Police officers shall:
Take appropriate action to:
Protect life and property.
Preserve the peace.
Prevent crime.
Detect and arrest violators of the law.
Enforce all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances coming within Department jurisdiction.
Safely and expeditiously regulate traffic.
Aid citizens in matters within police jurisdiction.
Take appropriate police action in aiding fellow officers as needed.
Provide miscellaneous services as required.
Exercise authority consistent with the obligations imposed by the oath of office and in conformance with the policies of the Department.
Abide by all rules, regulations and departmental procedures and directives governing police officer employees.
Be accountable and responsible to their supervisors for obeying all lawful orders.
Coordinate their efforts with other employees of the Department to achieve Department objectives.
Conduct themselves in accordance with high ethical standards, on and off duty.
Strive to improve their skills and techniques through study and training.
Familiarize themselves with the area of authority and responsibility for the current assignment.
Perform their duties promptly, faithfully, judiciously and diligently.
Perform all related work as required.
Supervisors in the Department shall:
Enforce Department rules and insure compliance with Department policies and procedures.
Exercise proper use of their command within the limits of their authority to assure efficient performance by their subordinates.
Exercise necessary control over their subordinates to accomplish the objectives of the Department.
Guide and train subordinates to gain effectiveness in performing their duties.
Use Department disciplinary procedures when necessary.
When using discipline, comply strictly with the provisions of the Department disciplinary process.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 and Chapter 2, § 2-47, the Chief of Police shall be the head of the Police Department and shall be directly responsible to the appropriate authority for its efficiency and day-to-day operations. Pursuant to policies established by the appropriate authority, the Chief of Police shall:
[Amended 6-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-20]
Administer and enforce the rules and regulations of the Police Department and any special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the Department and its members and officers;
Have, exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the Police Department;
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all members and officers;
Delegate such authority as may be deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Police Department to be exercised under the Chief's direction and control; and
Report at least monthly to the appropriate authority in such form as shall be prescribed on the operation of the Police Department during the preceding month and make such other reports as may be requested by the appropriate authority.
Responsibilities. The Chief of Police is responsible to:
Establish and maintain the efficient operation of the Department.
Organize, control and maintain all property and resources of the Department.
Develop the written organizational structure of the Department, including chain of command and duty assignments.
Develop and implement policies and procedures necessary to govern and direct the day-to-day operations of the police Department.
Provide for the proper training of all Department employees.
Provide for periodic inspections of all police operations to ensure compliance with Department rules, policies and procedures.
Maintain the overall discipline of the Department.
Maintain a constructive relationship with the public, community organizations, the media and other law enforcement agencies.
Prepare and submit the annual budget and proposed expenditure programs to the appropriate authority or other designated officials.
Allocate funds within the budget, which are appropriated by the governing body.
Provide for performance evaluations of all Department employees.
Civilian employees shall:
Take appropriate action to perform the duties of their positions promptly, faithfully and diligently.
Exercise authority consistent with the obligations imposed by their position and in conformance with the policies of the Department.
Be accountable and responsible to their supervisors for obeying all lawful orders.
Coordinate their efforts with other employees of the Department to achieve Department objectives.
Conduct themselves in accordance with high ethical standards, on and off duty.
Strive to improve their skills and techniques through study and training.
Familiarize themselves with the area of authority and responsibility for the current assignment.
Abide by all rules, regulations and departmental procedures and directives governing civilian employees.
Perform all related work as required.