The Light Industrial District includes, but is not limited to, the Bethlehem Area Solid Waste Landfill and other land used for industrial purposes in the past by Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Public water and public sewer is or may be available. State road access to this area is available.
[Amended 11-16-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-06]
All of the following uses require site plan approval in accordance with § 180-102:
Commercial uses:
Car wash; public water and sewer required.
Repair shop, motor vehicle (see § 180-104).
Outdoor advertising signs (See Article XVIA).
[Amended 3-6-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
Nursery or commercial greenhouse.
Gas station (see § 180-104).
Gas station/grocery (see § 180-104).
Wholesale, warehousing or mini storage facilities (see § 180-109).
Recreational vehicle and travel trailer storage (see § 180-133).
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection A(1)(j), regarding forestry, was repealed 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04.
Offices, business or research:
Business office.
Research office.
Planned office and laboratory park (see § 180-106).
Industrial uses:
Research/laboratory (see § 180-109).
Storage yards and buildings (see § 180-109).
Public service.
Government facility, other.
Fire and emergency station.
Government facility.
Landfills and waste disposal facilities (see § 180-109).
[Added 8-30-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05]
Recreational uses:
Commercial (outdoor).
Service uses:
Public utility facility (see § 180-123).
Bus or taxi terminal.
Parking facility (see § 180-98).
The following uses do not require site plan approval unless required by an overlay zone:
Service uses:
Nontower commercial communication facilities (see § 180-127.1).
Forestry (see § 180-127.2).
[Added 7-17-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04]
[Amended 11-16-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-06]
The following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted when authorized as a conditional use by the Township Council, subject to the provisions of this chapter:
Tower-based commercial communication facilities (see § 180-127.1).
The following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board, subject to the provisions of this chapter. All the following uses require site plan approval in accordance with § 180-102:
Commercial uses:
Salvage yard (see § 180-105).
Railroad and motor freight transportation and warehousing.
Industrial uses:
Mineral extraction (see § 180-109).
Concrete and asphalt plants (see § 180-109).
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(3), Landfills and waste disposal facilities, was repealed 8-30-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05.
Petroleum and hazardous substance storage (see §§ 180-96 and 180-109).
Light manufacturing (with no outside storage or outside production) of finished of semifinished products from processed materials, such as apparel, furniture, paper products, shoes, metal fabrication, electrical appliances and electric and/or electrical equipment (see § 180-109).
Production (with no outside storage or outside production) of nontoxic and nonhazardous chemical products (see § 180-109).
Printing and publishing (see § 180-109).
Waste transfer facility and/or recycling facility (see § 180-109).
Recreational uses:
Club with shooting range (see § 180-111).
Retail uses:
Adult-oriented establishment (see § 180-124).
Agricultural uses:
Intensive agricultural uses (see § 180-103.2).
Accessory uses are permitted by right and/or by special exception for those uses that are accessory to a special exception use. The following accessory uses are permitted in this district, subject to all yard regulations and the applicable provisions of other zoning regulations:
Satellite dishes (see § 180-129).
[Amended 11-16-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-06]
Fences and walls (see § 180-97).
Parking spaces (see § 180-98).
Signs (See Article XVIA).
[Amended 3-6-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
Solar energy collection equipment (see § 180-129).
Temporary stands or offices (see § 180-132).
Windmills and other power-generating equipment (see § 180-129).
Special exception accessory uses. These uses are special exception uses even if accessory to a permitted use. The following special exception accessory uses may be permitted in this district, subject to all applicable provision of this chapter and other zoning regulations:
Underground storage tanks (see § 180-96).
The following dimensional requirements apply to each lot in the LI District by right and by special exception, subject to applicable provisions of this chapter. More than one principal use is permitted on a lot in this district.
Area: minimum 40,000 square feet.
Width: minimum 100 feet.
Coverage: maximum 60%.
Building coverage: maximum 30%.
Height: maximum 50 feet (maximum three floors).
The following yard requirements apply to each principal use permitted in this district by right and by special exception, subject to further applicable provisions of this chapter:
Front yard: minimum 25 feet.
Side yard: minimum 25 feet.
Rear yard: minimum 25 feet.
Exception. Special side or rear yards shall be required abutting any residentially zoned land. These yards shall be a minimum of 75 feet. This yard shall contain a planting screen, as specified in § 180-97A and B.