[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of German as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-17-2001 by Ord. No. 12/17/01]
This article shall hereafter be known and cited as the "Animal Control Ordinance of the Township of German."
The following terms, when used in the within this article, shall have the following meanings:
Any person designated as such whose duty it shall be to control animals within the Township of German, pursuant to the terms hereinafter set forth.
Barking by a dog or the making of other noise by any animal, including dogs, which although intermittent, is generally continuous and sustained over a period of 15 minutes or more.
Any establishment, limited to 25 animals, wherein animals are kept for the purpose of breeding, boarding, sale or show purposes, and which is so constructed that animals cannot stray therefrom.
When applied to the proprietorship of an animal, shall include every person having a right of property in such animal, and every person who keeps or harbors such animal, or has it in his care, and every person who permits such animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by him.
State and local officers or employees, individuals, corporations, copartnership's and associations. Singular words shall include the plural. Masculine words shall include the feminine and neuter.
It shall be the duty of every police officer, or any person so designated as the Animal Control Officer under this article, to seize and detain any animal which is found running at large either upon the public streets or highways, or upon the property of another other than the owner of such animal, and unaccompanied by the owner or keeper. It shall be the privilege of every police officer, or animal the owner or keeper. It shall be the privilege of every police officer, or Animal Control Officer, to kill any animal which is found running at large and is deemed by the officer, after due consideration, to constitute a threat to the public health and welfare.
The police officer, peace officer, Constable, Deputy to the Constable, Code Enforcement Office or Animal Control Officer shall cause any animal bearing a proper license tag and so seized and detained to be properly kept and fed, and shall cause immediate notice, either personal or by certified mail, to be given to the person whose name the license was procured, or his agent to claim such animal in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth. In the event that an unlicensed animal is seized and detained, there shall be no obligation hereunder to notify or determine the owner of said animal, unless the name and address of the owner of the said animal is property affixed to said animal.
The seized and detained animals may be redeemed by the owner or his agent for a $15 penalty paid to the Township of German within 10 days of mailing of notice, and upon payment of $10 per day charge, plus any reasonable costs that are incurred by reason of detention paid to the facility holding said animal. Adjustments in rates for the detention of an animal shall be determined, from time to time, by the Township of German by resolution of the Township Board of Supervisors.
Owners will be responsible for the proper curbing of their animals, cleanliness of pounds, kennels and yards to prevent any nuisance or health hazard to adjacent property owners.
No animal shall be allowed to create excessive noise. Owners will be responsible for any noise disturbance caused by their animal.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any female dog to permit such female dog to go beyond the premises of such owner or keeper at any time she is in heat, unless such female dog is properly restrained by means of a collar and leash.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any animal to fail to keep such animal at all times either:
Confined within the premises of the owner and/or keeper.
Firmly secured by means of a collar and chain or other device so that it cannot stray beyond the premises on which it is secured.
Under reasonable control of some person, or when engaged in lawful hunting or field training accompanied by the owner or handler.
Confined within the owner's pasture with the fencing in good repair.
All grazing, pasture or exercise areas shall be fenced.
The raising, maintenance or breeding of livestock or poultry (excluding pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and the like and excluding horses for the personal recreational use of the occupants of the principal home) for private, noncommercial use only of a single-family dwelling is permitted provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum lot size shall not be less than five acres.
No structure used for housing of livestock, poultry, or any other farm animals, or manure pile shall be located closer than 100 feet to any property line, nor 200 feet from any dwelling other than that of the owner.
Up to four dogs and/or cats over six months old may be kept as pets provided that any outside shelter or exercise area is enclosed, and meets the Pennsylvania State Cruelty Law standards for adequate shelter and is located in the rear yard area at least 10 feet from any lot line and not less than 50 feet from any dwelling other than that of the owner.
The keeping of a horse or horses, for private, noncommercial recreation use only of a single-family dwelling, is permitted provided that the following requirements are met:
A lot size of two acres shall be the minimum for the keeping of one animal; for each additional animal, one additional acre of lot size will be required.
No structure used to contain horses or a manure pile shall be located closer than 100 feet to any property line, nor 200 feet from any dwelling other than that of the owner.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a Magisterial District Judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this article continues or each section of this article which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense. Provided such fine and costs may be in addition to any payments required to be made under § 2-3C on redemption fees.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 28, General Provisions, Art. I).