Design and construction of mobile home courts shall conform to applicable
zoning and building regulations and generally accepted standards for mobile
home courts.
Open areas shall be adequate to assure privacy, natural light and ventilation
for each mobile home and sufficient for essential outdoor uses.
Walks, driveways and parking spaces shall be provided with paved and
durable surfacing so as to provide safe and easy access under normal use and
weather conditions.
Wires installed above driveways and parking spaces shall have a clearance
of not less than 18 feet.
Artificial lighting shall be provided to illuminate walks, driveways
and parking spaces for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night.
Mobile home courts shall be properly maintained so as to assure the
desirable residential character of the property.
No occupied travel or vacation trailer or other form of temporary type
living units shall be permitted in a mobile home court.
Community areas, including community facilities, shall be appropriate
for intended use and location.
Fences, walls and other minor constructions shall be capable of sustaining
anticipated loads.
Swimming pools, playground equipment, etc., shall be designed so as
not to be a potential hazard.
Community structures shall be structurally sound and appropriate for
intended use and location.
The gas-piping system shall be designed to provide a supply of gas sufficient
to meet the maximum demand without undue loss of pressure at the connection
to the mobile home farthest from the source of supply.
The electrical system shall be designed to provide adequate capacity
to supply the connected load without exceeding the allowable current-carrying
capacity of the conductors.
Exterior wood surfaces of structures that are not inherently resistant
to deterioration shall be periodically treated with a protective coating of
paint or other suitable preservative.
Adequate sanitary facilities and methods shall be used for the collection,
storage, handling and disposal of garbage and refuse, as determined by appropriate
Village officials.