The Town of Barnstable advocates the orderly development of aquaculture that is complementary to the continuing development of the Town's shellfishery as it pertains to aquaculture licenses. In consideration of any aquaculture license the Town is obligated to protect and preserve the existing fisheries and to minimize the impact on other uses of the marine environment. The right of public navigation through a license shall not be infringed upon except in areas containing approved structures that are properly marked according to these regulations. The size and scope of the license shall co-exist with and not diminish the common property commercial and recreational shellfisheries or other existing water-related activities.
[Amended 12-3-2016; 12-1-2018; 12-23-2020]
Aquaculture licenses, herein referred to as the "license," will be issued to Town of Barnstable residents only who can prove to the satisfaction of the licensing authority that they are a bona fide, principally domiciled resident of the Town of Barnstable and have been principally domiciled within the Town for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of application. Two forms of written proof of residency are required; tax bills paid by the applicant, rent receipts with accompanying lease agreement, utility bills paid by the applicant, driver's license, car registration issued to the applicant, etc., may serve as proof. All local tax obligations must be paid in full in order for an application to be considered in accordance with MGL c. 40, § 57, which was adopted by Town Meeting in November 1986. Any licensed area so licensed subsequent to the adoption of these rules and regulations shall be forfeited if the holder of the license, herein referred to as the "licensee," ceases to be a bona fide, principally domiciled resident in the Town of Barnstable. Annual documentation to verify the licensee is principally domiciled in the Town of Barnstable is required. This may be a current real estate tax bill, mortgage statement or residential lease and copy of motor vehicle registration. (A driver's license is not valid proof of domicile.) The burden of proof is on the licensee and shall be included with the annual license fee, due by December 31 each year.
[Amended 1-1-2016]
Applicants, other than renewal applications, desiring a license shall be required to complete and submit all information required on the Town's approved application form and shall be submitted under the pains and penalties of perjury. Any information on a license application that is determined to be untruthful before or after approval of any license application shall be grounds for denial and/or forfeiture of a license. The nonrefundable application fee is $125 payable to the Town of Barnstable upon submittal of a license application to the Town Manager. Following the receipt of a completed license application, the Town Manager shall establish a public hearing date. At least 15 days prior to the established hearing date, the Town Manager shall notify the applicant of the time, date, and place of the hearing. The applicant is required to notify all abutters (as certified by the Town Assessor) within 300 feet of the outside boundaries of the proposed licensed area of the date, time and place of the public hearing. The notification by the applicant to the abutters must be made at least 10 days prior to the hearing date by certified mail return receipt requested, which receipts must be submitted to the Town Manager at the time of the public hearing. In addition the Town Manager shall post the hearing notice in the Town Hall at least 15 days prior to the hearing and cause the hearing notice to be published in the local newspaper at least seven days prior to the hearing.
The Town Manager may issue a moratorium on the issuance of new licenses at any time when this action is deemed appropriate and in the best interests of the Town's shellfisheries.
[Amended 12-1-2018; 5-8-2024]
A list of applicants for the licenses that have been reverted to or created by the Town in order of date and application shall be kept on file by the Marine Environmental Affairs Department Office. Those applying to be added to the list at the Marine Environmental Affairs Department Office shall pay a nonrefundable $5 fee. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to notify the Marine Environmental Affairs Department Office, in writing, between January 1 and February 15 of each year of his/her desire to remain on the list. The Marine Environmental Affairs Department Office must receive said notice on forms supplied by the Marine Environmental Affairs Department Office by 4:15 p.m. on the deadline date (February 15) along with a $5 fee.
Upon receipt of a completed application the Town Manager shall deliver, within seven days, a copy of the completed application to Natural Resources, the Harbormaster, the Waterways Committee, the Recreation Department, the Conservation Commission, the Town Attorney, the Shellfish Committee, the precinct Councilor, civic association, and the village library for their review and written comments. Said written comments are to be received by the Town Manager no later than 30 days after the applications are received by the reviewing departments and committees.
[Amended 12-3-2016]
Approval of any aquaculture license shall be subject to all federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations as in force and as amended from time to time. The licensee shall comply with all such rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of an aquaculture license in the state of Massachusetts. Failure to comply with any of the aforementioned laws, rules and regulations shall be cause to revoke the license. The Town Manager's approval of a shellfish aquaculture license shall become effective upon the expiration of 30 days from the date the Town Council is notified, in writing, of said license approval unless the Town Council votes within said time to disapprove of said license.
Prior to submittal of application, the licensee shall meet with the GIS staff of the Town of Barnstable to locate the proposed licensed area boundaries by latitude and longitude on the Town GIS system and obtain a map delineating proposed licensed area for submittal with the application. The licensee shall place approved boundary markers at all changes of angles of the licensed area in compliance with these regulations.
[Amended 12-3-2016; 12-1-2018; 5-8-2024]
Licenses are issued to and for the exclusive use of the licensee who may contract with or employ others to work for the licensee. Subleasing of the licensed area or portion thereof is prohibited. Licenses are renewable, heritable and transferable subject to Town Manager written approval and pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 130. Licenses are transferable only after five years from the original license issuance date, subject to review by the Natural Resource Office for reporting requirements and production standards under §§ 407-59 and 407-60 and subject to the Town Manager's written approval and pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 130. A licensee proposing to transfer his or her license shall first notify the Town Manager in writing that he/she no longer wishes to operate the license and requests a transfer of his/her licensed area to a designated recipient. Such recipient shall thereupon file an application under § 407-48. Thereafter, the application shall be treated as a new application. If, however, the licensee is under any pending investigations for violations, the license may not be transferred. In the event of the untimely death of a licensee, the license shall continue in full force and effect, subject to the same terms, conditions and regulations imposed by the original license, for a term not to exceed five years. This is for the use and benefit of the immediate family of the deceased licensee or a person designated in a will by the deceased licensee. Such recipient shall thereupon file an application under § 407-48. Thereafter, the application shall be treated as a new application with the exception that the license may be transferred sooner than five years after issuance of the new license at the discretion of the inheritor. For purposes of this section, the term "immediate family" shall mean spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, brother or sister of the deceased licensee.
All proposed changes to the original working plans as described in the original application, and all additions of material investments, which may include, but are not limited to, rafts, floats, racks, cages, trays, nets, etc., must be submitted in writing to Natural Resources and if in the discretion of Natural Resources the changes are such that further review is warranted then the NR may recommend to the Town Manager that further review of the proposed change take place and the Town Manager upon review of the proposed change may approve or deny said proposed change.
[Amended 12-3-2016]
A new license shall be issued for a period not to exceed five years, and for a total maximum area not to exceed two acres. The licensee may apply for renewal of the license at any time within two years prior to the expiration date of the license. The Town Manager shall review the licensee's request for renewal within 60 days after receipt of the renewal request. Under the legal discretion of the Town Manager, the license holder shall have the option of a renewal period up to 10 years.
[Amended 5-8-2024]
The maximum total acreage licensed to any new licensee shall not exceed four acres. A new licensee may apply for additional acreage, if applicable, only after the expiration of the original five-year license. The maximum total acreage licensed to any existing licensee shall not exceed four acres on the Northside and four acres on the Southside within the Town of Barnstable inner bays. If an individual licensee requests that a business name be added to the aquaculture license along with the name and Barnstable domicile of the licensee, the business name may not be present on individual aquaculture licenses in excess of eight acres on the Northside and eight acres on the Southside within the Town of Barnstable inner bays. These acreage limitations do not apply to any existing so-called grant (now referred to as a "license") which is in excess of four acres and will not prevent the grant holder (now referred to as the "licensee") from future renewals or transfers, provided that said licensee abides by all other applicable regulations set forth herewith. All previously permitted Northside and Southside inner bay licensed sites will remain as such and cannot be combined into larger permitted sites under one license.
An annual license fee of $25 per acre or any part thereof shall be paid to the Town by the licensee upon the issuance of the license and thereafter on or before December 31 of each year. If the fee is not paid within 30 days after it becomes due, the license shall be forfeited.
[Amended 12-3-2016; 5-8-2024]
An annual review of aquaculture licenses will be conducted by Natural Resources in order to determine reasonable shellfish investment standards. If, after the third year of a new license, any licensee cannot show that a reasonable amount of shellfish has been planted and/or produced on the licensed site during the preceding year, the license may be forfeited. For purposes stated herein, a reasonable amount of shellfish planted and/or produced shall mean income from sales of not less than $4,000 per acre per year based upon market value. This amount is subject to change with inflation rates. Failure of the licensee to meet such a shellfish investment standard shall result in a forfeit of the shellfish aquaculture license and licensed area. If, for any year, the licensee does not meet the reasonable shellfish investment standard, then upon written request to the Town Manager or Shellfish Constable said reasonable production value may be waived at the discretion of the Town Manager or Shellfish Constable for that particular year, provided that the licensee can demonstrate to the Town Manager that the cause of the lower amount produced is the direct effect of a natural disaster or other unforeseen personal misfortune.
[Amended 11-17-2014; 12-3-2016; 5-8-2024]
Licensees shall file annual reports with Natural Resources in accordance with a form provided by Natural Resources on or before February 28 of each year and shall produce documents upon the request of Natural Resources showing purchase and sale slips stating the total amount of each kind of shellfish planted, produced or marketed during the preceding year (January 1 through December 31) upon or from the licensed area, and an estimate of the total number of each kind remaining. The report shall disclose all necessary information as required by these regulations and Natural Resources which establishes that the licensee reached the reasonable production value. A new licensee is required to submit purchase and sale slips for the source(s) of seed planted on his/her licensed site and/or gear purchase for his/her licensed site for the first three years of his/her original license. In addition, new licensees are required to provide documentation that the new licensee has taken the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension's Shellfish Farming Course (or equivalent as approved by the Shellfish Constable) within the first two years of holding the original license.
[Amended 9-25-2008]
No person shall transplant seed, seed stock or stock from the public fisheries within the Town for purposes of stocking licensed aquaculture land with such seed or stock. Said regulation is subject to fine schedule for noncompliance.
[Amended 7-9-2007; 9-25-2008]
Shellfish aquaculture sites bordering the channel within the ninety-eight-acre aquaculture area in Barnstable Harbor shall be marked with red buoys bordering the northside of the channel and green buoys bordering the southside of the channel where individual site boundary changes of angles border the channel. Said red and green buoys shall not be less than 11.5 inches in diameter.
Shellfish aquaculture sites on the periphery of the ninety-eight-acre aquaculture area in Barnstable Harbor shall use yellow buoys not less than 15.5 inches in shortest diameter to mark only the most external changes of angles on said sites. The buoys shall bear the state propagation permit number issued to the licensee and the words "Aquaculture Area." Said numbers and letters shall not be less than two inches in height.
[Amended 2-21-2013]
All other licensed area boundaries shall be marked at all corners and changes of angles by uniform yellow buoys, not less than 11.5 inches in shortest diameter, and bear the state propagation permit number issued to the licensee. Said numbers shall not be less than two inches in height. Where a licensed area borders another licensed area, a buoy may bear the state propagation permit number of more than one licensee. All said buoys shall be deployed from April 1 until November 15, annually.
[Amended 2-21-2013]
Any proposed alternative marking of a licensed area must be submitted in writing to Natural Resources and if in the discretion of Natural Resources the changes are warranted, they may be approved in writing. The Harbormaster may direct licensees of licensed areas that border navigational channels to use specified buoys to mark their licensed area boundaries for navigational purposes.
Each licensee is responsible for maintaining the buoys marking their licensed area. Failure to place or reasonably to maintain said buoys shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the license. Said regulation is subject to fine schedule for noncompliance. The Shellfish Constable shall have the authority to temporarily waive these regulations if the presence of ice, severe weather or other condition hampers the ability of the licensee to immediately comply with these regulations.
[Amended 9-25-2008; 2-9-2018; 12-1-2018]
The license holder assumes all liability for all gear and tackle used on the licensed site. If any such gear and tackle is moved to a location off the licensed site, it shall be the responsibility of the licensee to remove said gear. If within 21 days after notification to the licensee by NR that the licensee has not complied with this requirement, the Town may cause such gear and tackle to be removed at the expense of the licensee. Every licensee shall permanently mark or tag, in a conspicuous place, any and all gear and tackle used on the licensed site, including without limitation trays, bags, racks, lines and pipes with the six-digit state propagation permit number issued to the licensee. Netting shall be marked or tagged in a conspicuous place, per every 200 square feet. Said regulation is subject to a fine schedule for noncompliance. The Shellfish Constable shall have the authority to temporarily waive these regulations if the presence of ice, severe weather or other condition hampers the ability of the licensee to immediately comply with these regulations.
[Amended 12-3-2016]
When a license is discontinued or terminated for any reason, the license holder shall be required to remove all gear from the waters and substrate within 60 days of the license termination date. Any and all equipment not removed within 60 days may be removed by a third party, contracted by the Town, at the expense of the licensee.
[Amended 12-1-2018; 12-23-2020]
No licensee shall hold the Town of Barnstable or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts liable for any damage to a licensed site as a result of harbor improvements. Any license bounded by a navigational channel, as defined by the Harbormaster, that has migrated by natural or man-made causes into or through a permitted shellfish license and has eroded a portion of the permitted land within the license to a navigational depth of at least three feet at mean low water, said channel shall become the natural boundary of the license and supersede any previous agreed boundaries of the license. The license holder shall sacrifice any and all rights of his/her license within this defined navigational channel. Should sediment migrate and settle within Aquaculture Zone 1 in Barnstable Harbor, due in whole or in part to natural conditions, leaving an area along the channel with less than three feet of water at mean low tide and adjacent to a licensed site less than two acres in size, a licensee may apply in writing to redefine the boundaries of the license along the channel through the Natural Resources Office. Final determination of whether or not a redefinition of boundaries is warranted will be decided by the Town Manager though a Town Manager public hearing.
The Shellfish Constable and/or assistants shall have authority to inspect the licensed area at any time, and said inspection may include any and all containers on the site. In the event that the Shellfish Constable and/or assistants have reason to believe that inspection of the contents of any or all containers on the site is in the best interest of the town, the Shellfish Constable and/or assistant shall contact the licensee by telephone or by leaving a notice at the address of the licensee indicated on the license, however, advising the licensee that the Town intends to inspect the contents of containers on the license and further inviting the licensee to be present at the time of said inspection. In the event that the Shellfish Constable and/or assistant does not receive a response from the licensee within 48 hours of notification by phone or by written notice, the inspection of containers may be conducted without the presence of the licensee. The Town of Barnstable reserves the right at any time to obtain samples of any shellfish from a licensed area for the purpose of certified testing for disease.
[Added 9-25-2008]
Whoever takes or attempts to take shellfish of any description upon any shellfish grounds or beds covered by a license granted by the Town of Barnstable or Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or in any way disturbs the growth of shellfish thereon, or whoever discharges any substance which may directly or indirectly injure the shellfish upon any such grounds or beds, without the consent of the licensee or transferee shall be subject to fine schedule for said violation.
Violation of these rules and regulations subjects the licensee to review and possible revocation of the license at the discretion of the Barnstable Town Manager.
If any provision of these rules and regulations is declared invalid by any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of these rules and regulations shall not be affected thereby.