This section encourages flexibility in the design
and development of land in order to promote the most appropriate use
of land and to preserve, as permanent open space, important natural
features, water resources, ecological systems, and scenic areas for
the benefit of present and future residents. An open space subdivision
plan may involve grouping development on one or more portions of a
parcel to permanently preserve other portions of it (hereinafter described
as "cluster housing"). An open space subdivision shall achieve the
following specific purposes:
A. Long-term protection of natural and scenic resources identified in the Comprehensive Plan, Chapter
190, Subdivision of Land, and this chapter;
B. Compatibility with surrounding land uses and the overall
character of the area;
C. Provision of adequate buffers for adjoining properties;
D. Contribution to Village-wide open space planning by
creating a system of permanently preserved open spaces, both within
large parcels of land and among such parcels throughout the Village,
providing linkage between existing open space areas; and
E. Preservation of adjacent land suitable for agriculture,
particularly where the open space subdivision borders active agricultural
land or land suitable for agriculture.
[Amended 1-11-2018 by L.L. No. 2-2018]
An open space subdivision and the development of clustered housing
thereon shall be permitted only on:
A. Parcels of land containing 10 or more acres located in a Residential
A-1, A-2 or B District; or
B. Parcels of land in a Residential A-1, A-2 or B District that are
less than 10 acres and that are determined by the Planning Board to
be uniquely suited for open space subdivision and cluster housing
by reason of:
(1) The special characteristics of the parcels location and their relationship
to other Village properties;
(2) The physical characteristics of the parcels, including their size,
geometry, topography, soil characteristics, visibility from highways
and other physical characteristics;
(3) The compatibility of using an open space subdivision for the parcels
with the intent of the Comprehensive Master Plan adopted by the Village;
(4) The inclusion of improvements that are determined by the Planning
Board to be beneficial to residents of the Village, such as improvements
for stormwater control, transportation, parking, recreation or open