These standards are issued as guides for design and construction of facilities by private developers. They are formulated so that all facilities may eventually be accepted for maintenance by the town. With this objective, adequate life, ease of operation and maintenance and standardization have been given primary consideration. Each facility shall be designed and constructed as part of a future complete system.
Any standard or specification referred to shall be understood to be the current version of that standard or specification. The Board may require higher standards where it believes they are justified, including but not limited to commercial and industrial projects and multifamily developments. The Board will also consider approval of a design or construction method which is not included in these standards.
The list of approved materials is under constant review by the Board and submission of requests for inclusion of new material is encouraged. Such requests should be substantiated by test results, specifications and other data. Listing of a material or component in the list of approved materials or approval of a new material does not prevent the Board from requiring inspections or tests deemed by the Board to be necessary before such material or component is installed.
In general, the subdivision plat, development map, site plan and the plan/profiles included in the final submission shall include enough detail to show compliance with design standards. The Board may require the submission of design calculations for review by the Board's Engineer. In some cases, at the discretion of the Board, construction methods shall also be shown.
Compliance with construction standards, the approved materials list and approved final submission shall be required during construction. Final approval of the development construction and release of the letter of credit shall be dependent upon such compliance. Construction methods shall conform to manufacturers' recommendations unless otherwise specified in these standards.