For the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals or the general welfare of the Village of South Glens Falls and to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers, to provide adequate light and air, to avoid undue concentration of population and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other requirements, under and pursuant to Article VI-A of Chapter 64 of the Consolidated Laws,[1] the height, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of the lot that may be occupied, the size of yards and other open spaces, the density of population and the use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes are hereby restricted and regulated as hereinafter provided.
Editor's Note: Article VI-A of Chapter 64 of the Consolidated Laws (the Village Law) was renumbered by Chapter 892 of the Laws of 1972 to be Article 7 of the Village Law of 1972.
The legislative intent of each zoning district is as follows:
R-1 Residential Zone. The R-1 Residential District is intended to provide relatively low- to moderate-density single-family residential uses.
R-2 Residential Zone. The R-2 Residential District is intended to provide single-family residential uses; conserve, maintain and allow two-family residential dwellings; and to accommodate new and existing residential development at moderately high densities with a mixture of housing types.
Commercial Zone. The C Commercial District is intended to consolidate commercial uses with commercial services and mixed-use buildings into highway-oriented and central business district activities in designated areas of the Village.
M-1 Industrial Zone. The M-1 Industrial District is intended to accommodate industrial and business uses that have only light or moderate potential adverse impacts on other nearby uses.
RC-1 Resource Conservation Zone. The Village of South Glens Falls contains within its Village limits several areas of wetlands, streams, floodways and surface reservoir, shorelines which due to their unique characteristics present important constraints to development. In addition, these resource areas provide flood control, water quality, recreational, aesthetic and open space benefits to the Village. Accordingly, the intent is to provide for the proper use of these wetlands and other areas found to be a valuable resource to the Village and its inhabitants.
ARC-1 Aquifer Resource Conservation Zone. It is the purpose of this zoning district to protect the water quality of the natural aquifer which supplies the Village's spring supply, including portions of this aquifer which presently do not feed the Village's spring supply collection boxes, and aid in the protection of the Village's deep wells. This zone covers a portion of the aquifer recharge area and areas of potential expansion of the spring supply which fall within the boundary of the Village limits.
APD Aquifer Protection District. The purpose of the Aquifer Protection District is to protect, preserve and maintain water quality of the natural aquifer which supplies the Village's spring supply, including portions of this aquifer which do not feed the Village's spring supply collection boxes.