[Adopted 11-6-2003 by Ord. No. 1158]
No person shall be permitted to use the Haddon Heights Skateboard Park without first acquiring and having on his person, displaying for view, a license or permit to use the same. Skateboard park badges or licenses shall be nontransferable and nonassignable. The Borough of Haddon Heights may by resolution establish fees for annual Skateboard Park badges or licenses; provided, however, that any fee so established shall be deposited and maintained by the Borough of Haddon Heights in an account to be used solely for the maintenance and repair of the Haddon Heights Skateboard Park.
All skateboarders must skate safely and responsibly. No skateboarder may enter the Skateboard Park when it is already being used to capacity. When skaters are waiting to enter, a time limit of 20 minutes per person shall be observed.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
All skateboarders must wear safety equipment at all times while using the Skateboard Park. At a minimum, skateboarders must wear a helmet with safety strap, elbow and knee pads. All skateboarders shall be fully clothed and must wear shoes or sneakers. Sandals are not permitted.
All children under the age of 11 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, relative or someone acting in loco parentis. Nonskaters may not enter the park except when accompanying a child under the age of 11 years.
The hours of operation of the Haddon Heights Skateboard Park shall be from 9:00 a.m. to dusk, provided that adult supervision is available during hours of operation.
The Skateboard Park is for use by skateboarders only. No other use is permitted in the Skateboard Park, including but not limited to in-line skates, roller skates or bicycles.
The use of profanity or abusive language is strictly prohibited.
No skateboarding is permitted when surfaces are wet or icy.
No alcohol, food, drinks or glass containers shall be permitted in the Skateboard Park.
No loud music shall be permitted in the Skateboard Park.
Skateboarders shall abide by all posted signs, notices and/or warnings.
The Haddon Heights Skateboard Park shall be open for use only when an adult Skateboard Park Supervisor is present on the premises. Skateboard Park Supervisor(s) shall be selected by the governing body of the Borough of Haddon Heights or, in the discretion of that body, by the Borough of Haddon Heights Skateboard Park Association in the event of the formation of such association; provided, however, that the governing body shall have final authority to approve or to disapprove any designated Skateboard Park Supervisor.
Skateboard Park Supervisor(s) shall during the period of supervision remain in the immediate area of the Skateboard Park and shall not leave the area unless or until relieved by another designated Skateboard Park Supervisor.
Skateboard Park Supervisor(s) shall enforce all rules of the Haddon Heights Skateboard Park, whether established by this article or hereafter established by the governing body of the Borough of Haddon Heights.
Skateboard Park Supervisor(s) shall have authority to refuse admittance to the facility or to eject skateboarders from the facility where the Supervisor determines that any skateboarder(s) are disruptive, irresponsible, acting in an unsafe manner or in a fashion which the Supervisor deems dangerous.
Skateboard Park Supervisor(s) shall have authority to impose temporary rules as may be deemed necessary to allow for the safe and peaceful use of the facility.
The governing body of the Borough of Haddon Heights shall have the authority to establish by resolution additional rules and regulations for use and control of the Haddon Heights Skateboard Park. Any such rules or regulations may, in the discretion of the governing body, be posted at the Skateboard Park and shall have the same force and effect as any other provision of this article, and the violation thereof shall constitute violation of this article.
Any person violating or failing to comply with the provisions of this article pertaining to the use of the Skateboard Park established herein or hereafter enacted or any failure to comply with directions or temporary rules or regulations of a Skateboard Park Supervisor shall result in immediate ejection from the Skateboard Park and a fine of $25 for the first offense, a fine of $50 for the second or subsequent offense along with permanent forfeiture of the privilege to use the Skateboard Park for a third offense. In addition to, or in lieu of, the aforementioned fines, the Municipal Court may impose community service.