Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to amend, modify or repeal any of the provisions of any other ordinance, but the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to be in addition to and not in substitution for the provisions of such other ordinance.
The Building Zone Ordinance of the Village of Great Neck Estates shall be deemed effective as of its adoption on February 23, 1926, except as to amendments thereafter made, which amendments shall be deemed effective as of their respective dates of adoption.
Any work for which a building permit has been lawfully issued prior to the effective date of this chapter may be continued and completed and a certificate of occupancy issued therefor, in the same manner as if this chapter had not been adopted.
All building permits lawfully issued prior to the adoption of this chapter for work which does not comply with the requirements of this chapter and which has not been actually commenced on the ground are hereby revoked, but the applicant for such building permit may amend the application so as to conform to such chapter as so amended, without the payment of an additional fee.