[Adopted 12-6-1983 by L.L. No. 2-1983]
[Amended 5-5-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021]
This local law shall be known and may be cited as "Local Law No. 2 of 2021," a local law amending Local Law No. 5 of 1995 of !he Town of Halfmoon entitled "Local Law Relating to Zoning for the Town of Halfmoon," as previously amended and supplemented, and the Forest Lane Apartments Planned Development District created in 1983.
Local Law No. 2 of 1973 of the Town of Halfmoon entitled "Local Law Relating to Zoning for the Town of Halfmoon" and the Zoning Map of the Town of Halfmoon, as set forth therein and made a part thereof, be and the same hereby are amended by changing from Residence District R-3 a portion thereof, as hereinafter described, and creating within the boundaries of said newly described area a planned development district to be known and described as "Forest Lane Apartments Planned Development District."
The area of said Forest Lane Apartments Planned Development District, consisting of approximately 7.2 acres, is bounded and described as follows:
Northerly by the lands of the Beatrice Wonderford Estate and Albert R. Frament.
Easterly by the lands of Jennie Dahoda.
Southerly by the lands of Donna J. Vincent.
Westerly by the lands of Beverly and Francis Covel, Dunsbach Road and the Beatrice Wonderford Estate.
Editor's Note: PDD maps and plans are on file in the Town's offices.
There shall be constructed within the area of said Forest Lane Apartments Planned Development District the following:
Number of units and density. The maximum number of dwelling units shall be 48 attached housing units in 12 two-story, fourplex structures. The density for the total project shall not exceed 6.66 dwelling units per acre.
Apartments. Each dwelling unit within this group shall be a single-family unit. Garages, a designated mail collection area, and office space may also be constructed on site with the understanding that neither will be utilized for rentals to the general public. Before application is made for any building permit, approval shall be obtained from the Planning Board of the Town of Halfmoon and the final plan shall be signed by all governmental entities having jurisdiction thereof. The exact location and specifications of roadways, buffers, green space and other related matters may be changed, altered or amended during the Town of Halfmoon Planning Board review process in a manner generally consistent with the amendments proposed herein.
[Amended 5-5-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021]
Parking. There shall be provided no less than 98 parking stalls for 48 dwelling units in 12 fourplex structures.
Potable water source. A central water supply system shall be developed to service Forest Lane Apartments. The public water supply will consist of several well points that shall pump to an on-site storage area. The water shall be chlorinated and pumped through the distribution system to each individual fourplex unit. The water system shall comply with all the requirements for community water supply as set forth by the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Sanitary sewers and sewage disposal. Forest Lane Apartments shall be served by a sanitary waste disposal system consisting of a leaching bed for each fourplex cluster of dwelling units. Each leaching bed shall be twenty-five-foot by twenty-foot and provide 500 square feet of bed for each fourplex cluster. The sanitary waste disposal system shall comply with the New York State Department of Health requirements.
Storm sewers. A stormwater management system shall control runoff through overland flow. Stormwater shall be channeled and allowed to sheet off paved areas onto adjacent vegetated open space. Stormwater recharge areas in the northeast and southwest corners of the site shall retain and regulate runoff to the peak quantity that existed prior to the development. Natural swales and open space low points shall be used to maintain the existing ecological balance in groundwater recharge.
Roads. There shall be constructed a private access road entering the site from Dunsbach Road. The fourplex units and parking shall be clustered on both sides of the road as it winds throughout to the rear of the site. The access road serving the planned development district shall have a twenty-two-foot paved surface. All curves and intersections are designed in accordance with standard circulation requirements for emergency vehicle access.
Electrical and telephone service. Electric and telephone service shall be laid underground within easements along the access road.
Open space. Shall be owned and maintained by the owner of the Forest Lane Apartments. The areas designated as open space shall be further defined by the Planning Board during the approval process for any additional building on the site.
[Amended 5-5-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021]
Maintenance and services. The owners and developers of the project shall be responsible for all maintenance, including but not limited to lawn work, building upkeep, road repairs, snow removal, water supply and sanitary disposal. Refuse collection shall be coordinated for the owners and privately transported to the Town of Halfmoon Landfill.
All other provisions of the previously approved Forest Lane Apartments Planned Development District, except as modified herein, shall remain in full force and effect.
[Added 5-5-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021]
There shall be a minimum fifteen-foot set back from the property line for any and all buildings located in the Planned Development District.
[Added 4-20-2022 by L.L. No. 4-2022]
All improvements shall be designed and constructed pursuant to plans and specifications approved by a duly licensed architect and in strict compliance with the New York State Building Code. All construction shall be performed subject to the direction and control of a duly licensed architect and a site development consultant and, when completed, shall be certified by both as having been constructed in full compliance with the New York State Building Code. The plans and specifications shall be approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Halfmoon and approval by such Planning Board shall be filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Halfmoon. The architect and consultant performing the work herein described shall be employed by and at the sole expense of the developer. All construction, during performance thereof and upon completion, shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Building Inspector of the Town of Halfmoon. All roads and/or streets to be constructed pursuant to this local law shall be constructed pursuant to specifications at the time in effect for the construction of Town highways in the Town of Halfmoon.
This amendment shall be deemed automatically revoked and void and the previous regulations shall obtain if, within 12 months from the approval by the Planning Board of the Town of Halfmoon for construction of the project, commencement of the construction of Forest Lane Apartments Planned Development District has not begun or if after construction has begun unless substantial progress continues without undue interruption thereafter or if the development is not completed within five years of such approval. As to the area within which a building or buildings have been constructed pursuant to this local law, there shall be no voiding of this amendment and, as to said area and building or buildings, this local law shall continue in full force and effect and the area zoned by this local law shall be the area within which said building or buildings was or were constructed pursuant to this local law. For proper cause shown, the Town Board of the Town of Halfmoon may, under such terms and conditions as it deems proper, extend either the twelve-month period or the five-year period, or both, and/or may waive the requirement that substantial progress shall continue without due interruption.
Section 402 of the said Local Law No. 2 of 1973, Zoning Map, is hereby amended by providing that said Forest Lane Apartments Planned Development District be set forth as supplementary map numbered _____, which is hereby made part of this local law.