[Adopted 12-3-1979 by Ord. No. 110]
[Amended 11-6-1989 by Ord. No. 1989-22; 8-5-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-12]
Any person or persons owning property outside of the Town limits desiring to connect to the Town's sanitary sewer system who is an owner of an existing residential or commercial building with a failing septic system, may make application to the Town on forms to be provided by the Town, which forms shall provide for an adequate description of the property to be served, the legal ownership thereof; certification that the septic system for the property is failing, and the name and address of the contractor or plumber that is proposed to be used for the making of the necessary connection and installation of a water meter as hereafter set forth. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee as hereafter set forth which shall be held by the Town in a separate fund until connection to the system as hereunder set forth.
The Town reserves the right to reject any application unless the property to be serviced has been approved for annexation into the Town limits; or if it finds that: the septic system for the property is not failing; that the applicant does not have the right of legal access to and through property binding on the Town's sewer main; the contractor or plumber proposed to do the work is not qualified; or the approval of such application would create a danger of overloading the capacity of said system.
Application fees shall be computed as follows:
For residential applications, the fee shall be $1,900 per dwelling unit.
For commercial applications, the fee shall be $1,900 for each equivalent dwelling unit or fraction thereof. Each commercial application shall state the number of employees per eight-hour daytime shift, and each 10 employees or fraction thereof shall constitute one equivalent dwelling unit. For example, five employees are equivalent to one dwelling unit, 15 employees are equivalent to two dwelling units.
For residential applications, the phrase "dwelling unit" shall mean living accommodations intended for occupancy by a single family. A "family" is deemed to mean any number of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit.
The connection to the public sewer shall conform to the requirements of the Plumbing Code of Carroll County, Maryland, and all other county and state regulations.[1] The applicant shall notify the Town when he proposes to connect to the public sewer, and the connection thereof shall be made under the supervision of a representative of the Town, and at said time the applicant shall also cause a water meter to be installed at the owner's well. Upon presentation of a proper voucher therefor, the Town shall cause the cost of the installation of the water meter to be paid out of the aforementioned application fee, and the water meter be and at all times remains the property of the Town. The balance of the application fee shall thereupon be considered a part of the Town's current revenues.
Editor's Note: As to the adoption by reference of plumbing standards, see Ch. 47, Building Construction.
[Amended 11-6-1989 by Ord. No. 1989-22]
Upon connection with the Town's sewer, the owner or owners of the property so connected shall pay a quarterly service charge computed at $46.50 per quarter per dwelling unit or equivalent dwelling unit, based upon a minimum consumption of 12,000 gallons of water in each quarter, plus $3 for every additional 1,000 gallons of water in excess of said minimum for every quarter. Bills therefor shall be payable when rendered and shall bear interest at the rate of 1 1/2% per month beginning 30 days from the billing date and shall constitute a lien upon the property served until paid. In the event any charge remains unpaid for more than 90 days, it shall be lawful for a representative of the Town to disconnect the property from the Town's sewer system, to remove the water meter from the property and to forcibly enter upon said property for said purposes if necessary. The quarterly rates established hereby shall be subject to annual revision.