[Adopted 9-22-1958]
This article shall apply to all buildings, structures and premises which constitute a source of sewage, industrial waste or other waste, and any combinations or admixture thereof, adjacent to any public street or public easement within the Village in which now exists or may be constructed a public sanitary sewer except as provided in § 167-19A.
This article is not applicable to buildings, structures and premises defined in § 167-18 whose sewage, industrial waste and other waste, or any combination thereof, is conveyed by existing laterals or connections into any existing public sanitary sewer heretofore approved by the Village. Any lateral or connection which has been in existence for a period of five years or more is presumed to have been approved by the Village.
However, in the event that any such existing lateral or connection described in Subsection A, or a substantial portion thereof, shall be replaced or relocated, this article shall become applicable thereto.
The owner or occupant of any building, structure or premises defined in §§ 167-18 and 167-19B, at his exclusive cost and expense, shall undertake to construct and shall construct and install a sanitary sewer lateral from the source of sewage upon said premises to the nearest curbline or, if no curb, the nearest ditch line or travelled area line of the street, or to the nearest boundary line of a public easement if no street exists, within the time prescribed and in accordance with and upon receipt of a written directive from the Sewer Commissioners of the Village and in accordance with the standards provided in §§ 167-24 through 167-26 hereof.
The written directive provided for in § 167-20 shall state not only when such lateral shall be completely installed but when and how the final connections shall be made and shall contain all specifications pertaining to the work to be done. Said directive shall constitute a permit, as well as an order to proceed forthwith.
[Amended 3-27-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006]
The owner or occupant of property to whom a directive has been addressed as provided herein shall notify the Village Director of Public Works sufficiently in advance in order to enable said Director to provide for adequate inspection of the work as it progresses and, for such purpose, shall permit such Director, or a representative of the Village, to enter upon said premises or the buildings and structures involved at all reasonable times in order to carry out such inspection while construction is in progress and upon completion thereof.
If an occupant is not the owner of premises subject to the directive provided for herein and disclaims responsibility to comply with any such directive, he shall immediately notify the Board of Trustees of the Village of such disclaimer and of the name and address of the person whom the occupant claims is responsible for compliance therewith, and the Village shall forthwith forward such directive to such person.
All sanitary sewer laterals hereafter installed shall comply with the following minimum standards:
They shall be constructed of undamaged cast-iron sewer pipe, four inches in diameter, of standard weight and quality.
The joints shall be made watertight by adequate caulking and leading.
Said pipes shall be laid true to line and grade of at least 1/4 inch per running foot, with bells upgrade.
All pipe and materials used and all joints shall be carefully inspected and approved by a representative of the Village before such work shall be covered or finally accepted. Such representative may reject any defective materials or workmanship and require the work to be done satisfactorily. Only after such inspection and approval shall such lateral be carefully covered with soil and fill in order not to damage or dislodge the same.
The Sewer Commissioners of the Village shall be and are hereby vested with the power and authority to alter or supplement the minimum standards prescribed in § 167-24 when special circumstances arise justifying such change, but in no event shall the quality of materials and workmanship and the necessity of inspection and final approval of the work by a Village representative be changed.
[Amended 3-27-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006]
Compliance with this article shall not be complete unless and until final written approval of the work by the Director of Public Works or other duly authorized Village representative has been made and filed in the office of the Village Clerk/Treasurer. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or occupant of the premises served by a sanitary sewer lateral to obtain such final written approval.