Parks for sale or longer term lease. Applications for proposed development of mobile home parks with lots proposed for sale or lease exceeding 12 months shall meet all requirements and standards for a single-family residence residential subdivision in this chapter and Chapter 180, Zoning.
Parks to be held under single ownership. Applications for proposed development of mobile home parks that are proposed to be held under single ownership and to provide mobile home sites on a maximum twelve-month-lease period or rental basis only shall meet the design standards and required improvements set forth in this article.
Acreage. All mobile home parks shall have a total land area of not less than 50 acres.
Floodplain. The site of any proposed mobile home park shall not be located within or upon a one-hundred-year frequency floodplain as defined by the Federal Flood Insurance Program.
Nuisances. The site of any proposed mobile home park shall be free from adverse influence by swamps, marshes, garbage or rubbish disposal areas or other potential breeding places for insects or rodents and shall not be subject to any hazard or nuisance, such as excessive noise, vibration, smoke, toxic matter, radiation, heat, odor or glare.
Soils and slope. All mobile home parks shall be located on well drained land; and the average natural slope of the area of the site intended for development shall not exceed 10%.
Access. Any proposed mobile home park shall have direct access to paved public streets or roads.
Procedure. All provisions of Article III and Article IV shall apply with respect to submission, application and approval. Fees shall be charged in accordance with the approved fee schedule.
Conformity. The plans of the proposed mobile home park shall conform in content to the requirements for preliminary plans and final plans as set forth in this chapter.
General. All plans for proposed new mobile home parks or expansion of existing mobile home parks shall be designed in accord with the four-step process in § 153-46 and meet the design standards applicable to all types of development contained in Article VI.
Lot size. Each mobile home lot shall have a minimum area of 5,000 square feet. Minimum average width shall be 45 feet. Minimum average lot depth shall be 75 feet.
Density. The total number of lots in any mobile home park shall not exceed an average density of one unit per 10,000 square feet of the adjusted tract acreage of the parcel determined in accord with Chapter 180, Zoning.
Site drainage requirements.
Ground surface. The ground surface in all parts of every park shall be graded and equipped to drain all surface water in a safe, efficient manner as required in § 153-53.
Surface water collectors. Surface water collectors and other bodies of standing water capable of breeding mosquitoes and other insects shall be eliminated or controlled in a manner approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Board of Supervisors.
Soil and ground cover requirements.
Soil and ground cover. Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of every park shall be paved, or covered with stone screenings, or other solid material, or protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and the emanation of dust during dry weather.
Prohibited vegetation. Park grounds shall be maintained free of vegetation growth which is poisonous or which may harbor rodents, insects, or other pests harmful to man.
Park areas for nonresidential uses. No part of any park shall be used for nonresidential purposes, except for such uses that are required solely for the direct servicing and well-being of park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park.
Required setbacks, buffer strips and screening.
Setbacks from property boundary line. All mobile homes shall be located at least 50 feet from any park property boundary line abutting upon a public street or highway and at least 40 feet from other park property boundary lines.
Setbacks from common areas and structures. There shall be a minimum distance of 20 feet between an individual mobile home, including accessory structures attached thereto, and adjoining right-of-way of a park street, or common parking area or other common areas and structures.
Screening. All mobile home parks existing may be required to provide screening such as fences, or plant materials along the property boundary line separating park and such adjacent use. These plantings shall provide an effective screen to a height of five feet at the time of planting and an effective screen to a height of eight feet within five years. These buffer strips shall be properly maintained at all times.
Streets. All streets within proposed mobile home parks shall conform to the requirements for streets as set forth in § 153-51. Right-of-way width shall be a minimum of 50 feet. All streets or roads providing access from the public highway system into and/or through a proposed mobile home park shall conform to the requirements for streets as set forth in § 153-51.
Lot frontage. Mobile home sites and parking spaces shall have direct access to, and frontage on, the interior park street system. Mobile home sites and parking spaces shall not front or have access directly to public roads or streets or to private roads or streets passing through the mobile home park and providing access to other parcels or developments.
Illumination. All parks shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped with luminaries placed at such mounting heights as will provide adequate levels of illumination for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night.
Off-street parking. Off-street parking for two motor vehicles shall be provided at each mobile home lot and off-street parking areas for additional vehicles of park occupants and guests shall be provided where street rights-of-way are of insufficient width for such purposes. These spaces shall be improved to a grade not greater than 8% and shall be paved with a minimum six inches' depth of select material approved by the Township Engineer.
General requirements. All parks must provide safe, convenient, all-season pedestrian access of adequate width for intended use, durable and convenient to maintain, between individual mobile homes, the park streets and all community facilities provided for park residents. Sudden changes in alignment and gradient shall be avoided.
Common walk system. Where pedestrian traffic is concentrated and a common walk system is provided, such common walks shall have a minimum width of four feet.
Individual walks. All mobile home lots shall be connected to common walk or to streets, or to driveways or parking spaces connecting to a paved street. Such individual walks shall have a minimum width of three feet.
Recreational areas. A recreational area, consisting of 10% of the total area of the park, shall be maintained within the park for the use of all park residents. This area shall be of suitable configuration and free of hazards to permit recreational use. Fifty percent of this area shall be designed, equipped and properly maintained for recreational use in the mobile home park.
Landscaping and outdoor living requirements.
Private area. Private outdoor living and service space shall be provided for each mobile home. It shall be walled, fenced, or planted as necessary to assure reasonable privacy and shall be partially paved for garden furniture. The minimum area shall be not less than 300 square feet with a least dimension of 15 feet. The paved area shall be not less than 100 square feet with a least dimension of 10 feet.
Screen planting. Screen plantings shall be provided adequate to screen objectionable views effectively within a reasonable time; views to be screened including laundry drying yards, garbage and trash collection stations, nonresidential uses, and rear yards of adjacent properties.
Other planting. Other plantings shall be adequate in size, quantity, and character to provide an attractive setting for the mobile homes and other improvements, to provide adequate privacy and pleasant outlooks for living units, to minimize reflected glare and to afford summer shade.
Sewer and water systems. All mobile home lots in proposed mobile home parks shall be provided with connection to a centralized supply of potable water and connection to a centralized sewer system designed and constructed as required in § 153-55. In those cases where a community subsurface sewage disposal system is proposed, a replacement area shall be provided for the subsurface sewage disposal field which has been properly tested and meets the most current state and Township standards for subsurface sewage disposal.
Underground utilities. All mobile home lots in proposed mobile home parks shall be provided with underground electric, telephone and TV cable (if available) service. These service systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with local service company specifications regulating such systems.
Mobile home foundation. Each mobile home lot shall be improved to provide an adequate foundation for the placement of the mobile home. The foundation shall be either a solid perimeter of masonry or piers both below frost or a slab properly constructed of poured concrete.
Skirting. Each mobile home shall be enclosed from the bottom of the home to the ground or stand using industry-approved skirting material compatible with the home, or if a slab foundation is used, masonry walls underneath the home with soil backfill to result in the surrounding ground level being flush or one normal step height below the first floor elevation. If masonry walls are used, then an appropriate service access area shall be provided.
Central fuel system. Any central fuel supply systems and/or central fuel storage facilities shall be installed underground.
Mobile home sales. None of the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to the business of mobile home sales, provided that the mobile home on such lots shall not be occupied.
Construction project. None of the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to a mobile home located on the site of a construction project, survey project, or other work project and used solely as a field office or work or tool house in connection with such project, provided such mobile home is removed from said site within 30 days after the completion of such project.