[Amended 12-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-030; 3-26-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-012]
Under the Department of Community Services and Recreation, there shall be a Director to be known as the "Director of Community Services and Recreation." The Community Services and Recreation Director shall be appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of Council. The Director of Community Services and Recreation shall be in charge of recreation programs, park programs, senior services, veteran services, recreation building maintenance, park maintenance, transportation services and will be responsible for the planning, promoting, organizing, and administering of a comprehensive community services and recreation service for the entire community, doing related work as required. He shall serve for the term of the Mayor and until his successor has been appointed and shall receive compensation as provided by ordinance. He shall have and perform all the powers and duties prescribed by general law, charter and ordinances of the Township and shall administer the work of the Department. Subject to the above, the Director shall:
Administer and operate Township parks, playgrounds, playing fields, recreational areas, and facilities for indoor and outdoor sports, athletic and recreational programs and activities for children and adults.
Sponsor and administer cultural, social and recreational programs and activities in cooperation with other public and private agencies and organizations.
Utilize and instruct the maintenance personnel with respect to the maintenance and repair of public buildings and grounds used, controlled or managed for recreational purposes by the Department.
Administer and operate recreational programs for senior citizens, support services for veterans and transportation services for seniors, the disabled and the general public.
The Department shall enforce rules and regulations adopted for the safety and conduct of persons using recreational facilities and for the preservation of public peace and order at public events, and any person who shall violate such rules or regulations may be adjudged a disorderly person. The Department may charge and collect for the use of the Township a reasonable fee for admission to or use of facilities, programs or activities provided under this section.
Within the Department of Community Services and Recreation, there shall be a division called "Recreation Administration," which shall be under the supervision of the Director of Community Services and Recreation. This Division shall consist of members who shall oversee all aspects of the Community Services and Recreation Department operations.
Within the Department of Community Services and Recreation, there shall be a division called "Recreation Program Services," which shall be under the supervision of the Director of Community Services and Recreation. This Division shall consist of members who provide recreation programs, events and services to all age groups.
Within the Department of Community Services and Recreation, there shall be a division called the "Senior Services Division," which shall be under the supervision of the Director of Community Services and Recreation. This Division shall consist of members who will provide recreation programs and services to the senior population.
Within the Department of Community Services and Recreation, there shall be a division called "Park Program Services," which shall be under the supervision of the Director of Community Services and Recreation. This Division shall consist of members who provide recreation programs on site at park facilities to include Bubbling Springs and Westbrook Park.
Within the Department of Community Services and Recreation, there shall be a division called "Transportation Services," which shall be under the supervision of the Director of Community Services and Recreation. This Division shall consist of members who provide public transportation for the residents. This Division shall also provide program and medical transportation for the senior and disabled population.
Within the Department of Community Services and Recreation, there shall be a division called "Park Maintenance Services," which shall be under the supervision of the Department of Public Works. This Division shall consist of members who will maintain all park facilities.
Editor's Note: Former § 15-69, Division of Recreation Building Maintenance, was repealed 7-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-027.
Within the Department of Community Services and Recreation, there shall be a division called "Veteran Services," which shall be under the supervision of the Director of Community Services and Recreation. This Division shall consist of members who will provide support services to local veterans.