The following plan fees shall be paid by the subdivider at the time of submission to the Planning Commission:
Type of Plan
Residential (acres)
5 or fewer
6 to 49
50 or more
The filing fee will include review by the Town's employees and consultants. At the conclusion of the review process, the Town will review the charges incurred and if less than the fee imposed, will refund the difference, or if greater, the subdivider shall pay the additional amount. Fifteen percent will be added to actual charges to cover administrative overhead.
In addition to the filing fee, the subdivider, prior to plat approval, shall pay to the Town all costs associated with review by the Town Engineer of the subdivision plat and required improvement plans for engineering details for conformance to the Town's regulations.
The rates for charges for review by the Town's employees, consultants and Town Engineer shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Town Council. Charges will be billed monthly if in excess of the fee imposed as set forth above. If any charges are not paid within 60 days of billing the Town will withhold further review and may issue a stop work order for the project.