The lead agency is the agency (i.e., board, department, office, other body, or officer) of the Village of Skaneateles principally responsible for carrying out, funding, or approving an action. The lead agency is responsible for determining whether an EIS is required for the action and for preparing and filing the EIS if it is required.
Where more than one agency is involved, the lead agency is determined and designated as provided in § 6 of Part 617, except that for the following specific Type I and unlisted actions, in cases where a federal or state agency permit or approval is not necessary, the lead agency is as indicated:
Adoption, amendment, or change in zoning or land use regulations: Board of Trustees.
Site plan review, subdivision control, and construction or expansion of buildings, structures and other facilities, including streets, within the Village: Planning Board.
Variances and special use permits: Zoning Board of Appeals.
The Planning Board will be the clearinghouse for lead agency designation. It will assist agencies and applicants to identify other federal, state, and local agencies that may be involved in approving, funding, or carrying out Type I and unlisted actions. The clearinghouse will make recommendations on designation of lead agencies for particular actions.
Environmental review of actions involving a federal agency will be processed in accordance with § 15 of Part 617.
When any agency, department, body, board or officer of the Village contemplates directly carrying out, funding, or approving any Type I action, a full environmental assessment form (EAF) must be prepared by it or on its behalf. When an unlisted action is contemplated, either a full or short-form EAF, as appropriate, must be prepared. The EAF forms given in Appendices A and B of Part 617 will be used as models but may be modified to meet the needs of particular cases. However, the final scope of such a modified EAF must be at least as comprehensive as the scope of the model forms.
When any person submits an application for funding or a permit or other approval of a Type I or unlisted action to any agency, department, body, board, or officer of the Village, an EAF must accompany the application. For Type I actions a full EAF must be prepared. For unlisted actions either the full EAF or the short form may be used, as appropriate. An applicant may choose to prepare a draft EIS in place of an EAF.
The lead agency must make a determination of environmental significance of the action. This determination must be based on the EAF or, with respect to unlisted actions, its own procedures, as the case may be, and on such other information as it may require. The criteria stated in § 7 of Part 617 must also be considered by the lead agency in making its determination of significance. The determination must be made within 20 days of its designation as lead agency or within 20 days of its receipt of all information it requires, whichever is later. [1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
For Type I actions and unlisted actions, the lead agency must give public notice and file a determination of significance and maintain records thereof in accordance with § 12 of Part 617.
If the lead agency makes a determination of nonsignificance, the direct action, approval, or funding involved will be processed without further regard to SEQR, Part 617, or this chapter.
The time of filing an application for approval or funding of an action commences from the date the determination of environmental nonsignificance is made. If the applicant prepared a draft EIS in lieu of an EAF, the time of filing commences from the date the lead agency accepts the draft EIS as adequate in scope and content and commences the public comment period.
If, based on review of the EAF and other information, the lead agency determines that the proposed action may be environmentally significant, then an EIS must be prepared.
If an EIS is required, the lead agency must proceed as provided in §§ 9, 11 and 12 of Part 617. The draft EIS will normally be prepared by the applicant. If the applicant fails to prepare a draft EIS, or prepares a draft EIS which is unacceptable to the lead agency, the lead agency may either prepare a draft EIS itself, discontinue further processing until the applicant can provide an acceptable draft EIS or deem the application abandoned and discontinue review.
If a public hearing is held on the draft EIS, it must whenever possible be concurrent with any other hearing on the application.
The fees for review or preparations of an EIS involving approval or funding of an action will be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
Fees so fixed will be consistent with the limitations set by § 13 of Part 617. When the EIS is prepared by the applicant, fees will reflect actual expenses of reviewing it. When the EIS is prepared by an agency on behalf of the applicant, fees will reflect the cost of preparation, including publication of notices, but not the cost of environmental review by the agency. However, the lead agency may not charge a fee for its determination of significance.
Critical environmental areas will be designated from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
For purposes of this chapter, Type I actions include all those given in § 4 of Part 617.
In addition, the following are deemed Type I actions:
[Amended 5-24-2018 by L.L. No. 4-2018]
Actions resulting in an increase in flow or impoundment of surface or subsurface water;
Actions that result in a change in the natural cover or topography and that may cause or contribute to sedimentation and siltation of Village streams and/or Skaneateles Lake; and
Actions defined as a subdivision by Chapter 190, Subdivision of Land.
For purposes of this chapter, Type II actions include all those listed in § 5 of Part 617.
In addition, the following are deemed Type II actions:
All actions taken pursuant to Chapter 225, Zoning, as amended.
[Amended 5-24-2018 by L.L. No. 4-2018]