[Adopted 6-25-1973 by L.L. 3-1973]
This local law shall be known and may be cited as a "Local Law Amending Local Law No. 2-1967 of the Town of Clifton Park, Entitled `Local Law Relating to Zoning for the Town of Clifton Park,[1] Providing for the Creation of Planned Development District No. 13 To Be Known as 'North Crest Village.'"
Editor's Note: See Ch. 208, Zoning.
Chapter 208, Zoning of the Code of the Town of Clifton Park and the Zoning Map of the Town of Clifton Park as set forth therein and made a part thereof be and the same hereby are amended by changing from Residence District R-1 a portion thereof as hereinafter described and creating within the boundaries of said newly described area Planned Development District No. 13, to be known and described as "North Crest Village."
Location. North Crest Village is a proposed planned development to be constructed on a forty-four-and-nineteen-hundredths-acre site north of New York State Route 146 and about 1,380 feet east of the intersection of Route 146 and Moe Road — Northcrest Drive. The site of this proposed development is adjacent to the easterly bounds of the Northcrest - Section 2 and Northcrest - Section 3 subdivisions.
The proposed project lies entirely within an area zoned R1 Residential.
The most easterly portions of this site are less than 600 feet west of the westerly boundary of a B2 Highway Business Zone.
Existing land use. The site of this proposed project is bounded as follows:
[Amended 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
Westerly by Sections 2 and 3 of Northcrest. These sections have been developed as single-family residential lots. All of the lots within Sections 2 and 3 of Northcrest that abut this project are presently developed and are owned by various individuals.
Northerly by Section 4 of Northcrest. This section has been developed as single-family residential lots.
Easterly by undeveloped lands fronting on Plank Road.
Southerly by undeveloped lands and three single-family residential lots fronting on New York State Route 146.
Housing proposed.
[Amended 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
Housing in this planned development is to be of the following type:
Townhouses. Each dwelling unit within this group shall be a two- or three-bedroom attached single-family dwelling with foundation dimensions of approximately 24 feet by 40 feet to 42 feet. Each such dwelling unit shall have a private entrance and may have a one- or two-stall attached or unattached garage at grade level.
Number of units and density. The number of dwelling units shall not exceed 262. The density for the total project shall not exceed 5.9 dwelling units per acre.
Parking. There shall be provided no less than two parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
[Amended 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
Potable water source. The area of the proposed project is within the service area, as heretofore extended by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, of the Country Knolls Waterworks, Inc. Potable water shall be supplied to the project by said Country Knolls Water Works, Inc.
[Amended 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
Sanitary sewers and sewage disposal. This proposed project shall be served by gravity-flow sanitary sewer lines which shall be connected to the sanitary sewer lines of the Saratoga County Sewer District No. 1.
[Amended 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
Storm sewers. Stormwater shall be drained through storm sewers, which shall drain not only the entire proposed project, but also the southerly portion of Northcrest Section 2, to a single point of discharge into a branch of the Dwaaskill, subject to the issuance of any permit(s) required by federal, state or local governments or their respective departments or agencies.
[Amended 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
Buffer zone. There shall be a strip or parcel of land not less than 50 feet in width, located within the area of the proposed project and located on the common boundary lines of the proposed project, the residences on the northerly side of Route 146 and the Northcrest subdivision Sections 2 and 3. This strip of land shall be forever wild. This restriction shall be contained in any conveyance of the subject premises or any part(s) thereof. This restriction shall be specified in each such conveyance as a restriction which runs with the land.
[Added 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
Public land. There shall be dedicated to the Town of Clifton Park, within 90 days after demand therefor is made by the Town of Clifton Park, a parcel of land consisting of approximately 12 acres of land, situate in the northerly portion of the proposed project, the approximate boundary lines of which are set forth on a certain sketch entitled "Sketch Site Plan, North Crest Village, A Planned Unit Development, Robert Van Patten, Owner and Developer, Town of Clifton Park, December 5, 1979, Scale: 1' = 50' - 0" Site Planning Consultants, The Environmental Design Partnership, Clifton Park, N.Y.," which sketch is annexed hereto.[1]
[Added 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
Editor's Note: The sketch is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
Free spaces. Free spaces of not less than two feet shall be left on each lot or plot built upon on both sides of and to the rear of every building, extending the full length and rear width of each lot or plot, which free spaces shall not be built upon or blocked or obstructed in any way. The free spaces are intended to and shall provide access to the dwelling units by emergency and/or firefighting personnel responding to an emergency or fire.
[Added 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980; amended 6-17-2024 by L.L. No. 6-2024]
[Amended 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
All improvements shall be designed and constructed pursuant to plans and specifications approved by a duly licensed architect and in strict compliance with the New York State Building Code. All construction shall be performed subject to the direction and control of a duly licensed architect and, when completed, shall be certified as having been constructed in full compliance with the New York State Building Code. The plans and specifications shall be approved by the Town Planning Board, with final approval to rest with the Town Board, and, on final approval by the Town Board, plans shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk. The architect performing the work herein described shall be employed by and at the sole expense of the developer. All construction, during performance thereof and upon completion, shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Town Building Inspector.
All roads and/or streets to be constructed pursuant to this local law shall be constructed pursuant to specifications at that time in effect for the construction of Town highways of the Town of Clifton Park. Within 90 days after written demand is made therefor by the Town of Clifton Park, the developer, or the successor interest of the developer, shall transfer and convey to the Town of Clifton Park by warranty deed with lien covenant free and clear of all liens and encumbrances any or all streets as may be demanded by the Town Board within the area hereinabove described.
All utilities, including but not limited to storm sewers sanitary sewerage lines and water mains, shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Clifton Park as such regulations now exist or as such regulations may from time to time be amended.
[Amended 7-2-1980 by L.L. 6-1980]
This amendment shall be deemed automatically revoked and void and the regulations prior to this article shall obtain if, within 12 months from the effective date of this local law, commencement of the construction of North Crest Village has not begun or, if after construction has begun, unless substantial progress continues without undue interruption thereafter. As to the area within which a building or buildings have been constructed pursuant to this local law, there shall be no voiding of this amendment, and as to said area and building or buildings, this amending local law shall continue in full force and effect, and the area zoned by this local law shall be the area within which said building or buildings was or were constructed pursuant to this amending local law, plus an additional area of 50 feet of open space beyond the outside boundaries of each building constructed. Upon application in writing and for proper cause shown, the Town Board, under such terms and conditions as it deems proper, may waive or extend the requirement that construction shall have been commenced within the said twelve-month period and/or may waive or extend the requirement that substantial progress shall continue without undue interruption.