As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings
A well that has not been used for water supply for a period of one
year or more, unless the owner declares his intention to use the well again
for supplying water within one year.
Adverse effect on water quality created by the introduction of any
Water which is pure, wholesome and free from impurities that may
cause disease or harmful physiological effects such that the water is safe
for human consumption.
Any dwelling used for habitation or business purposes by an occupant
other than the owner, for the use of which a fee is paid. This includes, but
is not limited to, campgrounds, motels, bed-and-breakfasts, inns, and other
accommodations used on a transient basis, as well as community-type buildings
which are rented to community groups.
Any pit, pipe, excavation, spring, casing, drill hole, or other source
of water to be used for any purpose of supplying water, and shall include
dug wells, driven or tubular wells, drilled wells (artesian or otherwise)
and springs, gravel packed, gravel walled wells, gravel developed and wash
borings and as further described in the U.S. EPA Manual of Individual Water
Supply Systems. For the purpose of these regulations, it shall include both
private potable wells, and nonpotable wells.
Any well supplying water for human consumption, bathing, or washing
purposes, which is not otherwise regulated as a public water system (community
or noncommunity water supply) under 310 CMR 22.00.
Any person, firm, or corporation drilling, constructing, or destroying
a water supply well.
Quantity of water delivered per unit time which may flow or be continuously
pumped from the well.
All well drillers doing business in the Town of Barnstable shall annually
file with the Board of Health a copy of their current well driller registration
certificate issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts under Massachusetts
General Laws Chapter 21 § 16 and Massachusetts Regulations 313 CMR
The Board of Health may, at its discretion, require single-family, multifamily,
or commercial structures located within 300 feet of a municipal waterline
to connect to municipal water.
Any well regulated pursuant to the Water Management Act, MGL Chapter
21G, which governs any well that withdraws an average volume of water in excess
of 100,000 gallons of water per day, is exempt from the regulations established
Each section of these rules and regulations shall be construed as separate.
If any section, regulation, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of
these rules and regulations shall be declared invalid for any reason, the
remainder of these rules and regulations shall remain in full force and effect.