Immediately after backfilling and excavation, the public-service corporation shall place thereon an acceptable temporary resurfacing as hereinafter provided. Such temporary resurfacing shall be maintained even with the roadway or other surface, as directed, until permanent restoration of the surface is ordered by the Commissioner.
The temporary resurfacing shall consist of not less than two inches of Amiesite or Colprovia or approved equal thereto when opening is made in an existing concrete, asphaltic bitulithic or macadam pavement, and not less than two inches of acceptable cinders in all other cases, except that where topsoil, seeded areas or sod have been disturbed by the excavation, the permittee shall restore the ground surface to the same condition as existed before the work began.
Permanent restoration of the surface over a street opening excavation shall not be made until satisfactory settlement of the backfill has taken place, in the opinion of the Commissioner.
Before proceeding with pavement resurfacing, the existing concrete pavement shall be neatly cut back at a distance of not less than 18 inches beyond the edges of the excavation, care being taken not to remove any existing steel reinforcement. Such distance shall not be reduced without prior approval of the Commissioner and may be increased as provided herein.
Where the existing pavement has been undermined by the excavation or by any work connected therewith, or where spalled or scaled surface areas of existing pavements adjoin the area to be resurfaced, the permittee shall remove additional pavement beyond the distance stated hereinabove, as ordered by the Commissioner.
In the event that any portion of the proposed concrete resurfacing, as finally determined by the Commissioner, as provided hereinabove, is nearer than eight feet from a joint, then such removal shall be extended to said joint. The smallest horizontal dimension of the concrete resurfacing shall be not less than eight feet.
None of the subgrade so exposed shall be disturbed in any way except when, in the opinion of the Commissioner, such subgrade is unstable, in which case the unstable material shall be removed as ordered and replaced with approved stable material in layers not to exceed four inches, each layer being thoroughly compacted and tamped.
The upper edges of the existing concrete pavement shall be uniformly plumbed and tooled for a depth not to exceed one inch, the remaining depth being left with straight but rough edges.
Reinforcement consisting of deformed steel bars not less than 3/8 inch in size, spaced as ordered, shall be placed two inches above the subgrade and shall be adequately tied in with the existing reinforcement, if any.
The edges of the existing concrete pavement shall be thoroughly washed, wire-brushed, dampened and painted with a one-to-one neat cement coating immediately previous to the placing of the new concrete resurfacing.
The concrete shall be proportioned, mixed, placed, finished and cured as ordered. The Commissioner may, in his discretion, require the use of an approved high early-strength cement placed under approved methods. The use of admixtures and work in freezing weather will be allowed only with the Commissioner's prior approval and directions.
Approved joints shall be installed where directed.
The resurfaced area shall not be opened to traffic until so ordered by the Commissioner.
Prior to the replacement of bituminous pavements, the subgrade shall be properly prepared and a concrete foundation of required thickness and proportions shall be placed thereon, together with necessary temporary reinforced materials, all in accordance with the requirements for concrete pavements outlined hereinabove.
The existing bituminous pavement shall then be neatly cut back a distance of not less than eight inches from the edges of the new concrete foundation. The entire foundation so exposed shall be thoroughly cleaned in an acceptable manner and a new bituminous pavement surface of approved type and thickness shall be placed thereon and rolled in an acceptable manner.