Filing an application. All applications for preliminary site plan shall be filed with the administrative officer or designee.
Distribution. At least 10 days prior to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Board, the administrative officer or designee shall distribute copies of the preliminary plan and application in the following manner:
Township files.
Planning Board or Board of Adjustment Chairperson.
Township Engineer.
Township Planner.
Township Health Department.
Construction Official.
Fire Subcode Officer.
Site Plan Committee Chairman.
Environmental Commission.
Board Attorney.
Police Department.
At the direction of the Board, additional copies of the preliminary plat or plan and the supportive materials may be forwarded to other Township, county or state officials.
Filing of combined applications. Please refer to § 470-87C.
Water supply and water quality requirements. For those applications for nonresidential uses that will result in total groundwater withdrawals greater than 800 gallons per day, the applicant must comply with the requirements of § 470-15.1 of the West Milford Township Land Development Ordinance.
[Added 11-7-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-029]
Procedural requirements. All applications for preliminary site plan shall include the following support documents and information:
Thirteen map copies folded and collated.
Health Department approval.
Completed preliminary site plan checklist.
Site plan application form.
Completed checklist waiver request form.
An environmental and community impact statement (see § 470-15, Environmental and community impact statement).
Application and escrow fees as specified in Article VII, Fees, of this chapter.
Affidavit of ownership if the applicant is not the owner of the property in question.
Completed escrow agreement.
Affidavit of disclosure for corporations.
Proof of submission to the County Planning Board.
Map requirements. All applications for preliminary site plan shall include maps and/or exhibits depicting the following information:
All preliminary plans shall be prepared by a licensed professional as set out in N.J.A.C. 13:40-7 et seq.
Key map. A key map showing the entire tract and its relation to the surrounding areas at a scale of one inch equals not less than 1,200 feet. The key map shall include a North arrow.
Identification information:
Title block:
Name of development, municipality and county.
Name and address of applicant or developer.
Name and address of the owner or owners of record and the names and addresses of all property owners within 200 feet of the extreme limits of the tract as shown on the most recent tax rolls available in the Township Tax Assessor's office.
Acreage of tract to nearest 1/10 of an acre.
Date of preparation and subsequent revisions.
Zoning analysis.
Scale, both written and graphic, and North arrow.
All property and structures within 200 feet of the extreme limits of the tract.
Existing block and lot numbers.
Zoning district boundaries affecting the tract.
Cross sections of watercourses and/or drainage swales at an approximate scale showing the extent of floodplain, top of bank, normal water levels and bottom elevations at any point where a watercourse crosses a boundary of the tract.
The location and extent of drainage and conservation easements and stream encroachment lines.
The location, extent and water level elevation of all existing or proposed lakes or ponds within and adjacent to the tract.
Contours; intervals shall be:
Up to 10% grade: two feet.
Over 10% grade: five feet.
Existing structures. Locations of all existing structures showing existing front, rear and side yard setback distances, and an indication of whether the existing structures and uses will be retained or removed.
Proposed structures. Size, height and location of all proposed buildings, structures and signs with setbacks indicated.
Outdoor lighting. The proposed location, direction of illumination, power, type and architectural style of proposed outdoor lighting.
Landscaping. Landscaping plan, including the proposed screening, buffering, types, quantity, size and location of all vegetation. The scientific and common names of all vegetation shall be used. Plans are to be drawn by a certified landscape architect, an architect, an engineer, land surveyor, or professional planner as provided for by state law.
Off-street parking. The location and design of any off-street parking areas or loading area showing size and location of bays, aisles and barriers.
Traffic patterns. Conformity with state, county or West Milford access management codes must be shown where applicable.
Storm drainage. The application shall include plans and computations for any storm drainage systems, including the following:
All existing or proposed storm sewer lines within or adjacent to the tract showing size and profile of the lines, direction of flow and the location of each catch basin, inlet, manhole, culvert and headwall.
The location and extent of any proposed dry wells, groundwater recharge basins, retention basins or other water or soil conservation devices.
Stormwater quality for on-site and off-site effects shall be addressed on each application.
Stormwater calculations.
Drywell/retention/recharge measures.
Proposed phasing.
Management report.
Stormwater quantity measures.
Flood erosion controls.
Stormwater calculations.
Project phasing.
Outlet controls.
Facilities map.
Existing utilities. The location of existing structures such as water and sewer mains, gas transmission lines and high tension power lines on the tract.
Cross sections and grade details. Plans, cross sections, center line profiles, tentative grades and details of all proposed driveways and existing streets abutting the tract.
Sign details.
Indication of total impervious coverage.
Limit of disturbance lines showing areas to be disturbed by grading and construction.
Location of existing and proposed wells and septic systems on the property.
Location of existing wells and septic systems within 100 feet of the property.
Floor plans of proposed buildings.
All natural features in accordance with § 500-71, Natural features, of this Land Development Ordinance.
Finished grade elevation where changes in contour are proposed.
Proposed building elevations.
Loading zone location and details.
Driveway locations, including ingress and egress.
Soil erosion and sediment control plan.
Location and results of percolation tests.
Sight triangles and curbline radii.
Indicate location and ownership of easements on the tract and within 200 feet of the tract.
Property line dimensions in feet.
Property lines shown in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Indicate total building square footage.
Traffic study on applications of 50,000 square feet or more of gross floor area.