There is hereby established a Board of Ethics consisting of three members to be appointed by the Town Board, all of whom reside in the Town of Van Buren and who shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the Town Board of the Town of Van Buren. A majority of such members shall be persons other than town employees, but shall include at least one member who is an elected or appointed town employee of the Town of Van Buren.
The Board of Ethics established hereunder shall render advisory opinions to town employees on written request and, upon request of the Town Board, make recommendations to such Town Board as to any amendments of this chapter. The opinions of the Board of Ethics shall be advisory and confidential and in no event shall the identity of the town employee be disclosed except to authorized persons and agencies. Such opinions shall be on the advice of counsel employed by the Board of Ethics or, if none, the Town Counsel.
The Town Board shall adopt rules and regulations to govern the conduct of meetings of the Board of Ethics, including:
The selection and terms of office of a Chairman and Secretary and such other officers as are deemed necessary.
The number of Board members constituting a quorum.
The number of Board members necessarily in affirmative agreement to render an opinion.
The form and content of requests for opinions which may include indication that certain municipal officials or employees have been advised of such request.
The form and content of opinions in Subsection A(3) above shall include:
A full statements of facts.
A full statement of pertinent law and/or of the town Code of Ethics.
A conclusion or decision.
Distribution of opinions only to parties involved.