[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Southampton 1-10-1975 by resolution. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Each agency or department of the Village of Southampton shall comply with the provisions of said law and said regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: The law referred to here is Article 6 of the Public Officers Law, entitled "Freedom of Information Law." The regulations referred to here are the regulations adopted by the Committee on Public Access to Records of the Village of Southampton. A copy of these regulations is on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
The Village Clerk, 23 Main Street, Southampton, New York, is hereby designated the records access officer.
The Village Treasurer, 23 Main Street, Southampton, New York, is hereby designated as the fiscal officer.
Records of all agencies and departments of the village shall be available for public inspection and copying at the Village Office, 23 Main Street, Southampton, New York.
[Amended 2-9-2023 by L.L. No. 5-2023; 7-11-2024 by L.L. No. 24-2024]
The Village Administrator, 23 Main Street, Southampton, New York, is hereby designated as the entity to hear appeals for denial of access to records under the Freedom of Information Law.
Fees for copies of records shall be the maximum amounts permitted by Section 1401.8 of the said regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: The regulations referred to here are the regulations adopted by the Committee on Public Access to Records of the Village of Southampton. A copy of these regulations is on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
The Village Clerk shall post on the Village Clerk's bulletin board a notice containing the information required by Section 1401.9 of said regulations.