is not limited to, excessive pruning, application of substances that are toxic to the tree, over-mulching or improper mulching, and improper grading and/or soil compaction within the critical root radius around the base of the tree that leads to the decline and/or death of a tree. Removal does not include responsible pruning and maintenance of a tree, or the application of treatments intended to manage invasive species.
With the exceptions of the exemptions established in this chapter, no person shall cut or remove, or cause to be cut or removed, any existing trees for the purpose of clear cutting unless the cutting and removal can be accomplished in accordance with the provisions set forth in this chapter.
The following shall be exempted from the requirements of this chapter:
Commercial nurseries or fruit orchards.
Christmas tree farms.
Any tree which is a part of a cemetery.
Trees directed to be removed by the Township, county, state or federal authority pursuant to law.
Removal of hazard trees.
Pruning or removal of street trees by utility companies or maintenance of utility wires or pipelines and the pruning of trees within sight easements.
Trees removed in conjunction with the Right to Farm Act,[1] on qualifying farms.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 4:1C-1 et seq.
Parcels of land with a forest management plan or woodland management plan that has the required approval by the NJDEP Division of Forestry or the appropriate state agency. These plans are on file in the Tax Assessors office.
Trees removal on a property for the purpose of constructing a firebreak that will create a strip of ground where vegetation will be removed to stop the progress of forest fires.
Street trees which are required to be removed by property owners due to said trees interfering with driver sight distances or are dead or dying and need to be removed to preserve the public health, safety and general welfare.
Parcels of land with preliminary site plan or subdivision approval, major or minor. Removal of trees prior to Township Planning Board approval is prohibited, unless it is part of site investigation such as percolation test for septic system suitability.
Trees to be removed as necessary to permit the construction of buildings, structures, decks, pools, driveways, septic field, lawn area for recreational use for the residents of the dwelling and any other improvements approved by way of a zoning permit issued by the Township Zoning Officer.
Trees removed as required to install a new and/or repair an existing septic system as approved by the Sussex County Health Department or the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Healthy trees outside of the approved building disturbance areas should be retained to maintain resource protection and buffering to neighboring properties, unless the trees pose a hazard to person or property or whereby the approved construction grading or disturbance would cause damage to a tree creating an unsafe condition.
Trees and vegetation shall not be removed in wetlands, wetland buffers, slopes in excess of 25%, floodplains, stream buffers, dedicated conservation easements or other environmentally protected areas unless approvals from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and/or Byram Township have been obtained.
Lot disturbance shall be limited to the area permitted in the zoning district in which a property is located. If the lot disturbance exceeds the allowable area, an approval from the Township Planning Board will be required prior to any tree cutting occurs. Any cutting that occurs prior to receiving the necessary approvals being granted will be considered not authorized.
No trees shall be removed unless exempted as defined in § 212-4, from critical areas as defined in accordance with § 240-29.2, Tract disturbance, of the Township's Zoning Code. Approval from the Township Planning Board will be required for any removal of trees that is deemed a violation of § 240-29.2. Any cutting that occurs prior the necessary approvals being granted with be considered not authorized.
Commercial properties removing trees, planting of trees and landscaping are part of any Planning Board approval and shall be in accordance with Chapter 215, Subdivision and Site Plan Review, of the Code of Byram Township, as well as addressed in Chapter 240, Zoning. Any cutting that occurs prior to receiving the necessary approvals being granted will be considered not authorized.
This chapter shall be enforced by the Township's Zoning Officer, or designee of the Township Manager during the course of ordinary enforcement duties. It shall be unlawful for any reason to violate any part of this section adopted by the Township of Byram Council.
Any removal of trees that is part of lot disturbance that exceeds the permitted lot disturbance area and a zoning permit cannot be issued, an approval from the Township Planning Board will be required. The restoration of any disturbed areas not permitted by the Planning Board will need to be restored in a manner approved by the Planning Board by resolution.
Any removal of trees that is part of lot disturbance within a critical area as defined by 240-29.2, Tract Disturbance, shall require an approval from the Township Planning Board. The restoration of any disturbed areas not permitted by the Planning Board will need to be restored in a manner approved by the Planning Board by resolution.
Penalty. The Township Administrative Code § 1-15 shall apply to any violation of the tree removal regulations contained in this chapter.