It shall be unlawful for any owner of a dog to:
Allow his/her dogs to travel unattended upon public lands, streets, sidewalks, highways or other public places without restraining and controlling his/her dog with the use of a leash or other restraining device not to exceed six feet in length.
Harbor or keep a dog which has attacked a person in a place where that person was lawfully present.
Allow his/her dog to damage or destroy property of any kind.
Allow his/her dog to bark, whine, howl or make other frequent and continual noises so as to unreasonably disturb the peace.
Allow his/her dog to defecate on public lands, street, highways or other public places without immediately removing such defecation.
Treat his/her dog in a cruel or inhuman manner.
Allow his/her dog to habitually chase or bark at motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians.
No person who owns, harbors or has custody of any bird, amphibian, arachnid or reptile shall allow such animal to run, crawl or otherwise move about within the Village of South Glens Falls, except as follows:
Within a factory-manufactured cage or device specifically produced for the purpose of transporting such animal or within a homemade cage or device of sufficient strength and design to restrain the animal without causing physical injury to the animal.
During a recognized event, including but not limited to parades, bazaars or exhibitions, if the animal is a participant on display in such event.
The keeping, maintaining or harboring of certain animals within the Village of South Glens Falls such as fowl, pigs, goats, sheep, horses, mules, donkeys, cows or other cattle, rabbits, hares, mink and other fur-bearing animals customarily kept or raised for their pelts of fur, alligators, any poisonous or dangerous reptile, insect or arachnid or any vicious or dangerous animal, bird or fowl, wild or domestic, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. It shall be unlawful to keep, maintain or harbor any such animal within the Village, and it shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant, lessor or lessee of any land within the Village to permit or allow any land owned, occupied, leased or controlled by such person to be used for the keeping, maintaining or harboring of any such animal.
Horses are permitted in the performance of recreation or work-related activities, provided that all animal waste is properly disposed of.
It shall be unlawful for any person to treat any animal regulated hereunder in a cruel or inhuman manner.