Reasons for disciplinary action.
Employees, regardless of rank, shall be subject to disciplinary action, according to the nature or aggravation of the offense, for:
Committing an offense punishable under the laws or statutes of the United States, the State of New Jersey or any other state or municipal ordinances; or
Failure, either willfully or through negligence or incompetence, to perform the duties of their rank or assignment; or
Violation of any rule, policy, procedure or directive of the Department; or failure to comply with the Chief's orders, directives, regulations, etc., oral and written, and also those of superiors and supervisors; or
Failure to obey any lawful instruction, order or command of a supervisor.
A violation of Subsection A(1)(a) through (d) inclusive shall constitute a Class 1 violation.
Repeated violations. Repeated violations of the rules of conduct shall be indicative of an employee's disregard for his duty and may cause for dismissal. This shall apply regardless of the type or severity of the offenses. A violation shall constitute a Class 1 offense.
Disciplinary procedure. The disciplinary procedure for the Robbinsville Township Police Department is contained within the Policy and Procedures Manual of the Robbinsville Township Police Department.
Disciplinary guide. The offenses herein shall guide the Chief of Police or hearing officer in administering fair and uniform penalties for violations of the Robbinsville Township Police Department's Rules of Conduct.
Offenses omitted. Offense not specifically listed, or included by omission, shall result in penalties similar to those specified for similar offenses of comparable seriousness.
Potential penalties. A violation of the rules and regulations of the Robbinsville Township Police Department shall expose the member to the penalties listed below. Penalties for offenses listed shall in no way limit any penalty which the Chief of Police or hearing officer may impose.
1st Offense
Reprimand to Dismissal
2nd Offense
Charges to Dismissal
3rd Offense
Charges to Dismissal
1st Offense
Reprimand to 10 days
2nd Offense
Reprimand to 20 days
3rd Offense
Charges up to 30 days
1st Offense
Reprimand to 5 days
2nd Offense
Reprimand to 10 days
3rd Offense
Charges up to 15 days
1st Offense
Reprimand to 3 days
2nd Offense
Reprimand to 5 days
3rd Offense
Charges up to 10 days
1st Offense
Reprimand to 1 day
2nd Offense
Reprimand to 2 days
3rd Offense
Reprimand to 3 days
All evidence as well as the recommendations of the investigating officer shall be considered at the time of the hearing officer imposing penalties after the adjudication of the matter.
Reprimand; performance notice; informal reprimand. Certain offenses are sufficiently minor in nature that they may be handled by supervisory personnel for a first offense. Though not serious in nature, the appropriate form shall be filed with a copy to be forwarded to the offender's commanding officer, and the office of the Chief of Police. This form shall be filed in the member' personnel jacket. If there are no reoccurrences within six months it shall be removed from the file. Any subsequent offense is then considered to be the first.
Written reprimand. A performance notice to document certain offenses as required under the guidelines establishing penalties for violations of the rules and regulations. These violations shall be documented and filed by supervisory personnel, utilizing the appropriate form, and forwarded to offender's commanding officer for approval. The approved form shall then be forwarded to the office of the Chief of Police for placement in the member's personnel file. Written reprimands are permanent in nature.
Formal charges. Formal charges are specific offenses to be heard by the Chief of Police, or designated hearing officer, with recommendations of potential penalties, by the member bringing the charge(s). All second offenses shall require the filing of formal charges. These violations shall be documented and filed by supervisory personnel, utilizing the appropriate form, and forwarded to the offender's commanding officer for approval. The approved form shall then be forwarded to the office of the Chief of Police for placement in the member's personnel file. Formal charges are permanent in nature.
The issuance and adoption of this guide of conduct, in accordance with the New Jersey State Attorney General's Guidelines, supersedes all previously issued rules and regulations. The reissuance and modification of the Robbinsville Township Police Department's Rules and Regulations is not intended to diminish or dismiss any prior pleas or convictions for previous disciplinary code violations. Any previous convictions or violations documented under previously issued versions of the Robbinsville Township Police Department's Rules and Regulations are not waived, purged or reduced in any manner and remain in effect. Past findings or pleadings of guilty for offenses similar to those listed above may be considered by the hearing officer relative to the imposition of sanction and in determining whether a course of conduct constitutes a first, second, third, etc., offense.