[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the Town of Mount Airy 1-5-1981 by Ord. No. 116; amended in its entirety 11-3-1986 by Ord. No. 153. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Misdemeanors and infractions — See Charter, § C12-5.
Fines and penalties — See Ch. A115.
Violation of any ordinance of the Town of Mount Airy, including violation of any zoning or land use ordinance or regulation, shall be a municipal infraction and shall be punishable in accordance with § 3 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, unless the same shall be specifically designated as a misdemeanor or felony by another section of this Code.
Citations may be issued to the individual committing the infraction as well as the property owner or business entity for which the individual works, if the infraction is committed at said property or within the individual’s scope of employment for the business. Such citations may be individually prosecuted.
[Added 11-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-38]
Those portions of any ordinances of the Town of Mount Airy enacted before January 5, 1981, which provide that a violation of the same shall constitute a misdemeanor are hereby repealed.
[Amended 12-2-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-29]
Citations for municipal infractions may be issued by any police officer, the Mayor and any member of the Council.
Police officers retained, contracted for or hired by the Town shall enforce all applicable laws, including the Town of Mount Airy Code, ordinances and resolutions, except as otherwise provided by any other provision of the Code or Charter, by issuing citations for municipal infractions, citations for parking violations, or by taking other action as may be appropriate to enforce the Town of Mount Airy Code and laws.
The Mayor or appropriate Council member may, with the consent of the Council, designate specific Town staff who shall be authorized to issue citations for municipal infractions, citations for parking violations, or to take other action to enforce the Town of Mount Airy Code and laws as may be appropriate, subject to review by the Mayor or appropriate Council member.
[Amended 11-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-39]
Except as provided for by any other provision of this Code, the amount of the infraction fine assessed for violation of any zoning ordinance or subdivision regulation shall be $100 for the first offense, and $200 for the second and subsequent offenses occurring within six months of the first offense. For violation of all other ordinances, except as otherwise provided, the fine shall be $50 for the first offense, and $100 for the second and subsequent offenses occurring within six months of the first offense.
Each day of an ongoing violation, or separate incident where applicable, shall be considered a separate violation.
Fines which are not paid or otherwise resolved within 30 days of issuance of the citation shall be doubled.
The Town may, in addition to a fine, issue an order by the Mayor, seek a court order to enforce the ordinance, or seek an abatement order or other order as appropriate from the court.